[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

my gear so far, anything to improve?

i miss the prismatic jewel still but i need to get 2 levels to get the extra slot on tree.

thanks in advance
Riviar90 wrote:

So as you can see, it is still far away from the 9kk I hope to have at some point :D I keep comparing with the original build here, and I made a small experiment. I removed ALL of the equipment from it, leaving only bow, flasks and skills. And... it has almost the same dps with nothing on the character as I do with full build. There... has to be something wrong with it, right? Here is link to PoB with naked version of original build: https://pastebin.com/eTWFubKX with 1,2kk barrage dps.

I have not checked your build, I'm at work

You need to mess with the configuration a bit, the naked 1.2kk barrage has:

1) [Items] - All flasks marked as active
2) [Configuration] - turn on tailwind, frenzy charges, power charges (assassins mark), inspiration charges, used movement skill recently, used skill recently, enemy is ignited, enemy is chilled, enemy is shocked
& boss type shaper/guardian

Those should be also enabled in your pob if you want to compare it to this one.

I personally (when I'm looking at my dps) don't turn on shocked since I have barely any lightning damage so I don't think I'm actually shocking bosses.


I managed to catch a few min, your self buffs were on point, but boss debuffs werent - setting chilled/ignited/shocked so it's a fair comparison nets you right over the 3mil DPS mark

putting additional arrow on bow attacks on your quiver puts you a bit over 3.3 mil, speccing into fast & deadly (at that point you have enough arrows without the ascendancy talent) gets you over 3.4 mil, using cinderswallow urn instead of atziri's promise gets you at 3.75 mil.

After that - for instance I have (quald) 50% elemental damage with attacks on my amulet, attack speed on gloves and after that it gets to the very-expensive land I think - damage per frenzy charge on a good amulet, +1 frenzy charge corrupt on gloves etc
Last edited by domepro#3149 on Jan 29, 2020, 1:00:51 AM
tokajero wrote:

my gear so far, anything to improve?

i miss the prismatic jewel still but i need to get 2 levels to get the extra slot on tree.

thanks in advance

barrage enchant on helm that you're missing is the first thing that stands out to me.
sejintsume wrote:
Where would 20ex land this build?? Could I have a pretty good clear and run going on? I've gathered this can be a league starter but I find myself a little bit past that.

I'd imagine 20ex you could do everything with, even though some things might be a bit annoying/hard like vaaled juiced T16 metamorphs and A8 Sirus (unless you have a lot of exp doing Sirus on a relatively squishy char)

I've failed A8 Sirus twice in a row now - but that's because I'm a garbage player and get offscreened in last phase and then annoyed and triggered by getting offscreened going back to the fight in the last phase, not because it's undoable. I did him on A6 pretty easy when I didn't fuck up in the last phase with about 20ex invested, in the meantime I went for a bit more damage and specced out of like 3-4 life nodes which I'll spec back into before doing him next time :D
Over the weekend I hit 36/40 in MSC SSF. ~15 days /played.

Finally killed Sirus on my 5th try. Got him on farm now.

This was the first bow build I've played. I usually play tanky melee. As a result it took a while to get used to actually having to dodge stuff. As a result I have over 2000 deaths... by far the most I've ever suffered through.

But after endless tweaking this is now 100% the most fun build I've ever played.

I've deviated from Aqurism's build quite a bit at this point, but I still want to say thanks for the inspiration.

Some of the biggest changes I would recommend exploring:

1a. Go Raider. Way of the Poacher frees you from having to get the quiver enchant.

1b. Phasing from Quartz Infusion is really strong. Being able to move through mobs is critical for bow builds that must constantly be moving. It's really strong in Delve too.

1c. Immune to Ailments from Avatar of the Veil is a massive defensive buff. No more shock, chill, freeze or burning - which can be deadly from the Metamorphs. -15% exposure and 15% less accuracy to nearby mobs is again a huge defense.

2. Galvanic Arrow + Barrage support is a better ~single target skill for non-major bosses (ie. Conquerers, Shaper, Elder, Sirus - use Barrage for these). It's a small single target dps loss, but for packs of rare mobs and metamorphs, it just plows through them with the aoe + shock.

3. For clear - Ice Shot, Chain, LMP, Elemental Damage, Damage on Full Life, Mirage Archer. I've thoroughly tested all combinations (Fork, GMP, Hypothermia, Ice Bite, Inspiration, etc.) With +3 arrows (bow, quiver) the additional arrows from GMP don't make up for the dps loss (vs. LMP). One tap of Ice Shot is a full screen clear.

4a. A medium ring Thread of Hope in the jewel slot beside Golem's Blood provide a massive DPS boost and saves several skill points. The biggest bonus here is Disciple of the Unyielding. Having endurance charges allows you to use Immortal Call a lot more effectively - which has saved me a lot more often than Steelskin. Plus the end charges give a huge phys. damage reduction and the extra res helps on ele weakness maps).

4b. Picking up Harvester of Foes adds 15% attack speed while leeching (which we always are due to mana leech).

4c. Also grab the life nodes around Bravery, Fury Bolts, Disciple of the Unyielding, and Attack Speed per Frenzy charge for lots more dps.

5. Arborix instead of Death Opus. For the 8 of the 16 seconds you have Iron Reflexes you are doing about 30% more dps than Death Opus. For the other 8 seconds it's just slightly less. Since we're already in bosses' face it's a no brainer for me.

My gear is far from optimal (I'm still hoping to get a Hyyri's Ire, and I've been waiting forever for another Shaper quiver to drop), but in SSF you gotta take what you find :)

Thanks again for the great build, Aquarism!

Last edited by greenimp77#1643 on Jan 29, 2020, 3:37:03 AM
Thanks for the big writeup!

I've been wanting to try out IS on my raider too since raider is so good with phasing + frenzy charges (only lvl 82 for now) - all this info will be super useful!
greenimp77 wrote:
Over the weekend I hit 36/40 in MSC SSF. ~15 days /played.

Finally killed Sirus on my 5th try. Got him on farm now.

This was the first bow build I've played. I usually play tanky melee. As a result it took a while to get used to actually having to dodge stuff. As a result I have over 2000 deaths... by far the most I've ever suffered through.

But after endless tweaking this is now 100% the most fun build I've ever played.

I've deviated from Aqurism's build quite a bit at this point, but I still want to say thanks for the inspiration.

Some of the biggest changes I would recommend exploring:

1a. Go Raider. Way of the Poacher frees you from having to get the quiver enchant.

1b. Phasing from Quartz Infusion is really strong. Being able to move through mobs is critical for bow builds that must constantly be moving. It's really strong in Delve too.

1c. Immune to Ailments from Avatar of the Veil is a massive defensive buff. No more shock, chill, freeze or burning - which can be deadly from the Metamorphs. -15% exposure and 15% less accuracy to nearby mobs is again a huge defense.

2. Galvanic Arrow + Barrage support is a better ~single target skill for non-major bosses (ie. Conquerers, Shaper, Elder, Sirus - use Barrage for these). It's a small single target dps loss, but for packs of rare mobs and metamorphs, it just plows through them with the aoe + shock.

3. For clear - Ice Shot, Chain, LMP, Elemental Damage, Damage on Full Life, Mirage Archer. I've thoroughly tested all combinations (Fork, GMP, Hypothermia, Ice Bite, Inspiration, etc.) With +3 arrows (bow, quiver) the additional arrows from GMP don't make up for the dps loss (vs. LMP). One tap of Ice Shot is a full screen clear.

4a. A medium ring Thread of Hope in the jewel slot beside Golem's Blood provide a massive DPS boost and saves several skill points. The biggest bonus here is Disciple of the Unyielding. Having endurance charges allows you to use Immortal Call a lot more effectively - which has saved me a lot more often than Steelskin. Plus the end charges give a huge phys. damage reduction and the extra res helps on ele weakness maps).

4b. Picking up Harvester of Foes adds 15% attack speed while leeching (which we always are due to mana leech).

4c. Also grab the life nodes around Bravery, Fury Bolts, Disciple of the Unyielding, and Attack Speed per Frenzy charge for lots more dps.

5. Arborix instead of Death Opus. For the 8 of the 16 seconds you have Iron Reflexes you are doing about 30% more dps than Death Opus. For the other 8 seconds it's just slightly less. Since we're already in bosses' face it's a no brainer for me.

My gear is far from optimal (I'm still hoping to get a Hyyri's Ire, and I've been waiting forever for another Shaper quiver to drop), but in SSF you gotta take what you find :)

Thanks again for the great build, Aquarism!

Really interesting write up, tnx!

I am also plaing SSF and I want to give some tips for those who wants to try it out.

Lioneye's Fall
U can farm The Lion div card in Mud Flats. Rush to the The Dishonoured Queen at the right side of the map. Kill-teleport-repeat. Usually you get a card every 10-15 runs. You need 5 of them for the Lionyey item.
It takes around 10-15 sets to get a Jewel. It took me 11 so you can count the time you need. It is totally douable.
You can farm Atziri for the flask (took me just 1 run). It is no problem for normal one.

You need to spend you coins on prophecies to get the right ones for the Death Opus quest. Also you want to finish all chain prophecies for the Pale curt to get multimod craft.

Health nodes over dmg - always.

Use Einhar at lvl 10 yellow maps and lvl 11 red maps to farm for Aspect of the spider or aspect of the cat.

Experiment with auras. I use Herald of Ice, Precision, Aspect of the spider and
Arctic Armor. It is best for me but you can try your thing.

Farm Syndicate on yellow maps or t11 red maps for better rewards. You need to farm the hell out of them to get the quiver craft.

You need to delve in SSF to collect fossils for craft. I recomend getting to t16 as fast as possible even if you die a lot. You get more than 2k sulphite in t16.

Use youre currency. In SSF vallues are totally different. Nothing costs anything if you dont need it. Use sextants, chaos, corrupt Atziri fragments and Zana mods.

You can chance you Hyrri from Zodiac but for me it didnt work out yet =)

And the most important thing with this build: dont be stressed if you die. Just change your mindset that you farm staff and die a lot and than you will get exp. My strat was to get to t16 ASAP to get the best loot and daily rewards. Open atlas as much as you can.
domepro wrote:
sejintsume wrote:
Where would 20ex land this build?? Could I have a pretty good clear and run going on? I've gathered this can be a league starter but I find myself a little bit past that.

I'd imagine 20ex you could do everything with, even though some things might be a bit annoying/hard like vaaled juiced T16 metamorphs and A8 Sirus (unless you have a lot of exp doing Sirus on a relatively squishy char)

I've failed A8 Sirus twice in a row now - but that's because I'm a garbage player and get offscreened in last phase and then annoyed and triggered by getting offscreened going back to the fight in the last phase, not because it's undoable. I did him on A6 pretty easy when I didn't fuck up in the last phase with about 20ex invested, in the meantime I went for a bit more damage and specced out of like 3-4 life nodes which I'll spec back into before doing him next time :D

Thank you for the reply! Your experience mirrors mine on a 7k es squishy guy too. Lol. Sirius is rough in his last phase. I can't wait to see how metamorphs turn out. Leveling the damage was fantastic.
So, i did ulab today. I think i got the wrong enchantment. But i think it is still worth a bit ;)

maybe someone can help me price check it.

my actual gear:
Last edited by niksxs#2179 on Jan 29, 2020, 8:45:13 AM
Im thinking about rerolling my char to this build and i have a question. Is raider really the better option for this build?

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