[3.9] Aziire's Venom Gyre Assassin - Dodge & Freeze Everything!

Myzreal wrote:
Sorry, I'm not terribly experienced, but doesn't the fact that both Veno Gyre and Cobra Lash implicitly convert 50% of your physical damage to cold damage a huge detriment to what you're trying to do here? I mean, it seems to me you're trying to go full physical to cold conversion here, but right off the bat you're losing like 50% of your damage just because you're using veno gyre (cause it goes to chaos which you are not scaling - you're scaling physical (half of which is wasted) and cold (which is like only 50% effective). Or am I misunderstanding something here?

I am very interested in knowing this too..
Last edited by KaibaSama on Sep 8, 2019, 11:36:39 AM

Precision doesn't have to be Level 10, that's just for when you are End Game Level 95, which the build was designed around. Just Level Precision until you can't manage the Mana anymore, and Orb of Scouring it down a level. Tehdonno described it perfectly.


Pastebin should work now, just updated it for the new Path of Building.


I'll add Stat Priorities soon. For now the Weighted Sum is a much more advanced Version of this. If you open the Trade Links to things like the Jewels you will see what the better stats are (for everything but the Claws).


You are right to a degree, of course the Gem would feel way better if we did have 100% Conversion. However even at just 50% of Damage as Cold and 50% as Chaos we get good numbers. You really don't notice it in maps, as everything is Freezing and Shattering all the time, and the Damage hasn't been an issue. Even without scaling Poison we still get really nice flat Chaos Damage as it scales off your Physical Damage, which we have a lot of.


Pierce is debated, I tried out using the Piercing Shots node that you linked and I personally didn't like it. You lose 60% of your Blades half the time as most mob. Boss DPS is about the same, and clear speed is about the same aswell. It just comes down to game feel, and with Pierce the skill feels like it packs no punch. It's a personal taste thing though.


PoB is updated now. I've just been writing what I'm changing in Bold at the start of the guide but I'll work towards a Changelog. Thanks for follow the build though :).


Described it just above ^
I manage to setup the 4L for ST , maping and bossing is alot better . Any ideas what node we could have on the amulet with the Vials ?

I thought about Longshot for Projectile or Disciple of the Forbidden for more power charge and more dmg per power charge.
Last edited by BlackFlame on Sep 8, 2019, 5:34:44 PM
Casual double 525 pdps claws in the pob to reach just 1M dps.

Yeah man no thanks.

Cause PoB dps is the be all and end all /s. I'm using a 300pdps and 200pdps Claws and run into zero problems, entering red maps now. 400pdps is a very realistic number that I could get within the next day or two, 500pdps is end game goal. But yeah man all good, just go play Blade Flurry or something so you can get some thicc Multi Million dps rather than try a different skill.
Hey mate i like build so far still got to work on single target gotta sort gems also cant activate hatred and precision in same time. Btw did you trough about Bloodseeker unique claw ?

At the moment I am using Ambidexterity which is Amber + Azure + Black. I spent 7c to get the Black Oil, however the dps is huge. As long as you are wearing an Amulet you are satisfied with you should definitely go for this upgrade. It is probably the best Passive Point we can get annointed.


Just use Hatred and Herald of Ice, then use Precision Level 1. If you have no problems Level it up until you eventually have a problem, then just De Level it with an Orb of Scouring at Vendor. Bloodseeker is a fun unique, however it has much worse DPS then we could get from a nice Rare Phys Claw.
Oke, done, solved that problem, but im haveing a bit of problem with Oom, i actualy constantly gotta spam mana potion or else im out of mana,i have 117 free mana left, other 300+ is reserved, should i add some neck with +1 mana on hit or something ?

If you are running out of mana just don't use Precision. I personally only just started using it and I am Level 89. Make sure you have the Soul Raker Passive, and decent Physical Claws so you can Leech the Mana back.
Last edited by briguy45 on Sep 9, 2019, 6:27:55 PM

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