Quitting this game

There's nothing wrong with taking a break and coming back another time when further improvements are made. At the end of the day this is a free game to play, and a lot can change by next year when PoE 2 / Overhauls drop.

Also +1 to Grim Dawn it is a really nice ARPG. If you've played Titan Quest and enjoyed it then you're likely going to enjoy Grim Dawn.
I recommend GD if bugs bug you. It is all but bugless. When one does rear its ugly head it is squashed like a ... well you know. :)
Xerceve wrote:
There's nothing wrong with taking a break and coming back another time when further improvements are made. At the end of the day this is a free game to play, and a lot can change by next year when PoE 2 / Overhauls drop.

Also +1 to Grim Dawn it is a really nice ARPG. If you've played Titan Quest and enjoyed it then you're likely going to enjoy Grim Dawn.

i appreciate it :)
GD is an amazing value. I was a latecomer to it, and picked it up for around $15 - $20 (I think it was) for the entire thing, expansions and all.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
GD is an amazing value. I was a latecomer to it, and picked it up for around $15 - $20 (I think it was) for the entire thing, expansions and all.

thanks for your reply
Having a bit of a break with Banner Saga, it's a turn-based Viking saga style RPG with an engaging story arc, and the graphical style is really refreshing and nifty. Playing through a second time round because there's a ton of hidden (but retroactively enable-able) kickstarter content.

Stress-free engaging RPG without carpal tunnel FTW
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Ikannor wrote:
de99ial wrote:
Ikannor wrote:

I will look for some other Isometric game.
One of the best gaming experiences I've had was in GuildWars 2, but it doesn't fit here.
do you have any good suggestions?

I recommendt Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. It is fun seriously and the fun part is not fighting but story.

Yes, ty for ur reply
I've been seeing about Grimdawn. I liked it a lot and found it interesting.

I find it boring. But whatever it takes.
absolutely positively no one cares
go enjoy whatever the fuck you want dude
but first give me your stuff
I'm having fun online
Still can't pick up loot in %currentdate%

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