[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!
"It's a fun idea except that this build can benefit a lot from so many flasks. Bottled Faith, Atziri's, Wise Oak, and Dying Sun are all really strong for this build. Add in the required mana and adrenaline flask, probably a diamond flask for crit dps and the opportunity cost to run a life flask is really high. My experience, and what I assume to be the experience of most exiles using this build, is that the dps bump from the flasks I've listed combined with things like ES leech from machina mitts and investing in a high eHP is better than taking a life flask and Ryslatha pantheon. |
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Can anyone make any recommendations for what I should focus on improving? I'm at about 8.1k ES and that'll go up if I manage to make it two more levels and take Energy From Naught in my cluster jewel. I have just over enough exalts and chaos to afford a pair of Machina Mitts, but I'm not sure whether or not those are the priority upgrade. I realize a lot of my rares can use big improvements, but if I have like 7ex, what would be best to pick up? Any advice is greatly appreciated. |
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"So you have to decide whether to craft a prefix or a suffix. My suggestion is to craft the prefix "Spell damage and non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage" since it's the more guaranteed high dps wand. But you may want to craft the suffix "Trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill" or "Global critical multiplier" (in order to save money on crit harvest crafts). Depending on which route you pick your crafting goals will be different. Let's assume you go with crafting the prefix. This means your first step is to remove both of the fire mods using harvest crafts "remove random fire mod" or "remove a random non-crit mod and add a crit mod". That will give you a two prefix/one suffix wand (not including your currently crafted suffix). Using the "remove non-crit mod and add a crit mod" could be a cheap way to get decent additional suffixes. But either way you want to get rid of the fire mods first thing. Next, since the critical strike mod on the wand currently has an attack tag, you can use a harvest craft "remove random attack mod" to get rid of it. Then you want to use multiple critical mod harvest crafts (which are unfortunately expensive) to get crit multiplier and crit chance for spells. There are three crit mods with five tiers each that have the crit tag, so I'd be fine settling for t2 or t3 on one or both of the crit suffixes. Note that because your wand has the "+ spell gems" prefix you cannot use anything that removes caster mods. Focus entirely on crit harvest crafts until you have suffixes that you're ok with. At that point you're done. You could use the harvest craft "augment a lightning mod" to fill the last empty suffix, but you have not great odds on hitting things you want since "chance to shock" and "lightning resistance" are in the mod pool and you only get one chance. After you add a lightning suffix you can't change it without endangering the lightning spell gem prefix. Here's what your perfect wand will look like: P1: +1 to lightning spell skill gems P2: +1 to spell skill gems P3: {Crafted} 46-50% Spell damage and 4% non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage S1: 100-109% critical strike chance for spells S2: 35-38% critical strike multiplier S3: ?? maybe lighting damage if you're lucky? Now taking the other path and deciding to craft a suffix like "Trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill" or "Global critical multiplier" you will still want to remove the fire mods first (using the remove non-crit add crit if possible). Once you fill the suffixes with crit and crafted mods so that you have two prefixes and three suffixes you can use the harvest craft "augment a chaos mod" and "remove chaos add chaos" until you hit a good tier of "Gain Lightning Damage as Extra Chaos Damage". In this scenario your perfect wand will be: P1: +1 to lightning spell skill gems P2: +1 to spell skill gems P3: 11-13% lightning damage as extra chaos damage S1: 100-109% critical strike chance for spells S2: 35-38% critical strike multiplier S3: {Crafted} Trigger a socketed spell when using a skill Lastly, as a budget option you could remove the fire and crit strike mods to get a wand with two prefixes, then roll one good crit suffix using harvest crafts. At that point you can multimod, add the spell damage/chaos damage prefix and whatever suffix you want (critr multi, trigger, etc.). |
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"You can sacrifice a little eHP at this point to pick up Machina Mitts. The ES leech is worth it. After that focus on getting your ES back over 8k by improving your rings, belt and helm. |
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i am preparing my gear atm and i am Not Sure about my weapon Choice, especially prefixes. The guide is recommending +1 gems, Lightning/cold gems and ele penetration but i See a lot of damage as Chaos damage, added damage to spells and/or spelldamage when looking through poe Ninjas lowlife miners. Just want to make Sure the guide is already completely up to date. Second question is about the skill Choice. I have pretty decent gear already: tripple t1 Energie Shield hubris, machinas mitts, 6L shavs, +2 aoe gems prism guardian, pretty Good boots with 35ms t1 %es t2 flat, awakened Added Lightning and presence of chayula. Everything Else is ok but still needs Improvement. Is this enought to get icicle mines going or would BL be the better Choice. I am a console player and i am crafting most of my stuff myselfe. I dont have Helmet enchants because i am unlucky with lab and i havnt seen then on the Market for less then 10 ex and i dont want to buy them atm. |
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Hey guys! I've just bought the below wand. Any advise how to craft it to get a BiS weapon for our build? Thanks a lot!
Last edited by benjirogenji#7424 on Jul 19, 2020, 5:51:33 AM
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" Wand is pretty bad, should be easy to upgrade that. Defensively look to swap to or craft rings and belt with %ES. |
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" Start saving got machina mitts. Upgrade rings and belt as well. |
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" 7k ES is pretty low and you are missing a bunch of rolls. Getting that up will help by leaps and bounds. |
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" While you did get one answer on this already, there is another part to it. Life based builds on the bottom half of the tree are perfectly fine. Life based builds on the top side of the tree not so much, especially ones where all of their Damage is near ES nodes like mines are. If you want to play life mines, that means you need to go Kaoms (sucks) and tremor rod (also sucks) in order to get a decent ehp pool. With LL you are getting 10-12k ES pretty easily AND getting roughly double the dps to go along with it. Life based mines also have no evasion or armor to speak of, so the only difference would be acro / phase acro versus the extra 5-6k ehp and enfeeble. Enfeeble is worth about what phase acro is, so taking the extra 5k ehp is a no brainer for me. |
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