[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

NineGrand wrote:
How impactful were the crit-multi and slower projectile changes to miners, in particular the BL miner?

I would like to go SSF with this for 3.11

They haven’t released patch notes yet, so we will have to wait and see. Hopefully the gem changes will about balance themselves out, I’m still expecting slower proj to be the 3rd best gem in the 6 link though.

On crit, we will have to wait and see. Obviously the build picked up a massive amount of crit multi, over 500% in most cases, so depending on how much it was nerfed we will see how much Mines will be affected.

There really isn’t any way to play non-crit mines, so you wouldn’t ever go that route - but will have to wait for the patch notes to see how much dps we actually lost.

Should still be a good league starter though.
Hello Beer please give your thoughts about BL after the patch and ( the shadow nerf on mine crit multi/mine dmg)
Last edited by Greedss#6205 on Jun 16, 2020, 11:07:19 PM
Gonna give this a go in Harvest. First time I will have played a miner. Guess the playstyle is similar to a trapper, but with a little more manual detonation?
I really like the addition of 30%chain range in the tree near piercing shots. With this the 35range of arc schould be roughly 45, which is quite nice, isnt it?
NineGrand wrote:
How impactful were the crit-multi and slower projectile changes to miners, in particular the BL miner?

I would like to go SSF with this for 3.11

3.11 Patch Notes and Plans

A few big changes to damage on gems, slower proj and damage from the tree.

First, lets talk Ball Lightning:

Huge damage increase, 25% more damage from the skill gem alone. This is huge. The damage effectiveness increase is also nice and allows for more wands/daggers to be top tier for the build.

Slower proj also got changed to a max of 30% slower proj. This will overall be a nerf for the build, but roughly balances out with the massive buff to BL. I'll try and crunch some numbers to see if we actually lost dps, but off the top, it looks like it should be an overall gain.

Tree changes - overall it looks like we will lose around 40% crit multi and a small amount of crit.

Best Estimate, the BL version of the build will lose around 5-10% of it's top end dps (nothing to worry about - especially considering that delirium wont be in every map). Other versions should lose around 5% as well.
Divinehammer wrote:
Gonna give this a go in Harvest. First time I will have played a miner. Guess the playstyle is similar to a trapper, but with a little more manual detonation?

Aicen1987 wrote:
I really like the addition of 30%chain range in the tree near piercing shots. With this the 35range of arc schould be roughly 45, which is quite nice, isnt it?

its a good addition, but Arc is really lack luster
There was also notable change on Efficient Explosives, adding Mines have a 10% chance to be Detonated an Additional Time.

Perhaps, worth considering for anointing (it's a long way to path from a tree).
BeerLeague wrote:
NineGrand wrote:
How impactful were the crit-multi and slower projectile changes to miners, in particular the BL miner?

I would like to go SSF with this for 3.11

3.11 Patch Notes and Plans

A few big changes to damage on gems, slower proj and damage from the tree.

First, lets talk Ball Lightning:

Huge damage increase, 25% more damage from the skill gem alone. This is huge. The damage effectiveness increase is also nice and allows for more wands/daggers to be top tier for the build.

Slower proj also got changed to a max of 30% slower proj. This will overall be a nerf for the build, but roughly balances out with the massive buff to BL. I'll try and crunch some numbers to see if we actually lost dps, but off the top, it looks like it should be an overall gain.

Tree changes - overall it looks like we will lose around 40% crit multi and a small amount of crit.

Best Estimate, the BL version of the build will lose around 5-10% of it's top end dps (nothing to worry about - especially considering that delirium wont be in every map). Other versions should lose around 5% as well.

Thank you very much for the fast reply to the patch notes, big heart from me since your asnwer made me clear to keep going BL as a starter .
I dont understand how it is only a 5% DPS nerf to the build since there were ALOT of changes in the Skill tree and crit was nerfed alot aswell. Oh and would this build be viable with Fireball since it got buffed? Or is Glacial Cascade / Ball Lightning / Icicle still the way to go?

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