[3.10] K0FT3's Toxic Rain Miner League Starter | All Content , SSF Gear | VIDEO

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Have any idea which nodes to prioritize removing for fitting in a cluster jewel? The there's a lot of juicy nodes to grab from those, especially for hard-to-get stats like skill effect duration.
N0oah wrote:
Have any idea which nodes to prioritize removing for fitting in a cluster jewel? The there's a lot of juicy nodes to grab from those, especially for hard-to-get stats like skill effect duration.

We will see after experimenting some time. Because We don't realy know how hard gonna be getting spesific cluster jewels etc. Since we go ssf gear there is no need for extra cluster to add. But I hope we people keep updating the build as league grow. Since I will start with srs necro there will be some time to update this guide. If players comes with extra infos I would realy like that and would give full credit for that spesific section too.
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Last edited by quantondev on Mar 13, 2020, 12:49:41 PM
thanks for build, gonna start with this build:)
thanks for build, gonna start with this:)
Going to try this for league start!
currently in act 5 in full ssf gear.
smooth, fast leveling, deathless.
I hope it will be powerful on maps.
Last edited by MadWolf76 on Mar 14, 2020, 6:42:36 PM
Are Machina Mitts worth using or is that a total no no? This is only my second league and I've been enjoying your build for it so far, but I'm new to the mine playstyle so has been a slight bit rippy for me.
Khurune wrote:
Are Machina Mitts worth using or is that a total no no? This is only my second league and I've been enjoying your build for it so far, but I'm new to the mine playstyle so has been a slight bit rippy for me.

You can't leech from dot so just no
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Khurune wrote:
Are Machina Mitts worth using or is that a total no no? This is only my second league and I've been enjoying your build for it so far, but I'm new to the mine playstyle so has been a slight bit rippy for me.

You can't leech from dot so just no

Cheer's, like I said I'm still new to the game, especially the mine playstyle.

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