D4 will probably have PVP.

I sure hope they ll add a miner and trap character class to ruin pvp there too.

I mean imagine if POE had better balance about those kind of play style, it would feel much better.

ATM everything in league stink throw and forget game-play. I wish such game-play would have minus in poe but they in fact have better bonus than single target name-locking play-stile.

Why are traps and mine dealing so much damage? Why is it so much easier to spam mines than to spam self cast spells?

I think mines and traps should have way higher mana consumption and reservation in pvp.

HO I am sure next league we will have the possibility to counter them with reworked BOW skills having 3 screens aoe and 15 projectiles. Can t wait!
Poe Pvp experience
Last bumped on Nov 28, 2019, 12:48:18 PM
Console focus from the start of development, don't get your hopes up. The only way Diablo4 can be anywhere near as good as 1 or 2 were is to basically say fuck every casual scrub. Actually develop a game with PoE level depth, stat points, skill points, customization and hostility. We will not see that game, it'll be potato as fuck.

Path of Exile had a great opportunity for PvP. Instead we got rogue exiles instead of real player interaction where we should of had hostility among other exiles because uhm....we're exiled here but all want to be gay together apparently. On top of that the map system further allowed people to hide, then hideouts amplified that ability. This game was made by people who got raped while magic finding PvM in games like Diablo so they strongly focused on catering to bitches.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Nov 1, 2019, 9:17:37 PM
Head_Less wrote:
I sure hope they ll add a miner and trap character class to ruin pvp there too.

I mean imagine if POE had better balance about those kind of play style, it would feel much better.

ATM everything in league stink throw and forget game-play. I wish such game-play would have minus in poe but they in fact have better bonus than single target name-locking play-stile.

Why are traps and mine dealing so much damage? Why is it so much easier to spam mines than to spam self cast spells?

I think mines and traps should have way higher mana consumption and reservation in pvp.

HO I am sure next league we will have the possibility to counter them with reworked BOW skills having 3 screens aoe and 15 projectiles. Can t wait!

They promised PvP in diablo 3, but never delivered, so now they specifically mentioned PvP. Open world PvP sounds really good. Im excited.

Not all mine skills are broken, not all trap skills are broken. Just certain ones.

Tbh, I bought d3 because of d2 PvP, and moved to poe just purely because it has PvP.

I remember how active PvP was back in the day, I wonder what happened.
IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Nov 2, 2019, 3:47:02 AM
relithh wrote:
I remember how active PvP was back in the day, I wonder what happened.

What you imply is not fair, nor accurate.

PvP is very active, though admittedly small, nowadays.

During the weekend (PST), my guild does 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 CTF for several hours a day... inviting anyone and everyone on our friends lists to join in.

We even recruit opponents from global, even though it sometimes goes awry - I have had my account locked for a sideways phrase or two (Never reference porn sites).

I've come to the realization that it is not GGG's responsibility to grow the PvP community; it is ours.

We can no longer rely on GGG to make PvP accessible, we have to do it ourselves... and yeah, some of us are already doing it.

Currently, Swagoo has nearly a dozen active PvP members in STD and League combined and we generally have enough people to run our own CTF matches and cross league 2v2, 3v3 matches.

And because we're a smaller, close knit group, we can talk to each other, and pick and choose which builds we use, not everyone needs to play cancer - or sometimes cancer is whats called for...

So yeah, Fuck anything Blizzard excretes.

Headless, Mullaxul, we're here... we're waiting, come PvP with us.
Last edited by Actalo#3355 on Nov 4, 2019, 4:58:46 AM
Looks like your guild is all ex NPC members or am I mistaken? If so you guys are too easy for me to PvP.....especially and I mean especially Rlowe.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:
Looks like your guild is all ex NPC members or am I mistaken? If so you guys are too easy for me to PvP.....especially and I mean especially Rlowe.

You'd better run.

The only thing you're right about is the guild being mostly former NPC meta-trash and non-NPC meta-trash. But that's it. That's all you're right about. Just... in general, in life. That's it. Everything else in life, you've been wrong about and that is why you are not successful.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016
You'd better run.
“EA is fine” -relith
Ha, I'll have to kick your ass soon. It's been awhile and knowing Diablo4 won't do shit for PvP after I'm through with the story and a minor grind I know I'll be back here too so gotta keep at it.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:
Ha, I'll have to kick your ass soon. It's been awhile and knowing Diablo4 won't do shit for PvP after I'm through with the story and a minor grind I know I'll be back here too so gotta keep at it.

They are buffing bow skills in 3.9, probably you will be able to pwn Rlowe with EA swap again!

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Nov 8, 2019, 7:02:28 AM
ocd_xana wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
Looks like your guild is all ex NPC members or am I mistaken? If so you guys are too easy for me to PvP.....especially and I mean especially Rlowe.

You'd better run.

The only thing you're right about is the guild being mostly former NPC meta-trash and non-NPC meta-trash. But that's it. That's all you're right about. Just... in general, in life. That's it. Everything else in life, you've been wrong about and that is why you are not successful.

While it's true that some of our members are former NPC and many utilize the current meta to min-max their builds, I don't believe either should be a pejorative.

NPC tried to create a PvP community, and for a while they had one. I believe this was a good thing.

And as far as playing the "meta" goes... anti-meta builds can very rarely move beyond 'niche', so I don't know how a PvPer is supposed to use nerfed skills and obsolete mechanics in order to win matches, without investing in mirror-tier gear to mitigate the difference.

But to refer back to your earlier statement of us being "too easy," well, you're more than welcome to challenge any of us. Some may lose and some may win, but we'll PvP in good sport nonetheless.

It's naive to think that D4 is going to be designed for gamers.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."

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