[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Can somebody help me understand why The Green Nightmare is important when using voidfletcher?

Doesn't Ice Bite support give us all of the "frenzy charge on kill" that we need?
RandomPoe847 wrote:
Can somebody help me understand why The Green Nightmare is important when using voidfletcher?

Doesn't Ice Bite support give us all of the "frenzy charge on kill" that we need?

Not for bosses, as you will not have any kills at some bosses. Having no frenzy changes will result in -15...-40% dps.

Also icebite seems to be 10% less damage for me, comparing to awakened cold penetration.
Last edited by soprof#5136 on Feb 14, 2020, 4:34:31 PM
Bought an awakened cold penetration. Gave me 3k on the ingame tooltip for barrage.
Anyone feel like taking a look at where I'm at and helping me decide on what to upgrade next?

I'm not using withering step, didn't feel right but I might pop it back in and test it more.

I have about 20ex and a bunch of unsold fossils atm.

I'm thinking elusive boots or culling strike gloves. Don't think I can fit resistances for both unless I get a new belt. pob has my belt giving me 7.8% dps. Maybe start looking at a charm with plus skill gems?


Build is feeling pretty good, could feel better though. Map clear is great not really worried about upgrading the gems in the iceshot link, I'd rather get barrage up a bit more which should buff iceshot anyway.
Edit: See comment further down for new Gear
Last edited by Areasy#0105 on Feb 16, 2020, 8:17:59 AM
Fixing ur gem links would be good.
Hi guys, need some help.I`m confused about skill tree, which one should I choose for end game?Mapping or bossing?I`m doing both so I`m really confused.Another thing about my dps, really low.I know, I have only lvl 84 but still I`m stuck with my dps vs boss, need like 2-3 minutes to kill every boss.Also my pob showing my barrage skill is inactive: Barrage 21/20(Unsupported).There is my pob link: https://pastebin.com/9g3T7qc6

Last edited by exi88#2614 on Feb 15, 2020, 2:31:53 PM
exi88 wrote:
Also my pob showing my barrage skill is inactive: Barrage 21/20(Unsupported).

Uncheck and check again in skills tab, or double click on barrage and select it by yourself.
Hi, do you have any advise towards what to upgrade next for more damage? Got like 18 exalts left

PrinceOfPower wrote:
Hi, do you have any advise towards what to upgrade next for more damage? Got like 18 exalts left

try to change these items in your pob, maybe change atziri x cinderswallow (crit chance), atm im playing raider with same build :)

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