Fuck being honest and fuck morales.

I must remove them >.> ~stabs someone
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2020, 4:39:58 PM
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
we've got a badass over here
Honest and Morales are deeply disturbed by your call for ehtical gangrape on their behalf.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
This is what the internet is for. Anonymity turns us into what we really are.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Jan 6, 2020, 7:57:21 AM
Gratz on the decision to finally create a family.

Can´t wait to finally get some small dinoegg pics.
NEVER! I shall try to become an edgelord
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
NEVER! I shall try to become an edgelord

I suggest being rational if thats your goal.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
NEVER! I shall try to become an edgelord

Consider yourself achieved.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Nobody posted the obvious if we take this thread seriously.

If it was easy then everybody would be doing it.

And that isn't some grandstanding, people have a lot of temptations and short therm benefits to being dishonest or not developing a solidified morality.

It's like drawing a line in the center of a square and then labeling one side "good" and the other "bad".
Before you did that, the square had absolutely no meaning or value.
And now that you developed meaning and value, you get the ability of orientation.
And thats important because life doesn't have a clear rigid map, it only has approximations in a future you can not yet see.

And if you want to end up in a "good future"(whatever approximation that might be for you) then you better get your orientation right and take it seriously and behave in that mater.

And then being honest and contemplating deeper morales is a non-issue or is a trivial excercise, since they form your foundation of value or behavior.(they overlap)

Thats why, for example, i usually judge people on action not words. Words can be used to hide, but you cannot hide the action or decisions you take.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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