Anyone else HATE Christmas?

Happy assholes wearing ugly sweaters with memes on them about set theories celebrating holidays... hmm that's a cunning plan you sneaky and heinous conspirators clever devils! What's next? Santa Claus dressed in... o r a n g e instead of red?

It's already extremely p.o.e.litical! Wait, what was that? I smell smoke, and as the saying goes where is smoke, there's a fire, someone call the P.o.e.lice quickly!
Ἀρχή Σοφίας ἡ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις -Ἀντισθένης ἁπλοκύων
Last edited by Nizhidrhamannit on Dec 28, 2019, 2:09:32 PM
I wish that whenever people who dislike me saw the color cyan, they'd immediately think of me.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Dec 28, 2019, 4:00:52 PM
I do. My family amounts to a single person, I am not religious, I don't like spending money because its a holiday, I don't donate, there is no snow and most importantly there is no work to be done (so less money to get overall). Its a shitty day.
IMSilver wrote:
Firstly, you have to be happy these days because if you aren't then you're an asshole...

Secondly, what are we even celebrating? Friends and family? Buying discounted crap? Jesus Christ? A few days off work?

Thirdly, with all the multiculturalism going on, there's a celebration and holiday every second day.

It all seems pointless.

You dont have to be happy, but why not to be if so many are and to be happy with them or for them? .)

Depends on families: some celebrating birthday of Jesus, others enjoy time to be with others or with themselves, others celebrating that their life is fine and they can look back and tell this year was good so lets have a nice days together.. So many possibilities.. I like the way one guys said: I like Christmass because in those days there is so calm in the world..

There are people who are no emotion or opinion about christmas - its just fine - , but I would avoid people who do no like christmas, respectively are hostile, as they run through own problems or agenda and basically are toxic.

What Christmas are or what is meaning changes with age.
Last edited by Rexeos on Dec 31, 2019, 10:53:20 AM
Nope and I'm Muslim. But I'm a holiday whore an will celebrate any day. Any day off spend time with friends family and sales is a good day to me. I LOL at GGGs Christmas break like some students still... I got 1 day..I get one day tomorrow too and will celebrate that too.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Dec 31, 2019, 5:19:36 PM
i love this song

is there a way to embed video in this forum? or does youtube have to be in the form of a hyper link?
This guy does too
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IMSilver wrote:

Thirdly, with all the multiculturalism going on, there's a celebration and holiday every second day.

ayy shut the fuck up boomer lol

That's horrible. I'm sorry that your folks are ignorant and broken. Hope you have friends who love you for who you are and tell you that as well.

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