[3.10] Cyclone Impale | Champion | Huge DPS | Huge Tankiness

is there an update pob with resolute technique including jewels?
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
People in the chat said to use melee physical dmg, brutality, impale, pulverize, and fortify supports and to not waste adcendency points on fortify. What are people's thoughts on that? Infused channeling adds physical dmg reduction right? I'd probably want to keep that cause I'd want more suitability. So that leaves replacing concentrated effect with pulverize if I keep the ascedency choices this guide recommends but if I do use fortify support what is the next best ascendecny skill to replace it?

i made some theorycrafting on PoB about Champion Taunt nodes vs Perma Fortify and fortify wins in dps.

if you swap the fortify gem with concentrated effect you gain more dps and you can go with first to strike to gain intimidation and adrenaline, or go conqueror for a more defensive approach.

the reason lots of people prefer the taunt nodes is because of the abyssus, so they prefer to raise their defencies and get both conqueror and unstoppable force

Wait so when you say permanent fortify you mean fortify in the ascendency? If so just keep the gem setup and ascendency to what the guide says that'll give us the most dps than fortify support with cyclone+different ascendency? I die more than I should so maybe getting the most dps isn't the best thing so I might choose fortify support and conqueror in ascendency.
Last edited by TheChosenOne_ on Mar 27, 2020, 2:04:08 PM
can someone help me out here? https://pastebin.com/sdW1NCTv can someone explain why none of the crit nodes do anything to my dps. I feel pretty stupid not being able to figure it out
Last edited by TheChosenOne_ on Mar 27, 2020, 9:42:43 PM
guys, is magna eclipsis shield is an option in this build?
Hydroatom wrote:
guys, is magna eclipsis shield is an option in this build?

Sure why not? You can use any shield you want really, im using an Unshattered Will :)
Last edited by McDunk on Mar 28, 2020, 8:51:10 AM
I want to sell this one if someone is interested, you can PM me @MissylCyc

Last edited by Missyl on Mar 28, 2020, 10:51:04 AM
heckton1 wrote:
can someone help me out here? https://pastebin.com/sdW1NCTv can someone explain why none of the crit nodes do anything to my dps. I feel pretty stupid not being able to figure it out
I believe it's because when you're not wielding a weapon you have no base crit chance, i.e. you essentially multiply everything related to crit by zero.
How do you maintain mana i keep running out
How well does this build do with 100% Delirium T16 maps? and A8 Sirus? Starting out with a 40ex budget.

Been playing a Essence drain/contagion character so far this league and it's doing great farming juiced t16's but bosses of course take a while. Looking for something that wont get one shot as much and that can obliterate bosses, is this the build I'm looking for?

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