3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
" I got 2 different weapons atm. and One is Fortify+T1 Str and the other is just flat T1 Miniondmg(+ other mods as the weps got) And the difference is.. eh? The fortify one gives the zombies a bit more damage, all in all a total of 15% more dmg. The Minion damage one gives.. yeah, 15% less dmg to zombies but an extra 25% dmg. This is ofc per zombie and per skellie. So I would definitly say that in the end, if you run zombs And skellies the raw minion damage is way better but if you run only zombies+auras the fortify is better. |
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What lethal pride string should i be looking for ?
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" While what Nisou said is true, you both missed the fact that denipatty's minions hve zero life leech. You need to get minion life leech either by slotting a ghastly jewel with minions leech x% life, or take the 0.6% minion life leech right next to the Sacrifice node. Also, your minions will thank you greatly if you skill into Grave Intentions. 17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality." A BLATANT LIE by the HMFIIC. Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change. |
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Hi All,
Can someone please help me with my crafting? I ended up spending 1ex and screwing everything up with the staff craft. I have a 6L judgement staff where I am trying to get +1 level to socketed gem and fortify or minion damage. The way I am crafting is as below... - Quality to 20% - Scour and use alteration until I get +1 level or fortify - If I get +1 level with a different stat I will then use fossil which re-writes everything on my staff losing +1 level to gems... How do I save the +1 level to gems and aim specifically for fortify or minion damage as the second stat before I move on to add 3 more crafting stats? Any help is appreciated and if I do end up crafting this staff, I will tip whoever helped. Cheers. |
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Life leech To player granted by baron is not affected by minion leech nodes or jewel. He Will have more life leech when zombies deal better damage.
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I want to try this build but i see that some stuff are really over expensive in the league, like Emperor's Mastery So i wanted to ask if there is a gear setup guide for this build but for the Metamorph league since i dont see brunowa's character profil in league i though maybe this build is only affrodable in standard Hope somebody can help me, Thank in advance Last edited by mbbk#6601 on Jan 12, 2020, 8:38:57 AM
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FUCK YEAH! Just found awakened multistrike from Sirus :D Lists for 55 ex but gonna use it to juice up my zombies :D
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" I feel squishy as-is, what if I put blood magic back in, dropped impale on my 6 link for minion damage and didnt use dread banner |
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I still have my Lethal Pride sitting around and was wondering what modifiers I want besides 5% str. Also I asked a few times several pages back and havent gotten any responses, still wondering how well this build does on Red Blighted Maps?
IGN: DabrixRN
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" With your equip and level you should be on ~6k life and ~6k es without discipline while your offering is active, and your offering should give you 1.5k-2k es every 0.7 secs. Anything that manages to kill you now will probably still kill you with discipline active ^^' And if you don't use dread banner you'd want to use war banner to fully utilize your mana pool anyway |
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