[3.11] Devon's Arcing Cyclone | Assassin | Most content Viable

Updated the PoB for 3.11. Nothing Changed, Cyclone doesn't have stun immunity anymore but using Presence of Chayula so easy game easy life.

You're probably asking yourself, he's not gonna do another cyclone will he? YES HE WILL! BUT! This one shoots lightning!

+ map clearer
+ boss killer
+ can do most maps mods
+ good sustain (Ghost Reaver)
+ tanky (7.7k+ ES, Shield)
+ SSF viable-ish (if you have shavs and eye of chayula ready)
+ 1.5mil+ DPS

- not recommended as league starter (will be for me though)
- leveling with life first and then switching to ES or running with "Solaris Lorica" and ES
- Presence of Chayula is fairly expensive
- Circle of Regret is fairly expensive


How does it work?

A lot of Crit, Accuracy, Attack speed, Cyclone, CoC and a dream.
Every time you crit with Cyclone, Arc casts automatically and kills stuff.

IMPORTANT: We aim to achieve 95%+ accuracy, 6 attacks per second and 95%+ crit chance with Cyclone so Arc procs as consistently as possible. Everything else is just pumping Arc damage until it kills everything in its wake.

Video Guide

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbfIwI9d0qc - Early showcase + talk about the build

https://youtu.be/s9kyL6Fb4zg - The build guide!

Path of Building - Pastabin

localidentity fork
https://pastebin.com/V6jUQgGn (updated for 3.11)

Use this as much as you can, everything is inside. I even incorporated the Normal/Cruel/Merciless/Endgame trees, to the bottom left where it says "Eternal Lab", click on that and you can swap out the trees to see what you need to prioritize. Also here you can check out the whole tree, gear, gems, enchants, damage, etc. Basically you can see everything that I had and what you should aim for.


General tips:

- Use one of these for leveling: Mana pots / Wurm's Molt leather belt
- prioritize Life and Resistances -> a good starting item is Goldrim, you can basically wear it to maps with the resists it provides, afterwards you want an armor based helm with life and resists
- boots should have movement speed -> Wanderlust are a great choice for starting out, later on equip armor boots with movespeed, life and some resistances
- remember to keep updating your Weapon/s (as with any attack skill)
- links are important, more links more damage -> at Act I you should have a 3L, at Act III a 4L and around Act V if you get lucky or buy one (shouldn't be too expensive) buy a 5L chest and throw an alch/essence on it
- accuracy, attack speed, critical strike chance and spell damage ALL help you

3.8 seperates the values for channeling skills and normal skills on - total mana cost mods (crafting mods). A simple -2/3 mana cost ring would help a lot.
Before all of that simply use a mana pot or Wurm's Molt.


Early on, take any elemental spell or attack that you like. Depending on what weapons/wands you find. Personally I prefer just using freezing pulse until I get Arc from the quest The Siren's Cadence (after killing merveil). Use Freezing Pulse + Arcane Surge + Increased Critical Strikes (both acquired in act1).

Once you get arc, you will soon get to act2. Once there, take elemental focus and replace arcane surge with it. Now you will have Arc + Increased Critical Strikes + Elemental Focus. Level with self cast arc until you kill Malachai. Try to have the Flame dash setup ready: Flame Dash + Faster Casting + Arcane surge(lvl7). Get Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice. Use either 2 spell damage wands or a wand + shield. If you find a nice attack speed/critical strike/accuracy/spell damage dagger, keep it for later on.

As soon as you kill malachai and get normal lab done, equip a 4L (GBBB colors) Cyclone + Cast While Channeling + Arc + Elemental Focus. Use this until you finish Cruel lab and get the Ascendancy Deadly Infusion. Don't forget to replace your wand/wands with dagger/daggers. For now level Precision, Discipline and Herald of Thunder as your auras.

After you get Deadly Infusion (after you finish cruel lab) use this setup as your 4L or 5L (GGBBB) Cyclone + Cast on Crit + Arc + Increased Critical Strikes + Elemental Focus (In order of priority). Keep using the before mentioned 3 auras and you should be golden.

Passive Tree, Bandits and Pantheon

Passive Tree


Recommended: Alira if you want damage and resists

Alternative: Kill all bandits and get 2 more nodes


I mostly go with:
Lunaris + Shakari - Best overall survivability (chaos damage reduction)
Lunaris + Abberath - Best overall survivability (ignite duration reduction)

Lunaris + Gurukhan - Just for the move speed
Brine King + Yuguul - For bosses that Freeze

All Links

Try to have a lvl21 Cyclone and a lvl21 Arc gem.

[from most important to least, prioritize like this]

Cyclone (6L) = Cast on Crit > Arc > Increased Critical Strikes > Elemental Focus > Lightning Penetration

1st 4L (or 2L+2L) = CWDT(7) + Steelskin(13)+[/b] + Ice Golem(9) + Increased Duration(20)

2nd 4L = Wrath(20) + Vaal Discipline(20) + Precision(20) + Enlighten(3)

3rd 4L = Blood Magic(20) + Blasphemy(20) + Conductivity(20) + Herald of Thunder(20)

1st 3L = Flame Dash(20) + Faster Casting(20) + Arcane Surge(7)

2nd 3L = Whirling Blades(20) + Faster Attacks(20) + War Banner(13)


Recommended uniques:

Before you get Shavronnes I recommend using either a Solaris Lorica or a Rare 5L chest.

My current gear:

Solaris Lorica does same thing as Shavs just without the energy shield and lightning res, the only downside is getting a 5L Solaris Lorica is pretty hard for this setup (red sockets).

Use a Rare 5L chest if you plan on using life until later on (recommended).


The best Anointment: (thanks to iGeronator for the advice and the first ever Sub)

For both defense and offense:
Arcane Guarding

For defense:
Soul of Steel, Essence Surge, Void Barrier or Sanctity

For offense:
Divine Judgement, Heartseeker or Depth Perception

For Utility (resists/mana reservation/curses):
Holy Dominion, Charisma or Whispers of Doom

My personal current achievements with the build:

24 challenges in Metamorph
Killed Shaper
Killed Elder

Hope you guys like it, if you have any more questions feel free to ask down below.

Check out my other guides:

This is what I'll be playing this league (3.11):
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Last edited by devon752 on Jun 19, 2020, 9:01:23 AM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2020, 9:56:41 AM
Looks fun
Very nice man! Keep it up.
Last edited by veki2 on Dec 12, 2019, 3:15:04 PM
Looks solid & fun ! Great work !
Last edited by JustZanshi on Dec 12, 2019, 3:26:56 PM
Looks solid & fun ! Great work !

veki2 wrote:
Very nice man! Keep it up.

Enzyne123 wrote:
Looks fun

<3 ty guys!

I will try to update the leveling guide as I kill stuff, I'll also update the gear and starting items.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
What gems do you plan on using while leveling? I REALLY really want to play CoC Arc Cyclone, but i'm having trouble figuring out how to level and take advantage of all these Crit nodes early on. I was thinking of leveling OOS/Stormblast but I feel like these early nodes will go to waste. Would you be able to share any insight or what you think you might use to level?

Sorry, I've been playing PoE for a while but I still struggle quite a bit haha
Last edited by Skandle1220 on Dec 12, 2019, 9:19:22 PM
Skandle1220 wrote:
What gems do you plan on using while leveling? I REALLY really want to play CoC Arc Cyclone, but i'm having trouble figuring out how to level and take advantage of all these Crit nodes early on. I was thinking of leveling OOS/Stormblast but I feel like these early nodes will go to waste. Would you be able to share any insight or what you think you might use to level?

Sorry, I've been playing PoE for a while but I still struggle quite a bit haha

Early on? Any elemental spell or attack really. Depending on what weapons/wands you find but I'll probably just use freezing pulse or fireball until I get Arc from the quest The Siren's Cadence (aka after killing merveil).

I'd level with self cast arc until I kill Malachai. As soon as you kill malachai and get normal lab done, equip a 4L (GGBB). Cyclone + CoC + Increased critical strikes + Arc. And we spinning!
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Last edited by devon752 on Dec 13, 2019, 4:11:48 AM
I'll go on that too (thx btw) i love arc....and love to spin..so i'll give it a try...good league all o/
God fking damn it devon. I wanted to start with a safe Leaguestarter this time. Looks like I am rolling an Arc CoC instead.
God fking damn it devon. I wanted to start with a safe Leaguestarter this time. Looks like I am rolling an Arc CoC instead.

Yes haha! Come to the darkside!
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

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