[3.10] Spectral Throw AllDayEveryDay | All Content | 18.4M Shaper Dps (Reflection + Impale)

I love the build. I've made couple of changes as I don't have +crit chest and the eye, but still can do everything without any issue. Damage is sick and the build can survive some punishment. I went for the circle ring with +crit multi and reserve mana to get some levels in precision and use +multicrit precision eye. Its a nice league finisher and very satisfying one.

Hello any upgrades for the gear? I am trying to fit an impresence but would need to get the oils for the annoint and also get an enlighten lvl 4.

I live for my e-peen
Finished the build and done with this league, currently at lvl 94. I might go for lvl 95 to get Thick Skin node although I don't need because I die very rare. Thank you for that build. I'm thinking about league start with budget version for 3.10. Btw, if anyone is interested in damage, here is a gif from me

Could anyone have a look at my char and tell me why i do next to zero boss dmg?

Hey there,
Just looked into this build and it looks like a lot of fun.
Wanted to try out ST anyway next League.

How viable will this be as a League starter ? Do we get Problems without the -Mana Cost of Skill, which would be hard to aquire early on ?

Sorry but i didnt have time to test your Build so i thought i would just ask.

Have a great day everyone :)
KreetAZ wrote:
Could anyone have a look at my char and tell me why i do next to zero boss dmg?

Well there are some significant upgrades for your build like Impale Watcher's eye and Ryslatha's Coil but you say ''zero'' boss dmg so that's not the case. First thing I should ask is do you swap Slower projectiles with gmp while bossing? Gmp is awful for bossing compared to slower proj.

KreetAZ wrote:
Could anyone have a look at my char and tell me why i do next to zero boss dmg?

Well there are some significant upgrades for your build like Impale Watcher's eye and Ryslatha's Coil but you say ''zero'' boss dmg so that's not the case. First thing I should ask is do you swap Slower projectiles with gmp while bossing? Gmp is awful for bossing compared to slower proj.

Thanks for your answer. Yes I swap to slower project on bossing. Its realy strange - I can't get any DPs to the boss. Will look for a ryslatha tomorrow. WATCHERS EYE I got with the 2 ADDITIONAL impale hits. The other ones are out of my price range I guess. Anything else I should look for? I love to map with this build - just can't get the boss dmg.
this is my first league and after switching multiple chars and builds becuz they couldn't manage end game bosses and didn't really felt like i like them even cyclone tbh i've decided to pick up your build since spectral throw is honestly my favorite skill in the game i managed to solo conquerors in no time with almost no where close to your gear 360pDps that i crafted and a saviour that a generous friend gave me i've farmed up alot of curr and started to enjoy the game now i'm 2 stones away from awakener 8 and id have no doubt in my mind that i can solo sirus and other bosses at this point and with the currency i farmed i even started crafting my gear to be as close to yours,keep it up man<3
Hi all. what do you guys think about using Greater Volley gem instead of GMP?
SilentBeat wrote:

How viable will this be as a League starter ? Do we get Problems without the -Mana Cost of Skill, which would be hard to aquire early on ?

I have the same question

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