PLEASE enable the "exact price only" check box in Trade!

It doesn't even have to actually do anything (other than show up in the listing somehow).

This league is the worst ever for stupid lowball offers and people trying to freaking nickle and dime everything.

The PS4 market is already atrocious. GGG, please help us!

I'm tempted to just turn off all my trade tabs, but I feel bad for the players who do actually trade appropriately and have so little access to legitimate listings. I don't want to punish them just because there are so many morons around.

3 to 4 times an hour I get "5c" on stuff I have listed for 10c. Rejected. 7c Rejected. 9c. F OFF ALREADY! My time is more valuable than that.
Last bumped on Apr 10, 2020, 1:01:13 PM
I know how you feel, some guy tryed offering me 15 chaos orbs for my 6-link XOPH's nurture, when i rejected him he then upped his offer to 20 chaos orbs & 15 jeweler's orbs
Yep, it's a giant uneccessary timesink.

I posted this back in January but sadly no response from GGG:

Trading Improvements

I LOVE trading! The UI on console could do with some love. Some suggestions:

- Give an option to show ONLY the items you are filtering for instead of having to trawl through 300+ pages.

- Give more intuitive options for filtering items. Typing "increased maximum life" "to increased maximum life" "lightning resistance" on console is not fun. Perhaps allow opening a checkbox list of possible mods which can be ticked for simpler filtering.

- In addition if you were looking for something really particular, a "minimum value" entry box next to each of these to really drill down on those items with only > +30 strength.

- When a trade is accepted and the item is removed from the trade, remove the trade from the list as currently it still counts as an active trade.

- When you receieve an offer on an item, show a small indicator somewhere on the screen to remind you it requires attention.

- Allow each item price to be non-negotiable. So if user x decides to spam me 1 chaos for my Lioneye's Fall he cannot even publish the trade. If the offer matches the price then it publishes.

- Allow items in your premium tabs to be marked as "Not for sale". I don't want to keep getting bids for all of my fusion orbs etc. I may however want to be selling my sextants, oils and other items.

- On the sent offers tab you show a little arrow on the left to indicate whether the offer is expanded or not. Replace this with a green, amber or red light to show whether the player is online, offline or afk.

- Small QOL - in the "sent offers" tab, make it slightly taller so that you can see all 10 trades, currently only 9 are in view.
Last edited by Pidge_1#6643 on Mar 31, 2020, 11:51:51 AM
This league has been the worst in terms of low ballers/scammers since I started playing. Any item worth more than a couple ex that you don't have priced will get multiple spam offers in a day.

There are very obvious things GGG can and should do to fix trade, yet they outright refuse to do it.

It is quite clear to anyone who trades that both console markets are full of gougers and RMT traders. One is unethical and the other is ‘illegal’ (TOS wise).

Until we get something akin to the web based trading that PC enjoys this will never end.
Yet GGG does nothing. They also do nothing about AFK traders.

I have heard multiple theories about why, ranging from these undesirable traders (from our point of view) keep the numbers of concurrent players online ‘artificially’ high/higher, there just aren’t enough console players to matter, the game is in such disarray that they barely have the staff to keep PC going, and we are an afterthought.
Who knows what the truth is but seems clear that we are an after thought in terms of development.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Mar 31, 2020, 11:03:13 PM
Also do something about price fixing. Div cards are insane to try to buy or sell if you aren't aware what they are worth, I feel bad for newer players that get screwed out of a lot of currency because of it.
A few issues, Issue #1 It's a Market, NOT a Trade. Issue #2 "Asking Price:" is nothing more than a starting price/desired best outcome. Issue #3 Those who you refer to as "Low Ballers" eithe A. Earned their currency via farming rather than buying it via a site ergo dont have 800C.O. for a X.O. a week into a new league B. Are new so they don't understand how to farm C.O.'s/Market for them. Issue #4 You're actually pretty egregious if you think anyones gonna waste time to buy any item for X.O.'s this early. Only ppl buying things for X.O.'s specially this early are ppl buying X.O.'s for 1.75$/Ea from a website o.O . Issue #5 If you don't want to deal with Markets don't use the market use a Discord or Reddit to set up a Trade otherwise you're intentionally/Inherently asking for ppl to give their best offers aka literally what a market is.
DemonicDami wrote:
A few issues, Issue #1 It's a Market, NOT a Trade. Issue #2 "Asking Price:" is nothing more than a starting price/desired best outcome. Issue #3 Those who you refer to as "Low Ballers" eithe A. Earned their currency via farming rather than buying it via a site ergo dont have 800C.O. for a X.O. a week into a new league B. Are new so they don't understand how to farm C.O.'s/Market for them. Issue #4 You're actually pretty egregious if you think anyones gonna waste time to buy any item for X.O.'s this early. Only ppl buying things for X.O.'s specially this early are ppl buying X.O.'s for 1.75$/Ea from a website o.O . Issue #5 If you don't want to deal with Markets don't use the market use a Discord or Reddit to set up a Trade otherwise you're intentionally/Inherently asking for ppl to give their best offers aka literally what a market is.

Just because it’s a market or a tradehouse (term doesn’t matter) doesn’t negate the desire to use ‘no offers’ or the existing ‘o.n.o’ as tags.
There are basically two ‘low baller’ categories, those trying to get an extreme bargain for themselves and those who constantly play ‘the trade board game’ buying excessively low and selling high. The game is full of both types, I get daily spam levels of such low offers and just ignore them but they are annoying.
Just because there are alternatives (such as reddit and discord) doesn’t mean we should not try and improve the current system. That mentality would lead to all bicycles being a penny farthing just because the car exists ;)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Also none premium plebs like me have to earn every single C.O. we get since we can't just throw every pile of trash we find on the Market for 50 C.O.'s. I currently have a literally perfect roll death bow 6 link 20% quality 4 gree green 2 blue sockets that I could easily throw into the market for 15 C.O.'s instead I'm probably going to throw it at a vender for 7 Jewelers Orbs because I don't need/Want it anymore XD. In other words I wouldn't waste my time on something priced egregiously when I can scroll 2 pages down and find it for 5 C.O.'s. Like I did with my Rigwald Command Night Blade when others had it for 1-5 X.O.'s I found one for 20 C.O.'s. o.O
DemonicDami wrote:
Also none premium plebs like me have to earn every single C.O. we get since we can't just throw every pile of trash we find on the Market for 50 C.O.'s. I currently have a literally perfect roll death bow 6 link 20% quality 4 gree green 2 blue sockets that I could easily throw into the market for 15 C.O.'s instead I'm probably going to throw it at a vender for 7 Jewelers Orbs because I don't need/Want it anymore XD. In other words I wouldn't waste my time on something priced egregiously when I can scroll 2 pages down and find it for 5 C.O.'s. Like I did with my Rigwald Command Night Blade when others had it for 1-5 X.O.'s I found one for 20 C.O.'s. o.O

On this one I agree and feel,your pain.
It’s a balls ache to find the right prices item with the current cost sole system, we need a website like PC has.
As for your bow and such items, I just have a junk quad tab and throw anything worth a few coins in there and if it sells it sells and if not I vendor the tab contents at league end.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)

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