[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

mrsarun wrote:
Hello again!

So I got my es up to 7.7k, working with my shoes to get to 8k.
I got the tip to aim for a high es rare chest tho, and get CI. Is this a good plan? I know you (pm) have this in the guide, I just feel insecure to go full CI, not sure why.
My profile is open, if you have time, please let me know if Ghost Reaver < CI is what I want to do at this time.

Will go BL saboteur next season! Love it!

Edit: Still trying to get that darned aspect of the spider from Einhar, neglected Einhar for way too long. And no friends playing anymore so I can't get any help there :P

Edit II:
Nvm, need to respec somewhat I understand now. I will look into it more.

1. They dont conflict. We only use ghost reaver if we have machina mitts.

For the early season, CI is the way to go, after the first week or 2, shavs drops in price and you can get a 5 link cheaply - at that point go for LL.

2. Buy the spider on trade if you are not SSF. Can use it to craft
tnich55 wrote:
Hi all, another quick question here.

As it concerns +dmg modifiers, are they all the same or is any the most potent?

For example, ring enchant of +% lightning damage versus flat +% damage? I am assuming the +% flat damage is always strongest. In turn, how about +a-b fire damage to spells in comparison to +dmg percentages? It feels like the +a-b damage to spells is stronger but that is based on tooltip dps so I could be totally wrong.

PS - - I'm not sure how to quote a post but to the gent or lady that pointed out the POB "enemy is burning" to me as well as the idea of Bottled Faith - thanks!!


It depends on the spell. BL gets awful scaling from flat damage. In order to do the math on it you will need to look at the damage coefficients for particular spells. Some scale much better than others with flat.

Generally speaking for prefixes:

+1 all spells gems > t1% spell damage > +1 light/fire/cold gems > %penetration > t1 flat spell damage > ele as extra chaos
Tip: insteed of portal swap for smoke Mine for short burst of speed(could swap out 2nd wind for smoke if wanna keep portal )
Low Life Auras (shield and weapon)

Blood Magic > Clarity> Precision >

Blood Magic will be as high as you can get it, probably 16-17 and clarity will be level 4-5 and precision will be level 1.

how does this give me low life? it only reserves like 20% of my life, and will get LESS while leveling Blood Magic?
Hello there! I noticed a lack of str and dex on the tree, so I searched for it in the items... My clear is nice, but I'm somehow feeling a lack of damage in the single target, like bosses of T15 and T16 maps. Also, I have 2k less ES than your PoB, so I'm sending my PoB and linking my items, if you could look and say what improvements I can make I would appreciate a lot, so that the build works more effectively. Thanks in advance!

My Pob is: https://pastebin.com/T9dFawSZ

Thanks for the build!
Last edited by joaovicini#6147 on May 28, 2020, 3:51:43 PM
joaovicini wrote:
Hello there! I noticed a lack of str and dex on the tree, so I searched for it in the items... My clear is nice, but I'm somehow feeling a lack of damage in the single target, like bosses of T15 and T16 maps. Also, I have 2k less ES than your PoB, so I'm sending my PoB and linking my items, if you could look and say what improvements I can make I would appreciate a lot, so that the build works more effectively. Thanks in advance!

My Pob is: https://pastebin.com/qQsHjFvT

Thanks for the build!

Hey! I'm no expert, definitely best let Beer or someone more experienced weigh in but as someone who is constantly hunting ES gear for this build, a few things stuck out to me:

- Boots, definitely missing out on 150+ ES here
- Shavs, ES is a tad low but don't think it is major
- Helm, likely want to shoot for 300+ ES
- Defense modifiers on rings/amulet (can't remember the name of the catalyst)
- Elder ring, helpful if you can find a +%ES modifier and higher ES implicit + modifier (80+ total is possible)
- Belt, looks like good flat ES but a +%ES is also an available modifier

Build, maybe its just me but I'm getting an error trying to import your link into POB. If you are routed to the right of Shadow, there is quite a bit of ES missed out on that is above the witch area. At one point in the past I reset a chunk of my gear to fix those talents out of the right side of the tree and up into the top/middle area where lots of ES / %ES is waiting to be grabbed.

Also one thing I picked up was a small cluster jewel with energy from naught and +ES on passive plus resists. I am level 96 now and I picked this up in early 90s, or used regret orbs to pick it up rather.

Hope that helps at all.

Last edited by tnich55#3354 on May 28, 2020, 3:34:23 PM
Soundofshadow wrote:
Low Life Auras (shield and weapon)

Blood Magic > Clarity> Precision >

Blood Magic will be as high as you can get it, probably 16-17 and clarity will be level 4-5 and precision will be level 1.

how does this give me low life? it only reserves like 20% of my life, and will get LESS while leveling Blood Magic?

Don't forget about the three Auras you have in your shield - with them you're pretty much tapped out with regards to life.
Soundofshadow wrote:
Low Life Auras (shield and weapon)

Blood Magic > Clarity> Precision >

Blood Magic will be as high as you can get it, probably 16-17 and clarity will be level 4-5 and precision will be level 1.

how does this give me low life? it only reserves like 20% of my life, and will get LESS while leveling Blood Magic?

Prism guardian has blood magic baked in. You use 5 auras on your life with this setup.
joaovicini wrote:
Hello there! I noticed a lack of str and dex on the tree, so I searched for it in the items... My clear is nice, but I'm somehow feeling a lack of damage in the single target, like bosses of T15 and T16 maps. Also, I have 2k less ES than your PoB, so I'm sending my PoB and linking my items, if you could look and say what improvements I can make I would appreciate a lot, so that the build works more effectively. Thanks in advance!

My Pob is: https://pastebin.com/T9dFawSZ

Thanks for the build!

Missing ES or % ES in almost every slot. The build is capable of around 13k ES assuming everything is near max.

20-50ES in every slot adds up really quickly.

On the DPS side of things, you are missing the conversion for GC which is killing your dps.
Hello Beer, and all. Dohnn here again with a quick update.

Running with this build as a very new player has given me some great opportunities to learn a lot about the passive tree and do a little bit of testing on my own.

I put in some time to level up to 98 for as many reasonably earned passive points as I could, and as such was able to make some miniscule changes to Beer's setup to pick up a second cluster jewel / Energy from Naught. I am sharing it here for reference. Just to clarify, 99% of this is based on Beer's guide here, I would call this just a tiny tweak of my own to try out a second cluster.

The POB is showing me something like 10.7k ES, in game I am actually 11,088 while buffed so I'm not sure what I am missing. My initial goal was 10k ES buffed and ramping up to 11k has been quite a surprise! I hope to push it even further while maintaining solid DPS to do all content (granted, I need tons of practice to kill end game bosses myself, but I think the build is very well capable of it and proven via Beer's videos).

My current passive tree picking up a second cluster with 2 passive points // ES focused:

I am by no means an expert of POB, so I simply copied Beer's settings/configurations. Am I missing anything there? I continue to be curious about the ES calculation being lower in POB than in game, as well as the DPS calculations. I assume the listed amount to be "good", suggesting that this DPS is based on every little BL shock/arc, of which there are many.

Thanks! I am looking forward to 3.11 and am thinking I want to do a very similar build but run a different main skill, maybe GC, icicle, or something else a little more unique/less played. I guess mines are already not heavily played.

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