Potato Gamer Helping thread :D

A9 sirus als always really nice and fast :))
Thanks for the help mate, too bad I lagged you too much with minions & being on the other side of the planet :)

He did the kill & gave me the loot after I left (was my first time ever on the boss), was very nice of him.
Thanks for the kill... you rockz
Was still waking up when Potato poked me to check if I still needed Sirus kill, and he helped me through his a9 kill.

Super friendly dude, really recommend. Just make sure you're on singapore server first ^-^

Also, thanks for all the helpful tips you shared! :)
Last edited by blinddog#1645 on Mar 27, 2021, 6:49:24 AM
dope ass carry ty
As always realli nice and fast :))
+1 for killing my Sirus, a fast and trusted service.
+1 amaazing boss helper :)))
+1 again. Another solid Sirus kill for me. Pleasure to watch!
amazing guy helped me with a completion on a simulat thanks ever so much again ! +1 defiantly recomend

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