Asked my Astronomy teacher a question...

Boem wrote:

whats the long therm strategy of a world view filled with "stupid people"?
I know its innacurate

I misread this as

"I know it's incinerate"

and I am inclined to agree with that sentiment, even if it IS a misreading :D :D :D
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Last edited by crunkatog on Dec 18, 2019, 2:32:28 PM
crunkatog wrote:
Boem wrote:

whats the long therm strategy of a world view filled with "stupid people"?
I know its innacurate

I misread this as

"I know it's incinerate"

and I am inclined to agree with that sentiment, even if it IS a misreading :D :D :D

Yeah... And who will decide who is or isnt stupid? You? Me? Somebody else?
Last edited by de99ial on Dec 18, 2019, 3:37:16 PM
de99ial wrote:
solwitch wrote:
"If the universe is expanding, and there is life out there... Wouldn’t an Alien race be far more advanced? And if so why the hell are we sending out signals; such as radio waves to be noticed?"

My teacher replied, "because humans are stupid."

...the entire class laughed, thought I share.

Because its simple and basic. You can hear radio waves ene with your phone right now so no matter how technology will advance radio waves will always be detectible.

Radio waves decay over time, they are not "always detectable".

"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
Last edited by girng on Dec 20, 2019, 5:07:29 PM
Radio waves are actually not the worst kind of transmission to send out. To use a term we're all familiar with, they have a great area of effect, as opposed to, say, a laser, which would travel a longer distance in a shorter amount of time, but would require very precise aim to get the message from sender to receiver.

In any event, a civilization advanced enough for us to consider them advanced would likely want nothing to do with us... unless it was to take our lunch money and give us an atomic wedgie. War and technological advancement go hand in hand.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]
girng wrote:

Radio waves decay over time, they are not "always detectable".

Speed, wavelength, and frequency
Radio waves in a vacuum travel at the speed of light.[6][7] When passing through a material medium, they are slowed according to that object's permeability and permittivity. Air is thin enough that in the Earth's atmosphere radio waves travel very close to the speed of light.

The wavelength is the distance from one peak of the wave's electric field (wave's peak/crest) to the next, and is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave. The distance a radio wave travels in one second, in a vacuum, is 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 ft) which is the wavelength of a 1 hertz radio signal. A 1 megahertz radio signal has a wavelength of 299.8 meters (984 ft).


They do but in vacuum this process is very very slow.

Also if thats true then our radiotelescopes should work like shit but they dont.

We as a species are quarantined.
Last edited by de99ial on Dec 21, 2019, 1:22:48 AM
Boem wrote:
Self-deprecation is fine if its either humorous or after an event you want to emphasize for yourself, beyond that and it sort of resembles the whole "eternal sin" christian guild stuff.

whats the long therm strategy of a world view filled with "stupid people"?
I know its innacurate and a first level karikature of people in general, but im trying to think what the benefit of that idea is beyond increased anxiety and a loss of faith in human nature.



I think the benefit is to knock humans a step down so they remember that we are not an all powerful race thats bound to be here forever.

Just look at global warming, and how we are still doing basically nothing actually impactful on a global scale to combat this.

I conclude from this that humans as a species, are a whole lot more stupid then what most think. An intelligent species does not consistently destroy it's own habitat
Agneton wrote:

I conclude from this that humans as a species, are a whole lot more stupid then what most think. An intelligent species does not consistently destroy it's own habitat

I suggest you look up entropy and open up any biology book.

Every living species depends on destruction for its survival and the intake of energy from a secondary source.

Grass takes in sunlight and in doing so, prevents thats energy from reaching another species that could survive of it.
A deer eats the grass to take in the energy, again preventing another species from doing so.
A lion eats the deer to take in that energy etc etc

But when we see a lion hunt a deer we don't think of it like that, because thats a rational thought excercise.

An equilibrium state doesn't by any means imply the absence of destruction of your own habitat.(its only observation is that the destruction rate is equal to the regeneration rate of a habitat)

If you had mentioned scale, your post would have made a bit more sense, but you didn't.
Not going to get into climate change stuff, because the plausibility that you actually looked into the ippc data and have the skillset to interpret it is minute and the chance that you are just mirorring a talking point is high.

I would back that assumption up with the fact that you think people aren't actually starting up massive enterprises to combat recycling/energy and sustainability issues.

The first question i ask any climate change 'activist' is "are you pro nuclear energy" to see if they actually looked into any data whatsoever and if they are ideologically confused.

Feel free to answer that question for me if you feel the need to do so, but im not holding my breath on a random gaming forum :)


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