[License][NA]Closed (full ATM)

1.IGN: Eazyhoon

2.Would you like to become apart of the Guild meta(optional): sure

3.Are you a human with common sense: Yes

4.What build are you playing at the moment: Summoner

5.Years of knowledge in the game: Not very much only played one other league which was legion
2.Would you like to become apart of the Guild meta(optional):maybe I'll figure it out when I get a higher level
3.Are you a human with common sense:yep
4.What build are you playing at the moment:arc lightning mage
5.Years of knowledge in the game: 6months? I'm still new
1.IGN: Mani_EssenceD

2.Would you like to become a part of the Guild meta(optional): Possibly, i usually play 2-3 builds per league but id be happy to contribute how i can.

3.Are you a human with common sense: Yes.

4.What build are you playing at the moment: Started league with ED/Contagion

5.Years of knowledge in the game: Played the game since beta but i wouldnt consider myself knowledgeable yet.
1.IGN: MissingLittleGirll
2.Would you like to become apart of the Guild meta(optional): Yeah why not
3.Are you a human with common sense: yea
4.What build are you playing at the moment: Double strike Zerk
5.Years of knowledge in the game: since Syndicate league, collected 1400 hours since then

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