[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

MightyDaddy wrote:

I've been reading trough the thread for the last couple days now.

Please tell me if I uderstand the roadmap of the build

1. Leveling > Icicle mines as life based.

2. Leveling > Icicle mines with CI (when do we take CI?)

3. Mapping > Switch to BL, still on CI (or this is the first time we take CI)

4. Mapping/Late Game > LL transition with BL

5. End Game > Final build LL with Icicle/GC for the freeze.

1. Level with whatever drops. No need to buy gear until maps. Usually I end up as hybrid where I have 1500 life and around 1k ES until act 10 or so. Going into maps you will want to snag some cheap ES gear - gloves with 100-120, helm with 220, belt with 50, rings with 40, boots with 100. At that point you can swap to CI.

2. See above

3. Correct, although I may swap to BL earlier if I get a 5 link.

4. I swap to LL as soon as I can afford a shavs.

5. Yes, but this would be super late. GC is really expensive as is icicle if you want the build to feel good. You certainly can use BL the whole time (I mapped solo to 100 on BL last league).
I just want to make sure I copied the right tree into POB. No gem or gear info, just the tree?

Also, thoughts on leveling with fireball mine given how much it was buffed?

Also, while leveling which nodes are we going for first? I noticed there are no level breakdowns in your POB link.

one more question, are we doing dual wands while leveling or wand and shield, what's gonna be the best weapon setup while leveling before we start maps?
Last edited by Embermouth#4920 on Jun 19, 2020, 9:07:47 AM
Embermouth wrote:
I just want to make sure I copied the right tree into POB. No gem or gear info, just the tree?

Also, thoughts on leveling with fireball mine given how much it was buffed?

Also, while leveling which nodes are we going for first? I noticed there are no level breakdowns in your POB link.

one more question, are we doing dual wands while leveling or wand and shield, what's gonna be the best weapon setup while leveling before we start maps?

Correct, its just the tree. Gem info is in the description.

Fireball will be okay, but the buff wasn't to gem level damage, it was to damage coefficient - which really means it was only buffed if you stack huge amounts of flat fire damage - which we dont want to do with this build.

BL was buffed on its flat damage, I would level with that as soon as you can get a 5 link, or maybe even a 4 link.

Either will work fine, depends on what you find.

Best gem setup will depend on the skill, for BL its BL > High Impact > Swift > Trap and Mine > Slower Proj

What do you think would be a good & cheap unique to buy early on? Was thinking about Tremor Rod
Just a small heads-up - your 3.11 pob contains mana reserve reduced node near CI, which is not reachable with 1 point anymore (you have to spend 2 points there, since the small nodes were swapped), and is unallocated when you convert it to 3.11 version tree in pob.

If we allocate it, it brings us to a whopping level 98 for a finished tree (and 99, if we want to grab arcane vision too). So yeah, probably we will have to cut a point or two somewhere.
Last edited by Fushta#6997 on Jun 19, 2020, 9:44:51 AM
Should we be going straight for the High Explosives wheel on the trap/mine tree before we go to the left side of the tree? Trying to figure out the flow of this tree, what we need to work on getting first and what we should work on at later levels for passives. First time miner, so I want to make sure I do it right.
Huansdreck wrote:
What do you think would be a good & cheap unique to buy early on? Was thinking about Tremor Rod

Not a fan of tremor rod as you need to link it for it to be worthwhile.

BL runs best on rares early outside of the standard leveling stuff like tabula
Fushta wrote:
Just a small heads-up - your 3.11 pob contains mana reserve reduced node near CI, which is not reachable with 1 point anymore (you have to spend 2 points there, since the small nodes were swapped), and is unallocated when you convert it to 3.11 version tree in pob.

If we allocate it, it brings us to a whopping level 98 for a finished tree (and 99, if we want to grab arcane vision too). So yeah, probably we will have to cut a point or two somewhere.

Aye, end tree takes all 3 nodes anyway.

We will probably drop the nodes above witch first and fill out the rest.
Embermouth wrote:
Should we be going straight for the High Explosives wheel on the trap/mine tree before we go to the left side of the tree? Trying to figure out the flow of this tree, what we need to work on getting first and what we should work on at later levels for passives. First time miner, so I want to make sure I do it right.

Yes, then work towards ZO. I'm making a quick VoD now
Here is the leveling walk-through for PoB

Last edited by BeerLeague#4791 on Jun 19, 2020, 11:12:48 AM

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