Zabie's Scion Skelemancer | EZ Uber elder, Awakener 8 Sirus, 10m+ DPS, Extremely Safe

ruubel wrote:
Speaking of suggestions, I do not know, how to link itmes here but "Prism guardian" unique shield is very adequate and cheap option.

It has blood magic, damn.Reached lvl 68 and tried.

I actually didn't use Prism Guardian and wouldn't necessarily recommend it, strictly because of the fact it gimps your auras. The shield I used before i crafted my shield was Magna Eclipsis, it gives you Elemental Aegis which is a nice defensive, on top of giving max life as well.

Last edited by zabwazay on Feb 13, 2020, 5:30:05 PM
Dofolo wrote:
The items you mention in your reply start at 7 to 10ex market :) (the armor +blind or +2 wand)

Can you alt a wand to +2 ? That'd be much cheaper probably.

You can make a +2 wand it ended up costing me ~38k alts to roll one myself. But that was my final upgrade as its not needed at all, just a minion damage/minion attack speed wand with trigger socketed spell.
what pantheons ? For major - soul of arkaali ofc,

minor - whatever

Last edited by ruubel on Feb 13, 2020, 9:18:40 AM
ruubel wrote:
what pantheons ? For major - soul of arkaali ofc,

minor - whatever

Yeah pretty much, can flex them out based on what you need at the time.
Also - thread of hope jewel is for MEDIUM area, learned it in a hard way.

And what is the oli combination for charisma ? Opalescent, golden and golden.

Damn expensive.

Gotta find something cheaper.

Last edited by ruubel on Feb 14, 2020, 10:30:32 AM
other option is ravenous horde, but if u have thread of hope already charisma is most certainly one of the top choices because of the auras.
zabwazay wrote:
other option is ravenous horde, but if u have thread of hope already charisma is most certainly one of the top choices because of the auras.

Righteous army - verdant oil, black oil, black oil - very cheap

indomitable army - violet, crimson, silver oil - purely defensive minion option, only silver oil is pricey(35ish chaos).

Ravenous horde - verdant, opalescent, opalescent - frees you from a need of thread of hope jewel and neg resistances and its a free skill point and can use better jewel instead of thread of hope. Strong 2nd option after charisma.
Also remarkably cheaper than charisma.

at baran fight - disable animated guardians - baran field wipes it out.

Last edited by ruubel on Feb 16, 2020, 12:00:33 PM
ruubel wrote:
zabwazay wrote:
other option is ravenous horde, but if u have thread of hope already charisma is most certainly one of the top choices because of the auras.

Righteous army - verdant oil, black oil, black oil - very cheap

indomitable army - violet, crimson, silver oil - purely defensive minion option, only silver oil is pricey(35ish chaos).

Ravenous horde - verdant, opalescent, opalescent - frees you from a need of thread of hope jewel and neg resistances and its a free skill point and can use better jewel instead of thread of hope. Strong 2nd option after charisma.
Also remarkably cheaper than charisma.

at baran fight - disable animated guardians - baran field wipes it out.

high level meta's can also be extremely rippy for it so be careful its an expensive AG to lose.
Last edited by zabwazay on Feb 16, 2020, 5:25:12 PM
Nice build, I kinda skipped the last season and want to play summoner in the next one. Does this build work as a league starter as well?
It works fine as league starter , skellies in a 4 link - 5 link will still basically delete anything up to early maps.

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