Potion wrote:
ACGIFT wrote:
Natalia_GGG wrote:
Once you reach Maps, Blight encounters will spawn in 10% of map areas you enter.
This is exactly part of why the game's struggling to retain players. Y'all keep a constant torrent of content, and players have little to no control over how they encounter it.
This whole "10% of map areas" garbage is something no player likes; it's nowhere NEAR enough to be able to make up an appreciable amount of the time spent mapping (let alone specifically farm) and simultaneously is still an ever-present chance that is JUST high enough that it will persistently intrude upon other players' gameplay when they don't want it at all.
This "10% rule" is the worst of both worlds; it won't please those that loved Blight and want to do nothing but, nor will it please those that are playing a non-Blight-specific build or just plain don't want it.
And TBH, keep seeing GGG do this, time and again, with nearly every single league mechanic goes to show that when it comes to the grander vision, the company's become creatively bankrupt.
I mean, there's a few alternatives that could've made players a deal happier with how it worked:
- Blighted maps are the only source of Blight; they drop exclusively from bosses, (10-25% chance) while blight encounters are never seen outside of blighted maps. This can let people purposely avoid the content entirely, though it doesn't help people exclusively farm Blight without constantly buying Blighted maps.
- Blight is exclusive to one or a few specific map bases. Outside of the correct base, (e.g, Infested Valley, possibly others) normal blights cannot spawn, but WITHIN the relevant maps, the content is guaranteed. This makes encountering Blight content 100% deterministic. Some might complain that it'd elevate the value of one map above others of the same tier, but these people apparently forget that "Burial Chambers" and "Lair" exist.
I personally favor the latter solution, for two separate reasons: for one, it's the only way I can think of to, simultaneously, keep the content to a narrow slice of the game, AND both satisfy the desires of those who wish to play it as well as those who wish not to.
And for two, it fits with a theme I really wanted to see the Atlas go: making each map feel unique. A big problem right now with the Atlas is, with 135 map bases... So many feel like just a reskin of each other; they're narrow, winding paths filled with monsters leading to a boss fight (which may or may not have an arena) you just nuke down instantly anyhow.
For a type of content labeled the "atlas of WORLDS," it'd be nice if each map truly felt like a "different world," including some variety in gameplay/content. We SORT of approach this a little with how GGG rolled certain bosses in. (e.g, Lighthouse, Iceberg, Shipyard, and Acid Caverns giving us the Redwind, Mutewind, Brinerot, and Renegade warbands respectively)
Since there's now a LOT of leagues with content, GGG should be able to shift things around so that a great deal of maps have something specific to them that players might want, so there's something more than just "pick the most-linear map with the card drop you want."
I wish that I could upvote you.
To sum up my feelings for this league is this:
If i wanted to play tower defense, i would go play a flash game, i DO NOT PLAY POE FOR TOWER DEFENSE. why would GGG forcibly lower my chances of doing something fun like breach by further lowering the pools with shit i dont like, such as abyss and blight? they are going to lose players over this one day if they dont step-up!
I like this idea of past league content being relocated to regions of the atlas and corresponding maps retaining a theme of the that league.
Posted bySmear#1381on Nov 30, 2019, 2:31:52 PM
I like Blight so I'm happy it's going into core game. There where problems like too low drop chance for blight maps or even oils (never had a golden one). But the mechanics itself I find it really cool and refreshing.
Hope to encounter it in the future. thx GGG
Posted byKaizok#3429on Nov 30, 2019, 3:24:11 PM
Soske wrote:
No one wanted this. Thanks.
You can speak for yourself, everyone I meet with likes including me.
Posted byArrX8#7517on Nov 30, 2019, 4:15:10 PM
I love Blight personally. Good news to me!
Posted byMerry_Blind#0906on Nov 30, 2019, 5:24:17 PM
♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈ ♈
Ign: @Yavvyred
STD Trade/Craft/Carry: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2289358 Last edited by yavvyred#5740 on Dec 3, 2019, 12:26:39 AM
Posted byyavvyred#5740on Nov 30, 2019, 6:25:23 PM
I didn't like these changes but whatever.MORE CONTENT to the standard players :)
Posted byEquinall#1588on Nov 30, 2019, 6:53:50 PM
I was expecting the TETRIS challenge inside the POE - but ok, may be next league after metamorph )
Posted byrrurrer01#5634on Nov 30, 2019, 8:04:56 PM
PegasusRideR wrote:
Great news. Despite all performance issues, which can be considered beta-state league, it was the best league I ever played.
Though I'm not sure how pleased you'll be once you find it hard to actually get the content... The whole "10% rule" has been pretty godawful for PoE, yet GGG keeps insisting on using it.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Posted byACGIFT#1167on Nov 30, 2019, 8:28:41 PM
I am afraid that with only a 10% chance of a blight encounter the rare oils are going to be way too rare. It was impossible for me to accumulate any of the top tier oils during the league. Now you are going to make it almost as rare as a mirror. I would prefer that this was a higher chance and make the rare oils a much better chance to drop in top tier maps, 14-16.
Posted byKaytrim#3355on Nov 30, 2019, 8:36:06 PM
when GGG will add implicits craft foom syntesis league???
Posted byBorKeen#5180on Nov 30, 2019, 10:56:33 PM