[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]
" Thanks for sharing, I PoB your profile. I was just wondering is 59 reserved mana enough to sustain barrage? Everytime I'm less than 100 mana I feel like it's a DPS decrease since barrage can't sustain and I end up shooting "default" attacks. Question for others: Is a rare quiver still the BiS? Or Hyrri's Demise/Voidfletcher? Last edited by PotassiumSquared#0121 on Jan 30, 2020, 1:09:12 AM
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Hi, thanks for the build, it's excellent! Could you take a look at my build? what did i miss to improve my dps and my life? Thanks to you https://pastebin.com/AMj7gT90 |
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Can someone tell me why my build currently does absolutely no damage? I think I have almost all the recommended gear but I don't even have 25% of the build's damage.
POB:https://pastebin.com/A9YwFhE3 |
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Any Idea how Awakened fork support would work for Iceshot?
I dont know alot about the interactions between chain/fork but heard that it could hamper the efectiveness under certain circumstances. |
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" I don't think chain/fork affect each other - although usually only one is used due to being enough clearwise, and you use all your other links for damage. Honestly, I don't really feel like investing in awakened gems is worth it (for your clear skill, ice shot - it's definitely worth it for your barrage) unless it's the very last thing (after things like +1 frenzy on gloves with attack speed/double T1 resist/T1-2 life) because the build clears amazingly well with just the regular chain/fork. Last edited by domepro#3149 on Jan 30, 2020, 8:15:23 AM
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Some investments and changes were made (exacly 8,5ex) - get not bad helmet with barrage, and crafted the quiver which was one of the most painfull tasks i made this league (spent over 2ex on alteration orbs and annulments + 3ex crafting service with fee).
Made re-spec from raider into deadeye as well, changed passive tree, some movements with gem setup as well. Results: Map clear: Had no issues, no isses now as well. I feel that due to some skill changes, i can clear a little bit faster, but it's mainly due to movement speed. What suprises me - some rare monsters dare to stay alive when entire screen die, this wasn't happening as a raider with previous items. Boss fighting: Was on "ok level". Now in most cases i simply MELT boss within few sec. Morphs same - most of the times 1st wave of minions isn't yet fully spawned, when morph dies. Survivability: I still have therribly low life pool (less than 3,8k). This require more investments into the gear, and lvl ups (as i have most dmg nodes, while was skipping most of Life nodes). I think that previously i was a little bit more tanky due to higer evasion/ dodge chances from Raider + Phasing buffs. Overall: I think the issues i now face (lower survivability and "unstable dmg" as most bosses are melted, but few seems to be uber-tanky and idk why i need pretty long to take them down compared to rest of them) are mostly from pure mechanic and usage of the build. Previously, i had Ice Golem whihc was sometimes tanky distraction, use barrage + all flasks and that's all. Now i have nothing which could distract bosses (will pick Decoy totem maybe later on), and a lot of stuff to handle (potions, vaal grace, frost bomb etc). I will just have to practice some more on this kind of "more complicated gameplay". Current plans: Get better belt and boots (already find nice on poe.trade, but will need some more currecy for both), get some nice gloves (+1 frezy charge are pretty expensive, so more currecy farming needed). Level up, to get some more life nodes + jewel slots. Learn how to beat Sirius finnaly by myself, not using boss service :D PoB shows around 5,5kk dps from barrage, which seems to be a nice number - but it's only when i have all buffs and flasks on. Now i have a feeling that my charges are not getting up as fast as they should, maybe require more practise only. Anyone got any advises, what more i can improve (except going full high-end uber-expensive items)? Of course, i need to learn how to play this build smothly as well, but that will come with time :) |
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All my upgrades are ATM in the like 25+ ex area, so not sure I can advise you any more apart from getting life up (I honestly just started not dying almost at all around 5350+ life so I try to keep it there).
But because of real upgrades costing like 25 (worst) and 100 (medium) to 200+ ex I've been thinking into getting into crafting myself, but I have no idea about crafting apart from the alteration orb + regal/scour spam to get 3 mods which is not enough for upgrades - I'll need to get a few redeemer and crusader orbs for a better ammy and gloves with +1 frenzy charge) |
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Maybe i'm not an expert, but i have pretty much experience in crafting using few methods during last few leagues (had a break during legion, but played blight, synthesis and some earlier as well), and was already able to make few experiments with the new orbs as well. Fell free to catch me in-game, so we can speak directly about what and how to craft if you would like to :) I'm online almost everyday between 10pm-12pm (GMT+1), with discord ready to contact as well if you prefer speaking instead of writting (and we can transmit our screens in real time on discord, which makes it way easier to show and explain everything) :) Sometimes i'm little bit earlier than that, sometimes i stay a bit longer, but mostly those 2h each day i'm online :) Some examples? My helmet, belt, boots and gloves (which aren't anything special, as those were really low-cost crafting just to reach "anything usefull, not expensive items to sell or end-game use), my ring (which i think is great), or my 2nd weapon slot bow. The main issue with crafting those double-influenced items, is that currently, there is a lot of pure RNG and luck in that. In very short way: you can determinate only 2 mods which will be on the item you craft, rest affixes (up to 4) will be complete random, so it's pretty risky to try it yourself. |
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Hi, I'm new to this build, got bored of my previous build so decided to invest in this one!
Here's what it looks like for now: Clearing is great, but like most of you I'm having trouble staying alive, sitting at 4.1k hp now. |
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" I swapped from Awakened Fork to Awakened Chain last night, and Chain feels much better. 1-shotting screens (and offscreen) feels far more consistent. |
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