[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

Eliqq wrote:
HardKatZe wrote:
I'm still working out the kinks myself, but the first thing that comes to mind is you don't have a level 21 ice nova, that is a huge damage increase. Probably the most important thing for you to do next.

Yeah you right, i absolutely forgot about this. I'm still leveling all gems btw, but i i think i'll just buy 21/20 nova

That's what I did. I'm 0/42 on getting a +1 on corrupt from this league and the last league together.

Just did deathless awakener 8 sirus with the gear posted above.

So yeah... I've upgraded my gear a bit, killed sirus deathless but this doddamn kosis is unkillable for me.

Don't know how you managed to kill him, maybe i need two synthesis ring or smthg.

According to reddit many builds can't do anything to 20 kosis right now
tffiad wrote:
clipset wrote:
How does this build feel without the super expensive gear in the main post? I had a +1 projectile Corspri and a lethal pride drop, so I'm planning on doing some Cospri variant soon.

just in same boat, having cospri and lethal pride only. being tanky is okay, but i feel that im low on damage.

Are you going for circle of fears? It seems like the only other damage item is the pandemonius other than flasks. I might try and start crafting stuff and see how that goes then switch over once I have some other pieces ready.

Also managed to craft this ring, still thinking of selling it, or multicrafting, suggestions?
Last edited by HardKatZe on Mar 22, 2020, 1:07:34 PM
Played around with cluster jewels last night, seems worth it for the DPS and ES. I dropped the left side of the tree (stopped at MoM). I think the most important one is Cold Conduction (medium cluster) that shocks enemies chilled by your hits.

I'm like 350 dense fossils deep on an ilvl 87 shaped crystal belt. I've seen body armour ES mod, I've seen CDR, I have yet to see both at once. This is soul crushing
Hey Boys,
just hit lvl.79 and swapped to CI, just crafted some crap things together atm 100% Hit chance with Accuracy on gloves. Still need to get an awa coc gem and a better Enlighten. After that I will craft better Gear cause atm I got 6.6k ES

7.49aps , sadly I cant take onslought until I got the awa CoC gem.


I dont wanne hear anything about my belt and boots, they failed both on awakening. RIP that 20ex... ;-)
Last edited by xXx_Kamikaze_xXx on Mar 22, 2020, 6:03:47 PM
Hey Boys,
just hit lvl.79 and swapped to CI, just crafted some crap things together atm 100% Hit chance with Accuracy on gloves. Still need to get an awa coc gem and a better Enlighten. After that I will craft better Gear cause atm I got 6.6k ES


7.49aps , sadly I cant take onslought until I got the awa CoC gem.


I dont wanne hear anything about my belt and boots, they failed both on awakening. RIP that 20ex... ;-)

Glad to hear, mate!
Hope to see some new cluster-jewel tree improvements this league. They seems to be marvelously unbalanced in my point of view.
Good luck on league!
Thoughts about going lowlife with shavs?
Hey Boys,
just hit lvl.79 and swapped to CI, just crafted some crap things together atm 100% Hit chance with Accuracy on gloves. Still need to get an awa coc gem and a better Enlighten. After that I will craft better Gear cause atm I got 6.6k ES

7.49aps , sadly I cant take onslought until I got the awa CoC gem.


I dont wanne hear anything about my belt and boots, they failed both on awakening. RIP that 20ex... ;-)

Having Circle of fear is a huge damage boost, would you still need to craft Aspect of Spider along with that ring on some other gear or not anymore?
Hi, I haven't tested the build myself yet but it looks very appetising.

- For those who have played it already: is the single target dps enough for this league? Juiced up T16+ bosses under Delirium influence, Sirus getting buffed again (no adds to leech/regen from), wave 20 Simulacrum getting infamous, deep delve? Most of the videos I'm seeing are not so recent and don't show much of the dps it can produce. PoB numbers are obviously low and not very representative. I'm concerned of not having enough dps despite putting 20+ ex in this build. I mean, technically Ice Nova here is only supported by 3 support gems when other non-CoC Ice nova builds are on a 6L, so it's not so intuitive where all the damage is coming from.
- The build is recommending Tranquility instead of Heart of Ice. Dps-wise I see why, also I guess we have plenty of Cold dmg penetration already. I'm more concerned about the lack of ES leech. Do we get it anywhere else in the build? I know we can get %ES on block and %ES on kill (shield and body mods), but I would imagine some leech to be good. We can get +ES on hit (not technically leech but can be good proxy) from either Fenumus' Spinnerets or Watcher's Eye but the boots are to be replaced at some point and the Watcher's Eye is very expensive. Start with the boots until one can afford the Watcher's Eye, or have I missed some other kind of leech?

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