[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

LinkRyu wrote:
How is this build in delirium? tried last league and really liked it but delve was awful because of flicker strike, I assume flicker strike is abd for delirium because you can 't control where you go

We don't flicker in delve, a delve section was added just for this. Use double strike with Splash and Call in delve. If you have Tribal Fury and therefore are not using Call on flicker, then all you have to do is switch your double strike and flicker gems around and put double strike on right click. And flicker is fine for delirium, just avoid the red things when they explode, just like a regular volaile flameblood.
Loving the build. I got the Assassin variant up to level 92 but was struggling with survivability, getting insta-gibbed.

I ended up rerolling Champion, transferring all my gear over. The potential damage output with Impale is insane and my survivability has gone up considerably.

I'm still working up leveling up but this is my end goal

https://pob.party/share/ahoyehiyotitom (Web based PoB that can calculate Impale)

I reworked the area around Shadow to grab the evasion and life, and obviously worked around Fortify and armor in the bottom left
roguemjb wrote:

Yep, first priority for your shaper ring is life 50+, then hopefully a resist roll, then either accuracy or physical damage, if it's affordable. Your other ring is decent, but at this point, you should be able to upgrade it. My steel ring was just 30c, although it was probably a steal. Best option would be a Vermillion ring for the 7% increased life.

Ok, great - Thanks for tips

I changed my rings, now I'm looking for better boots. Something with hp cost around 2 ex so this is no problem, I have to play with my resists

I never used awakener orb before, so if I decide to use this orb to extract tailwind to my fortify boots then it means all other mods expect influenced will be random?

Is it worth considering to upgrade my weapons from ~370 dps to 420+? Or should I get watcher's eye if I can afford it
Last edited by mefistofx on Mar 29, 2020, 4:41:46 PM
mefistofx wrote:
roguemjb wrote:

Yep, first priority for your shaper ring is life 50+, then hopefully a resist roll, then either accuracy or physical damage, if it's affordable. Your other ring is decent, but at this point, you should be able to upgrade it. My steel ring was just 30c, although it was probably a steal. Best option would be a Vermillion ring for the 7% increased life.

Ok, great - Thanks for tips

I changed my rings, now I'm looking for better boots. Something with hp cost around 2 ex so this is no problem, I have to play with my resists

I never used awakener orb before, so if I decide to use this orb to extract tailwind to my fortify boots then it means all other mods expect influenced will be random?

Is it worth considering to upgrade my weapons from ~370 dps to 420+? Or should I get watcher's eye if I can afford it

Don't use it on your new boots, sell those after. Buy new fortify boots on 80+ ilvl two-toned boots, the other rolls don't matter. And I'd save for watcher's eye, your swords look decent.
roguemjb wrote:
Don't use it on your new boots, sell those after. Buy new fortify boots on 80+ ilvl two-toned boots, the other rolls don't matter. And I'd save for watcher's eye, your swords look decent.

Thanks, I can afford now decent Watcher's Eye but wondering if helmet with double damage chance on bleeding enemies wouldn't it be a better option but I can see you don't have Staronja with any double strike bonus. That should be the answer

I will spawn Sirus soon, do you have any video where you fight with him?

I'm so lucky today with the drop, just got Hunter exalted orb, few hours earlier Crusader. Decent
Last edited by mefistofx on Mar 29, 2020, 5:48:02 PM
Hey man thanks for the build invested over 200ex into it this league and its a beast can do literally any content. Just hit 40 challenge with it! will be doing this build more.
mefistofx wrote:
roguemjb wrote:
Don't use it on your new boots, sell those after. Buy new fortify boots on 80+ ilvl two-toned boots, the other rolls don't matter. And I'd save for watcher's eye, your swords look decent.

Thanks, I can afford now decent Watcher's Eye but wondering if helmet with double damage chance on bleeding enemies wouldn't it be a better option but I can see you don't have Staronja with any double strike bonus. That should be the answer

I will spawn Sirus soon, do you have any video where you fight with him?

I'm so lucky today with the drop, just got Hunter exalted orb, few hours earlier Crusader. Decent

Yep, Watcher's Eye increases everything, not just double strike, and double strike enchants are so damn expensive this league, that there have been other better ways to upgrade. And no, no Sirus vid, I have yet to get one without stupid mistakes, not worthy of posting. That last phase screws me up hard. GZ on those exalts, big money!
roguemjb wrote:

Yep, Watcher's Eye increases everything, not just double strike, and double strike enchants are so damn expensive this league, that there have been other better ways to upgrade. And no, no Sirus vid, I have yet to get one without stupid mistakes, not worthy of posting. That last phase screws me up hard. GZ on those exalts, big money!

Got 6% Life, 6% Mana and 1.73 crit for 11 exa! And another 2 exalted from drop, daaaamn

Now I feel fulfilled hehe
Spent about 30ex to improve the build, finished lvl 20 Simulacrum yesterday (1 death early on), beat shaper and elder easily aswell.
HeikKiii wrote:
Spent about 30ex to improve the build, finished lvl 20 Simulacrum yesterday (1 death early on), beat shaper and elder easily aswell.

That's awesome! I have yet to get wave 20 down, tried twice now. Well done!

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