[3.13] Raikudou's CoC Ice Nova Assassin (3M+ DPS)

Nvm me = dumb, just don't skill the Precision nodes

What is the perfect attack speed for CoC trigger timers?
Without 14% cooldown recovery speed from a belt or boots, you should aim for just under 6.6 APS and with the 14% try to aim for just under 7.5 APS. Two Cospris with 27% total attack speed (13% and 14% for example) and Mistwalker, you end up at exactly 7.49 APS. My tree has only one attack speed node (5%) and make sure you don't roll it on your gear or jewels.

Hello together,

I am trying this build again in Delirium. But started with a "budget" Lycosidae Setup. I miss a bit of DMG / Utility bc of the missing 2nd Cospri, so I am trying to switch to the Setup described in this Thread.

But one thing left me puzzled for a long time, until im scanned the "calcs" Tab in POB for the Cyclone. As quoted above, OP says his Tree only gets 5% Attack node, so his Dual-Wield APS is 7,49 , near perfect.
But when I look at my POB, with elusive-fork, it shows "7,73" aps... I look at the origins of Attack Speed increase...
and the node, the minor one, just right above the mentioned "only 5% as"-node gives another 4%... Did anyone notice this before (I scanne this thread a few min with google "site:"-searc and couldnt find smth).

I tried chaning the Cospris a bit: At 11% both you can get "7,58" aps with elusive (no onslaught, no frenzy). (Breakpoint being 7.57)

Would that be near enough the Breakpoint, let's say the calcs get some rounding errors, or would one have to go even lower on both cospris?
Both at 10% AS result in "perfect" 7.50.

As the build is about doing "effective DPS at harder content" I find this a huge issue regarding the gearing. You can't just cut the Precision node bc of the needed Accuracy, so you should know FAR ahead what Cospris you seek, unless you swim in divines.

Just wanted to point that out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I invested a few hrs of comparing and fiddling to be sure that OP maybe missed very important fact when it comes to min-maxing this build

Sincerly Yours,


Last edited by Shamaniax on Mar 25, 2020, 8:10:51 AM
Very nice guide. But I have a nooby question.
On the tree, Why you take the inscreased crit chance for spells?
I don't understand because cyclone isn't a spell to get the critical chance...
How work?

Can someone check my profile if I got something wrong?
Feels like I lack so much dmg on bosses or maybe this build isnt the best boss killer build. So if someone got any tips it would be helpful

Hello I'm pretty interested by this build, at the moment I'm playing a minner ball lightning, I was wondering how this build can deal with delirium (survivability for exemple) and bosses in general.
Interested in this build. I played the fire "melting coc" one last league and wanted to play ice this one.
However, I wonder how tanky this build is for this league against Simulacrum and T16 high delirious maps. The fire one I played last league wasn't too tank for me so I am a bit worried

- Let me just say the overall clearing speed in maps is THE MOST AWESOME i've ever tried! But, when it comes to bosses i feel like i lack damage. I swop my boots on bosses together with the concentrated effect, but i still die to many one shots and the boss damage is poor. How can i improve?
Last edited by AestheticDK on Mar 25, 2020, 4:44:45 PM
Hello, I need help with the build. I know that I lack equipment but I can't quite understand the key points to start mapping. At the point where I am, the T4 maps are quite simple to empty but the bosses are impossible. Please give me some advice.

with Precision nodes need cospri's with 10% and 9% sttack speed ?
Hello, could you help me pls? I can't use ice nova with the support gem "Cast On Critical Strike Support, and I don't know why.

I already resolved it.
Last edited by popedro on Mar 26, 2020, 2:16:14 AM

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