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[License][NA]Recruiting for Necropolis league

1.IGN: LifelessHa
2.Do you have discord(Required!): of course
3.Are you a human with common sense: I sure hope so
4.What build are you playing at the moment: Deadeye ROA/Barrage
5.Years of knowledge in the game: First time going for full endgame content. Have always stopped after act 10. I have decent knowledge of the game, but this endgame is much different than the game I'm used to. Its fun :D
Last edited by Imadirtyone on Oct 4, 2020, 5:57:57 AM
hi LifelessHa, you have been added to our guild. have fun and welcome. :)

1.IGN: Feizhu
2.Do you have discord(Required!): yes
3.Are you a human with common sense: sure
4.What build are you playing at the moment: slayer
5.Years of knowledge in the game: started 2 weeks ago :D however i played diablo for many years

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