3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Nimin1 wrote:

Thanks for the input!

it goes with out saying, test this combination out for yourself in POB before committing. You need to be comfortable that this aura layout will leave you with a very small amount of mana to play with (it should be enough but everyone has a play style difference).

If you don't feel it is enough you can look at acquiring an Empower L4 (which you may need later in the game as well if you want to go with even more Auras).
Släyer wrote:

First, Ty to the OP and to all contributors of this thread for this amazingly versatile build.
Your advices/knowledge sharing is priceless guys.

I just finished migrating my toon to CI version and I can confirm the quality of life is amazing.

interesting tree. i took some inspiration with the thread of hope jewel as i had one already with reduced mana reserved. think it turns out slightly better than my previous tree and jewel setup. tree looks super weird but it's a very complicated to min max everything while still achieving 2700 strength. can make some interesting iterations of the tree but i always end up like 20 strength short which is just generally a waste.

then comes trying to incorperate lethal pride into it. it honestly hurts my brain trying to theorycraft this. buying a 20% lethal pride on rightous army, redemption, faith and steel and devotion would save like 4 or 5 points and make the pathing actually make sense. not sure if one of those exists though and i'm guessing it would be ridiculously expensive.


current PoB if anyone is interested. 17.4k ES, can trade arcane focus and will for enduring bond if you want some more damage for -1.4k ES. still looking for a more optimized tree so if someone has one please let me know
DanteTDH wrote:
So I did a thing tonight...

So I'm running 8 aura's in my build (very offensive setup) Pride, Flesh and

stone (with maim), Hatred, Summon Skitterbots, Dread Banner, Clarity, Aspect of

the Avian,and Haste. All of this with 11,900 EHP setup. Is it needed? Hell

no. Is it awesome for damage? Hell yeah it is! lol not including Vaal haste as

well. I was testing how poor Specters were w/o blood magic and it's pretty

bad. Def. gonna switch blood magic and drop holy relic. Running 16 zombies as

well. Just wanted to share.

Thanks all!

Edit: If you want to run holy relic and you have vaal clarity for your watcher's

eye, just keep vaal clarity on CD and you'll have full frenzy/power charges up

1/2 to 3/4 of the time.

@DanteTDH would you be able to post your POB? Id love to run something like this but I can't work out how you are fitting the extra aura in. Im fully reserved with skitter, aspect, dread, hatred, pride..

How on earth do you fit haste and flesh and stone in?
Last edited by Feiticera1234#0846 on Feb 1, 2020, 8:48:43 AM
For the Saqawal variant of the build, why are we looking for socketed gems are supported by fortify when we have Kingmaker on our AG?
JayChow wrote:
For the Saqawal variant of the build, why are we looking for socketed gems are supported by fortify when we have Kingmaker on our AG?

because the gem is a more multiplier for melee damage
crazypearce wrote:

interesting tree. i took some inspiration with the thread of hope jewel as i had one already with reduced mana reserved. think it turns out slightly better than my previous tree and jewel setup. tree looks super weird but it's a very complicated to min max everything while still achieving 2700 strength. can make some interesting iterations of the tree but i always end up like 20 strength short which is just generally a waste.

then comes trying to incorperate lethal pride into it. it honestly hurts my brain trying to theorycraft this. buying a 20% lethal pride on rightous army, redemption, faith and steel and devotion would save like 4 or 5 points and make the pathing actually make sense. not sure if one of those exists though and i'm guessing it would be ridiculously expensive.


current PoB if anyone is interested. 17.4k ES, can trade arcane focus and will for enduring bond if you want some more damage for -1.4k ES. still looking for a more optimized tree so if someone has one please let me know

Fuuny cause i used your tree originally ^^
Improved my tree with lethal pride i mentionned earlier, it now gives +90 strenth and 15% increased strength which will be really hard to beat.

Here's the pastebin if u wanna have a look ...

Hey to all,

A question if anyone can answer plz,

Regarding impale + dread banner or melee physical + war banner,

What is the best combo?

Ty in advance,
Would Whipping miscreation spectre that apply Vulnerability be an option until i afford Vulnerability on hit gloves? That is 2 Carnage cheiftain, 1 Whipping miscreation and one X.
Is it better to craft the belt by yourself or buy from other? if it's craft the can anyone show me the guide?
Hi, this is my first time trying a necro build, i tried to do everything i could but my zombies keeep dying, what can i do ?

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