3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Mar 18, 2020, 6:55:13 AM
Thanks Brunowa.

Yesh Delerium we must skip... Hard endgame maps just delete my zombies if Delerium is active and I don't think that taking some extra minion hp nodes will fix that.
elbowndg wrote:
I have few questions about Tanky Setup using Geofri's Sanctuary
I have farmed currency for this build already (but 2x 5link not 6link)
What gems should i skip in this case?
In zombies i would skip feeding freenzy?
And in auras vulnerability (i can play with mervil spectre) but if i skip vulnerability i think i should also skip blasphemy? in this case what in blasphemy slot
Im also not ready to spend few ex for animate guardian, what i can put into raise spectre links?

Sorry for chaotic english :(

-- TL:DR
* Still one of the best and easiest league starting builds.
* Still cheap to start out, but gets expensive quite fast.
* Minion builds suffer heavily from all Delirium mechanics.
* Doesn't stomp end-game(+league) content with the budget build.

Basically no-mods t16 map doesn't really count "budget farm t16's" if you can't juice up your t16's your not gonna make currency, it's better to just sell map as raw, not saying it's not possible at all, but for the purpose of showcase it would be better to juice an annoying t16 map and then do it, Canyon is definitely in a pool of one of easiest t16's superior layout, easy boss.

I know you are just testing out the build and looking for improvements in Standard. I really don't really care if this works in standard, the standard is like stone age compared to leagues, everything is much more expensive in league, some things 10x, if you gonna claim budget build for t16's put it in league metric. Enlightenment/Empower Support Lvl3 is definitely NOT budget in league metric same goes to many of your gems, if I go through your gear and gems in detail, for league metric, it easily makes it over 5ex as a whole, most of it comes from gems (levels, quality).

I'm not trying to criticize the build or anything, I've spent countless of hours looking into PoB and looking out a way to improve mostly those things:

-- Minion Survivability / Juiced up t15/t16 + Delirium

Even if Delirium 30% damage scaling is nerfed and reduced On-Death effects, the sheer amount of time to kill those mobs vs. all those effects and damage on a nerfed scale, your minions (Zombies) will die.
The problem here is not that our Zombies can't survive it's the fact that they can't properly be healed through life leech and life regens
because of those debuffs that are so surplus, they literally block all life regen/leech for your minions for an extremely extended time.

-- Problem if we focus on Minion Survivability and their Damage.

It's actually difficult to stay alive yourself, on an intense map with chaotic environment it's so simple to just die yourself not even talking about Delirium counterpart. I like Vaal MS idea.
It's definitely one way to fix it, but I really don't wanna rid of ES just yet at the same time it seems it's only way.

I'll keep playing the build and trying to feel out some of the improvements I did myself today based on yesterday's playtesting.
But I'm gonna be honest here, Minion build just can't perform in this League, not unless they nerf the living hell out of the Debuffs/On-Death Mechanics, literally, just think of it as all this nerf times 2, it's how bad Minions are in this league right now, I'm really tired of macro and micro minions just to get same result from mindless 1 button/skill zoom build that starts to look also the same cost as minion build, with much smoother game flow.

Does Path of Building not calculate impale correctly or am i missing something? You insist on using and and im sure you know what you are doing but no matter how many times i run the numbers minion damage support just seems better. Can someone explain what im missing please?
Hey guys.
Is it worth to use a Inspired Learning jewel in this build ?
i don't know why but i am like the thinnest piece of paper. Any skill can get me killed. Is anyone facing the same problem? i am poor as f now but can anyone guaranteed that once all gears are in place, we will be tanky as f? Giving up hope. lol
Camatoo wrote:
Rorschach393 wrote:
Just got molten shell and realised you cannot use it and bone armour at the same time.
People who are running molten shell have you changed ascendancy or are you keeping bone barrier and not using skill?

You need to read the full guide. We are using VAAL molten shell. The normal version isa joke, and nearly no one uses it.

I think i found my sweetspot in terms of gear and skilltree.

Current gear:

With this setup i achive 5.6k Life, around 55% armor and the damage from my minions went through the roof.
This is a endgame setup, nothing of this was cheap (execpt the gloves) But you can basically run beefy T16 maps without much issue.

my Pob: https://pastebin.com/wzXdT8rP

Mana and resistances are a pain to keep up.
I also have only 1040 strength, so it works with the new baron (i wonder how people got to 1200 strength before)

Next step would be a good enchantment on the helmet (-reserved mana determination/pride/purity of elemtents or zombie damage)

Spectre Setup: 1 Host Chieftain - 1 Carnage Chieftain - 1 Undying Evagelist - 1 Diablolist (casts enefeeble)

Update for AG could be a Vixen's Entrapment with a vulnarbility corrupt for double curse setup (expensive)

your baron is legacy
Hey guys, just a question about animated Guardian Helmet Slot.

Would you rather recommend Leer Cast (Aura that "enemies receive 15% more dmg")


Mask of the Tribunal (Aura "Allies have 6% increased defences per 100STR")

brunowa wrote:
Ok guys, YES, YOU CAN farm T16s comfortably on a budget still.

Here is a vid of T16 Canyon with:

5L Femurs
No Awakened damage gems
4L Chest (+2 link)
No Watcher's Eye
No Lethal Pride or Elegant Hubris
No Animate Guardian
Empower level 3
No helmet enchant
Budget Gear


I even have Essence Glutton ascendancy specc'ed which does NOTHING for this setup (no ES). So that's a whole extra ascendancy you can take.

My recommendation is to start with this setup, farm end-game and make some $$$ to transition into a late-game setup.

YOU have to make the decision if you want to run a delirium or not in each map. That is the whole purpose of the risk/reward. GGG did make it very clear it is a high risk for high reward league. But yes, deliriums mechanics are way overtuned considering every build is struggling with it.

My recommendation would be to just level up and skip delirium until GGG nerfs it (which they will). This would get you farming all T16's etc and you'll then have bank to splash on things while everyone else is stuck for the time being trying to run deliriums :P

Once you start making $$$ you can then scale up significantly by getting all the end game gear.

POB: https://pastebin.com/Xx3EAYWC

I have added this as one of the setups in the guide.

Tomorrow I'll post an update on my recommended end-game setup.


Thank you! As always you rock!

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