[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

domac wrote:

That's pretty sexy! Vulnerability does literally nothing for this build but a very cool double corrupt none the less.
Changed the claw for the build, if someone wants I can sell it with small discount

Last edited by Bromeek on Sep 28, 2019, 3:44:25 PM
Delran2 wrote:
That actually helps tbh, I imported my build from the other threads and didn't really touch the config, so knowing what accurate helps more than anything:P

Thanks :)


Does this seem more accurate? :D

"enemy shocked" in pob is 50% more damage.

skiltterbot shock = 20% more damage so yeah... just that left I think rest look good
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 28, 2019, 4:00:09 PM
Neyeah wrote:
Delran2 wrote:
That actually helps tbh, I imported my build from the other threads and didn't really touch the config, so knowing what accurate helps more than anything:P

Thanks :)


Does this seem more accurate? :D

"enemy shocked" in pob is 50% more damage.

skiltterbot shock = 20% more damage so yeah... just that left I think rest look good

danngit haha. I want to try and hit 5m dps, with 20% more DPS I should be around 4m then
IGN: Delran
Last edited by Delran2 on Sep 28, 2019, 4:36:55 PM

How do I get claws to have a base of 60% chance poisons do 100% more damage or if someone could direct me to a good site to see the prefixes / carfting of an item. Some types of claws gets better chance of having a good base and you need certain itemlevel to make a good claw as I understand also shaper item??
Posted by
on Sep 28, 2019, 12:44:51 PM
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That actually helps tbh, I imported my build from the other threads and didn't really touch the config, so knowing what accurate helps more than anything:P

Thanks :)


Does this seem more accurate? :D
IGN: Delran
Last edited by Delran2 on Sep 28, 2019, 1:52:10 PM
Posted by
on Sep 28, 2019, 1:09:31 PM
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Niico75 wrote:
After playing this build until the beginning of the league i can say that the build is very fun and strong but not tanky ( for me ).

Here my gear


I clear t16 and blight content really good and did shaper and his guardian easly too but i tried my first uber elder until i start to playing the game and it was a big fail x). So i wonder if you have any suggestion on what can i change on my gear ?

Doing your first Uber Elder with a dodge build can be tricky for sure. You don't really know the fight and the phases which makes things a little harder. I would try to get the gloves Fenumus for aspect of spider it's huge boost of dps and of our defenses too. I don't think Yriel is a good choice after all, everybody complain about how fast the minion dies.
I went for a good maim lvl1/mana cost/maximum life/%life chest on an evasion base. It's hard to craft and expensive but worth it...


You also have to remember we have a dodge build so sometimes we will get one shot, try to improve your own dodges, learn the fight and you should be fine!
I also personally prefer Venom Gyre for single target, you just need to respect some points to get pierce in your tree.

hope this will help

thx for reply, i bought the fenumu's this morning and i'm little boried with mana but is ok, i will try to craft this chest and it's gonna be hard i think :x

edit : i just finish my first uber elder now but i died at the end of the fight and its was my last portal :x but zana quest has been completed^^
Last edited by Niico75 on Sep 28, 2019, 5:07:44 PM
Lunartuna wrote:
I'm now running..

despair - blasphemy

for temp chains

Malevolence and skittbots.

14.5 million dps/ 5.5 shaper


I have to say the explosion mechanic from asenaths is kinda like a mini inpulsa's. It also looks cool(monsters explode into sand) and sounds neat.

If i can find an equel dps claw that adds despair on hit i can add in something else lol..

the ceiling on this build is insane.. i just keep finding ways to up dps.

I copied your shit, and you literally made it so much more playable for me. ~2mil dps to 11 mil. Thanks!
I"ve loved the build. I sailed through everything, until I hit red maps. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, but i'm only getting about a million dps in PoB. I've tried a few expensive claws, but Wasp Nest shows consistently better numbers. Anyway, here's my build: https://pastebin.com/GyC3LuM4, and I have it set to public, as well. Any help would be appreciated!
Last edited by weisenheimer on Sep 28, 2019, 6:48:52 PM
really this weird thing hitting me today. got some lucky drops and replaced my old amulet with solstice + whisper of doom and fenumus and the double curse and all that. but when mapping i really feel the lack of punch dame even less than my cheap stuff, what is wrong on my char guys?
switched to all rare. didn't use unique anymore = )

many to min-max but I think mostly enough..

Additional Curse in chest, went for hp%+hp in amulet

much more hp, dps also not much diff with random rareglove vs fenumus web if both have temporal on hit, if not not even a comparison. fenumus too expensive to corrupt

free up aura slot due to temporal chain on hit, use malevolence + watcher eye
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 28, 2019, 10:38:14 PM

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