3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

viperakias wrote:
viperakias wrote:
Can we use carrion golem instead of chaos golem??

Ofc you can.. But damage is already overkill here so extra isn't really needed and any bit of extra defence is good to go ;)
Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Sep 23, 2019, 2:43:07 AM
DjPapaz wrote:
viperakias wrote:
viperakias wrote:
Can we use carrion golem instead of chaos golem??

Ofc you can.. But damage is already overkill here so extra isn't really needed and any bit of extra defence is good to go ;)

Of course man! Exactly what DjPapaz said.

Go for it! It just adds more damage at cost of defence. My preference is defence.
what do we use instead of violent dead jewel?
fugth wrote:
brunowa wrote:
Keylors wrote:
i'm would like to try this build, (never played with summoner before).

but i have only 400c to invest now, so i can't afford to buying lvl 4 empower and efficient training jewels (to reach 1000 strenght), it's is a problem or i can do all content even without the jewels and lvl 4 empower ??

What changes i can do to make the build more cheap without losing damage ??

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

This was my first summoner too man and you'll have great fun with it.

Empower 4 does add a lot of damage because you get another level PLUS you get an extra zombie... But you can work your way up to that. You should be still able to do all content but your damage will inevitably be a bit lower

To make up for that lost damage and lack of efficient training jewels sacrifice speed for now and get strength stats on your belt and boots. You can use Alberon's Warpath boots and a rare belt.

You can also make some offensive changes to skills/auras/spectres like I mentioned to someone a few pages back.

do we gain anything from empower 3? should we swap it for something like melee splash support?
yesterday dropped few ex and dear me. bought 6l, jewels and got that sweet 1k strength. t15 is just super easy, gotta try today those t16. summoner is just broken in this league

Haha love it! Let me know when you kill uber elder with this build... Gonna create a Hall of fame on first page of those that have done it.

Empower level 3 is better than other options so keep that in until you get the level 4.
woogy_ivxx wrote:
what do we use instead of violent dead jewel?

Pick your poison...

Get life or get strength or get resistances or get minion damage/leech/chance to blind/taunt.

Whatever you want and need!

If you got all your normal stats covered... Get the minion leech and chance to blind.

Edit: another option is a lethal pride jewel which can give some awesome stats. Id probably try get one with strength to get over 1200 and get another zombie as an initial move... Then other fun stat bonuses.
Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Sep 23, 2019, 4:07:12 AM
DjPapaz wrote:
1stGustavo wrote:
whats a good oil annointment for us?

Hey, i'm on a phone so can't check exact name of the nide. So tge i'm using is not far from which start nodes and fr9m there a bit northeast :) node guves minion attack/cast speed, minion movement spee and chance for minions to get onslaught. It's pretty cheap ( 2 violets 1 red IIRC).. Other than somethin usefull for minions.. You can choose to get some strebgth node if ur lacking a bit.. Also there's some juicy hp nodrs on the right side of the tree.. If for sone reason you feel lacking hp you can take these :) this build dsnt rrquire any specific annoint so choose whatever you feel best for you :)

In addition to what Dj said, you can use the cheat sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zBKRD2fqNtPS59PXM1oc_RaFrszqdrrr2BEYhrquKPQ/edit

I would personally think that Death Attunement or Ravenous Horde would be best.

For those interested in using ranged spectres... here is a video running T16 Minotaur.

Note that I don't have on my speed gear belt and boots so it's considerably slower (I want strength to hit 1000 as I'm going to try Uber Elder with it and I'm using some ES armour without strength just to get colour sockets). It's still just 90 seconds though.

But funnily enough it's still faster AND more damage than dedicated Spectre builds (even without gem swapping to single target setup at Minotaur!!!).

Starting to feel sorry for anyone that plays any of the regular spectre builds ;D


Will record another spectre minotaur run in the coming days using my speed gear to see how it compares to this.

Note... I don't recommend playing with this setup as the damage is considerably less... but it's fun to mix it up if you like the ranged spectre playstyle.

Edit: just realised my zombies were on a 5L so that also impacted DPS. Will re-record my next run with proper speed and setup.

Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Sep 23, 2019, 7:41:17 AM
hey, since this is all about speed and it isnt included in the animate guardian guide u r referring to, i just wanna throw in victario's flight boots as a nice to know for 10% movement speed addition

also what do u think about using steadfast passive with kingsguard on animate guardian for fortify buff? and if thats good what points would u respec?
Last edited by Schnubbel_#6961 on Sep 23, 2019, 7:35:03 AM
Hey Brunowa

Playing around with some options a bit:

Suggest you add to the guide Oils as the two main anoints are great for this build.

- Anoint Death Attunement via an oil and path to Ravenous Horde (7 passives). This gives us minion movement and attack speed at the expense of minion leech and some minion damage and 10 extra strength from Efficient Training.
- Anoint Ravenous Horde and path to Death Attunement (6 passives). This gives us minion leech and more minion damage at the expense of minion movement and attack speed, and an extra passive point.

I'm playing around with Grave Intentions versus Indomitable Army. Grave Intentions is an extra passive but the extra Chao resist (51% vs 20%), Unholy Might and extra ES seems pretty strong defensively. We do lose 20 strength though. With Indomitable Army have you ever found you've lost minions to chaos damage?

If not I'm guess keep Indomitable Army and spec the additional node into another life node. Thoughts?
Last edited by jermslio#7680 on Sep 23, 2019, 7:45:32 AM

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