Xbox One S vs Xbox One X performance

I have been playing on an Xbox One S for quite some time now. The game runs smooth in most of the maps, but when there's a lot happening on the screen (such as breaches or monoliths), the game really starts to lag. (Also blights really lag in yellow maps, but I guess this is an overall problem that will hopefully be fixed).

So I have been thinking about upgrading to an Xbox One X for this reason. But does the game run much better on an X, or is the €500 upgrade not worth it?

Last bumped on Sep 25, 2019, 10:59:42 AM
Recently upgraded to one X. The game definitely runs smoother with more visual polish. Biggest difference is the much shorter load times. If you can afford it buy it.!
I noticed an improvement immediately. I switched the first week the X launched so I almost forget how rough it played at times. I do feel bad for those that play on a regular Xbox that love PoE. There are still hiccups, but a much smoother experience overall.
I would have upgraded to an X already if I had the money. If you’re on a budget like I am, consider investing in an external SSD. I bought a used 500gb western digital ssd off amazon for $50, and the performance is so much better. Load times are about 1/5 of what they were on the internal hdd, and the only time I really experience fps dips/stuttering/rubber banding is during a very heavy blight or legion encounter.
I still plan on getting an X when I can afford it but an ssd is a fast and fairly inexpensive way to get more enjoyment out of this game.
With normal xbox,I cannot play blighted map.
Thanks everyone for the comments! Seems like I will be upgrading then :)
It is better, but it isn't immune to framerate issues, it still chugs on the X when things get very busy, especially with 30+ skeles, zombies and golems.
till now I did just two blight maps.

First I died earlier and didn't notice the issue.

The second one I go almost reached the end BUT my xbox one X almost DIED literally unplayable the when are missing ~1 min to end the TD.

FYI I use the graphic oriented to performance, using internet cable on xbox (instead of wifi) and still didn't make to end of the mechanic.

@GGG really I don't know if is my xbox or you guys didn't test well on consoles, because it's literally unplayable the league content on xbox.

Anyone with the same experience?

BTW: my build is 9 zombies, 4 spectres and 20 SRS
My guess is that no matter, whether you´re having an Xbox 1S or Xbox 1X, you have great things to gain on running the game on an SSD Disk.
Kundarin wrote:
My guess is that no matter, whether you´re having an Xbox 1S or Xbox 1X, you have great things to gain on running the game on an SSD Disk.

An SSD radically improves load-times and any interaction that would require disk access.

It won't clear up issues due to connection quality, processing, game bugs, lack of game optimization, etc. BUT, it's generally worth the investment if one is primarily a console gamer.

A friend of mine upgraded to an XBox One X and says that the experience, overall, is improved versus the standards XBox One. I would not, however, expect the overall experience improvement to be worth the costs just for PoE. An SSD would give the most direct and noticeable value.

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