3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

question from newbie, why u pick born to fight passive?
Have a question.
It looks like if i run just by the mobs my zombies dont even try to attack they just following me what im doing wrong?
I have a corrupted 5 link chest and a 5 link queens escape with baron/alberon's and no astramentis. My res is capped at 76% all, fairly high on chaos. Haven't swapped from using skele's yet, but think I might be able to. Using AG already, died once to a metamorph.

Where should I focus? Get astramentis, rumi's, karui flask, (still haven't found basalt), and then either focus on a chest or focus on getting femurs/2h crafted mace? I have about 2 exalt, 60 chaos. I'm only up to map t5, been running delerium to level 3.

I don't want to spend currency 6 linking femurs if i'm only gonna use it for a few days. The 5 link queens escape basically fell into my hands.
EDIT: Answered my own question.
Last edited by Blacksheep2988#7072 on Mar 18, 2020, 2:11:17 PM
Hey guys.
Lvl 90 atm with fairly 50c worth of gear, dealing up with t15-16 maps, but almost not possible to deal with delirium in case of both survivability and damage.
It's a bit harsh to read all those pages,so, what you guys think the most strong setup for current meta? Around 20ex budget atm. Looking forward for you advices. Thanks!
First off, thank you for updating the POB starter build for 3.10 today. I really appreciate it. I was using the POB for Tanky right from the get go and already at level 50 and had some pretty decent gear but things were starting to get expensive and then BOOM the POB changed Completely lol. Honestly, I wasn't certain from the get go which to start with, any of the POBs' or the leveling planners and most were heading in different directions so I was confused. Now that the 3.10 starter POB is up, I decided (since it doesn't take long to level anyhow) to create a new character to try fresh. I like it so far.

Anyhow, I am Massively confused on One thing... Thread of Hope. This is the first I have heard of this gem. Why is the world would anyone want to use a gem that causes negative resistance scores? Also, I am guessing but we should be using the Medium Ring size of Thread of Hope only, correct?... so that it only affects Lord of the Dead? At least that is what I guess it is supposed to be affecting. I could really use some insight. Thanks much for all of your hard work.
One thing to consider is that the right approach might be to invest survivability and plan on getting an elegant hubris that provide 240% or 320% increased minion damage.
beodawn1 wrote:
First off, thank you for updating the POB starter build for 3.10 today. I really appreciate it. I was using the POB for Tanky right from the get go and already at level 50 and had some pretty decent gear but things were starting to get expensive and then BOOM the POB changed Completely lol. Honestly, I wasn't certain from the get go which to start with, any of the POBs' or the leveling planners and most were heading in different directions so I was confused. Now that the 3.10 starter POB is up, I decided (since it doesn't take long to level anyhow) to create a new character to try fresh. I like it so far.

Anyhow, I am Massively confused on One thing... Thread of Hope. This is the first I have heard of this gem. Why is the world would anyone want to use a gem that causes negative resistance scores? Also, I am guessing but we should be using the Medium Ring size of Thread of Hope only, correct?... so that it only affects Lord of the Dead? At least that is what I guess it is supposed to be affecting. I could really use some insight. Thanks much for all of your hard work.

It's so you can allocate cruel preparation and ravenous horde without having to path to them. This saves 8 skill points and only works with the medium ring size jewel. This is really an end game item and your gear should be good enough that you have res to spare.

Last league i've played tanky setup - and it was amazing. I was finnaly able to farm even u.elder / sirius lvl8 without issues, metamorphs were a joke for me (in terms of how fast i can kill those).

I listend to many ppl, saying "summoner received nerf, but nothing very painfull"... So i went again, to be tanky summoner :)

Currently, my dmg is mid-low, and my survivability is pretty low as well...

I compared this build with Estaros (i think his name was somthing like that) - his build is more tanky, with more dmg... but with way higher investments.

Is there a way to still play geofri version? Or only Saqawal is even worth considering?

I know that i won't be as powerfull as in 3.9, but i hope that i will at elast be able to have pure fun on mapping, while now i have to be carefull on "how not to die" :(

I have a strange feeling, that i'm doing something wrong this league - could smb take a look and rpovide some advices, on what i should be focused now?

Will the PoB be updated for all 3 kinds of builds?
Last edited by Zeratul_PL#2990 on Mar 18, 2020, 4:27:13 PM
Hi..1. Post here..and..i'm sry..i didn't see an update..but it's in my opinion hardly needed..

"Budget" vid from today..
animated guardian 21/23 - 4 ex
enlighten 4/20 (lol) - 6 ex
raise zombie - 21/23 - 5 ex

I#m really not a hater..i want to play that build..please update it a bit..for example the gem section..before starting next 100ex budget vid..


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