[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

dkowalch wrote:
crafting is really hard (i am probably just very unlucky) After about 900 alchs i got to this. Is it worth it to multimod? Dex is a wasted spot mostly. What can I put on it, 1 Prefix and 2 suffix? Or does the multimod take a suffix and I can only put 2 things on it.

Multimod takes up a spot, so you'll have two choices to make after that.
Quick tip for those having trouble with survivability - I took the advice of others in this thread and switched to Raider. What a difference it makes!

I don't notice any dps loss - maybe even a little strong, but damn I am steamrolling everything now.

The biggest plus is not having to deal with elemental ailments - that means no freeze, chill, burn, ignite, shock. Including "patches of..." map mods.

Do it!
Last edited by greenimp77#1643 on Jan 17, 2020, 2:13:16 AM
Raider is bae :)
HornyPhazon wrote:
Raider is bae :)

I'll third Raider. Much better survivability with a bit less clear speed. Single target with Voidfletcher is great as well. I haven't PoB'd it, but from just playing with my gear it's higher ST vs Deadeye + rare frenzy quiver.

If you go raider, I HIGHLY suggest Voidfletcher. I just recently switched from a really good rare quiver I had and the damage difference is bonkers.
Vicente04 wrote:
dkowalch wrote:
crafting is really hard (i am probably just very unlucky) After about 900 alchs i got to this. Is it worth it to multimod? Dex is a wasted spot mostly. What can I put on it, 1 Prefix and 2 suffix? Or does the multimod take a suffix and I can only put 2 things on it.

Multimod takes up a spot, so you'll have two choices to make after that.

OKay so I fail annuled that but after 800 more alts I have this! What do I craft on it? I am going to use a service as I dont have the frenzy crit mod so I want to know what to ask for.

I think there is room for 2 prefixes and 1 suffix? So I am thinking +% WED, one of the + _ to _ cold damage and another element and Frenzy gen on crit?

Frenzy on crit is a must have. Wed and added cold and lightning damage would make sense.

Slottm wrote:
Here goes: hopefully this is understandable, as it will mostly be about methodology, gearing choices, and the reason behind it. Here’s my POB https://pastebin.com/TtLwATB1 (Please note, onslaught and power charges are off – you can also decide to turn flasks off) You can use this for the tree – vaal pact is absolutely necessary. The safest place for most bosses is next to them, point blank is still great:

Thanks for the long & detailed write up! I had some currency and invested in a rare bow among a bunch of other high end gear, but I definitely took some things from your write up such as fork for clear, anointment etc. My goal is to hit level 100 and then try deep delving 1000-2000+ to see how profitable it is compared to flipping or mapping, so I have found ways to get more life before I go zero resist and life and max dps. Any recommendations or egregious mistakes you see in my gearing or gems? I have tried to PoB, but I have ZERO idea on how to setup the “settings” part of it.
Last edited by Subtlex#3998 on Jan 17, 2020, 6:53:29 AM
HornyPhazon wrote:
Raider is bae :)

Trying to get my guy off the ground, but I die too much. Planning my switch to raider, any reason you aren't using mark of the elder? TIA
Wait - I must have missed how we sustain power charges? I'm not seeing anything with that only that we will have them up.
iRageAboutStuff wrote:
Wait - I must have missed how we sustain power charges? I'm not seeing anything with that only that we will have them up.

Assassin‘s Mark curse from ring.

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