Ritual BOSS KILLER Can stream in discord if needed.Can carry with 2 poeple inside

Flawless uber elder carry, this dude knows his shit!
Tyvm for Sirus kill!
Swift and clean kill.
He came,he swept my Lich and just asked me kindly to vouch for him.
Ty my friend
Safe and recommanded A8 carrier
Best carry! I never seen this before!!! +REP
Carried me for Uber Elder, killed him very quickly. Didn't have to pay anything, just asked me to vouch for him on here. Nice guy!
Fast and safe Sirus, no good loot sadly.
Last edited by dunsparrow1#1232 on Feb 8, 2020, 4:50:21 AM
Helped with Shaper and Elder

Fast and Efficient

Easy and fast A8 Sirus. Trustworthy player too, he traded me the awakened melee physical damage support gem Sirus dropped

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