[3.11] Poison Blade Vortex Assassin (Carried me to level 100 / delve 600+ / Aul / Sirus A8 viable)

Narsillus2 wrote:
I randomly vaaled my embalmer gloves and rolled this mod :

I was wondering if replacing my impresence by a Vigil to add temporal chains and still being able to use despair could be an option, as I don't have a 6 links chest yet, nor Asenath !

I would then annoint Whispers of doom to use boths curses !

Thanks in advance for your answer :)

Of course you can also run Temporal Chains as Blasphemy aura and use Despair on hit. (with Vigil for mana reservation)

This way is even a bit more defensive, because the quality on Tempotal Chains slows the enemies even more down.
My Video Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHs1z6wAbUQCyZaJnoWYoJ80tHxWA89FA
My Poison BV Assassin: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784069
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/3C3bHk4
nemrod10 wrote:
Hi guy and thank for this wonderfull job.
With the change in the tree, it seems that the unnatural instinct not worth to be pathed (4 points and mass exalt for 15% life)
Profane chemistery will cost 3 points, give 14% life and flask effect.

What do you think about that ?

Going for profane chemistery is definitely a budget possibility.

But if you want to invest, the Unnatural Instinct provides also access to the corpse eating passives, which are 4 of 5 seconds active thanks to the helmet. This is still an acceptable damage gain, but nothing gamebreaking.

My Video Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHs1z6wAbUQCyZaJnoWYoJ80tHxWA89FA
My Poison BV Assassin: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784069
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/3C3bHk4
m0onknight wrote:
Have people been having success with this for delving? I'd like to get a fossil farmer going and I'm wondering if this would be a good option.

In metamorph I had no problems going down to 600, but stopped there, as I wanted to finish the other end game grinds.

If you play careful, I am sure, that you can go even deeper while being able to do sidepaths and fractured walls. Aul and the other delve bosses should also be no big problem, provided you know the mechanics.
My Video Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHs1z6wAbUQCyZaJnoWYoJ80tHxWA89FA
My Poison BV Assassin: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784069
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/3C3bHk4
Hello guys,

I wanted to say sorry that I took so long for answering your open questions. Currently my schedule is a bit busy, so I can't answer immediately to all questions.

I am happy to see that so many of you enjoy the build and are having fun with it.
My Video Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHs1z6wAbUQCyZaJnoWYoJ80tHxWA89FA
My Poison BV Assassin: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784069
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/3C3bHk4
Hey, I took a look at your character. Is poison skill gem not necessary anymore? I see you replaced it with void manipulation
Is this build better than grobbs?

Just dropping by to give thumbs up to build....while only level 90 at the moment build is really good...there was another version that emphasized more clear speed and damage and utilized corrupted Iron points with DOT implicits...but was way more expensive...for the investment this build def gets the job done...

Started build today, going the sleep now when hit lv70. Crazy (and fast) build :) I stil have change some of my gear and get life roll on boots, but overall very sick build :)

(I have binos too, but IMO i like more Obli)
Last edited by Tsiganisti on Jul 13, 2020, 7:23:28 PM
Started leveling this build last night and before I knew it 3 hours had passed and I was level 50-somthing lol. This build is already fun.


i'd like to try this build in HC, but dodge/evasion builds are too squishy (for me). any other defenses you have thought of?

right now it's:

wind dancer
Kintsugi (this will be my end game chest, maybe craft an explode chest/use carcass jack for map clear)
Mistwall Block
CWDT+Steelskin high level set up

but i feel like this isn't going to be enough to keep you from getting 1 shot in a red map with damage mods. maybe i''m wrong, but coming from tanky armor characters, i feel like these aren't enough defenses for HC.

Hi, I'm looking to start my 2nd character for the league. I'm mainly looking for a very fast map clearer with smooth gameplay (not constantly dying or clunky gameplay). I also want to be able to kill all map bosses quickly and conquerors too likely, I don't plan to use this character to do uber elder/awakener or any other end game bosses. I have my miner for that, so my main concerns are..

1. How much investment would I need to achieve all that? (Also how far would 40ex get me with this build?). I'm mainly worried about investing a lot into the build just to find it's going to feel squishy and have weak ST.

2. How does your Poison BV build differ from the other guide on the forums, believe it was Grobbs?

Trying to figure all this out before I choose which build/guide to follow. Thanks a ton.

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