I’m creating this post to help showcase the variances I’ve seen in the community. I want you to be able to see the various options available and pick what best suits you. Feel free to offer your feedback like you did the last one. I intend to direct others here to answer questions. Link to page 250: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2624013/page/250#p22489907 Selecting Damage Type
People have often asked if they should go chaos or physical. The simple answer is physical has the potential to scale higher defense and chaos has the potential to scale higher offense. There is also a select group who have successfully converted to cold damage which tends to fall in between the other two. By default zombies do 100% physical damage, and 100% conversion can be obtained via Triad Grip gloves.
- The Baron
All variants of the build are based around The Baron. Zombies can be played without Baron, but much of the build becomes obsolete without this helm. Body Armour
- Saqawal’s Nest
- Geofri’s Sanctuary - Rare Saqawal’s Nest is highly versatile in the build, and several variations require the reduced mana reservation in order to function. Geofri’s Sanctuary has the potential to scale the highest EHP and should be paired with Shaper’s Touch gloves to fully benefit from the increased ES. A well crafted rare has the potential for the highest HP and strength scaling. However, it doesn’t have the same EHP as Geofri’s Sanctuary nor the utility of Saqawal’s Nest. Gloves
- Meginord’s Vice
- Shaper’s Touch - Triad Grip - Rare Meginord’s Vice is a budget glove to help reach that initial 1000 strength for leech. Replace it as soon as you can maintain 1000 strength without it. Shaper’s Touch is your defensive option. They scale ES extremely well and provide an increased mana pool necessary if a large portion of your mana is reserved. Triad Grip is the go-to for any minion conversion. 4W is the coveted Chaos conversion which scales damage very well. 4G or 3G1R will convert to cold damage. I recommend 3G1R because it allows for Generosity to link to Hatred, and we have very few green gems to work with as is. Rare gloves can provide life, resists, strength, and some minion damage. I still recommend one of the above two for most builds. Boots
- Alberon’s Warpath
- Rare Alberon’s Warpath offers up to 18% increased strength which is too valuable for most builds to pass up. Rare boots are much like gloves. They can fill in to cover resists and the like, but most people will want Alberon’s Warpath. Amulet
- Astramentis
- Rare - Talisman Astramentis is simply all around useful, scaling up to +116 all attributes. A good rare can provide nearly as much strength as Astramentis, +1 zombie, life, and other goodies. A Talisman is easily BiS for the amulet. Think rare crafted but where the implicit is either +1 zombie or 12-16% attributes. They can even be anointed when crafted. Rings
- Rare
Your rings will provide much of your resistances. Look for life, ES, strength, resistances, and minion movement speed when available. Your Aspect is usually crafted onto a ring. Belt
- Soul Tether
- Rare Not many people use Soul Tether, but those who do really enjoy the leech. This works particularly well with Vaal Pact. An Elder belt can roll up to 12% increased attributes. Look for life, strength, resists, and flask mods. Weapon
- Femur of the Saints
- Queen’s Escape - Chaber Cairn - Crafted 2H mace - Crafted 2H staff - Crafted Bow / Quiver Unique weapons are all filler weapons that should be replaced with a crafted rare. These rares are expensive. A crafted mace is the standard weapon. It allows for Maim to be crafted as a suffix, and in extreme cases, Fortify from a corruption. A staff has a better implicit and +2 to all spell gems instead of +1 to socketed gems. Fortify can be crafted as a prefix which will force you to sacrifice minion life/damage craft. A Bow and Quiver will be the lowest dps but add even more tankiness to the mix. Gems
You will want Zombies in your weapon and Animated Guardian + Spectres in your helm. Everything else falls under the realm of personal preference. I strongly recommend either a Cast while Channeling or Summon Skeletons setup in your chest.
Zombies and Skellies
The build allows for either just zombies or both zombies and skeletons. Adding skeletons will add dps and clear speed but will hinder utility. With Zombies, take Empower if it is L2 and/or you have a crafted weapon.
Raise Zombie - Feeding Frenzy - Minion Damage - Multistrike - Empower - Brutality / Melee Physical Damage / Withering Touch - Optional Alternatives: Minion Speed Vaal Summon Skeletons - Minion Damage - Minion Speed - Melee Splash / Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage - Brutality / Withering Touch - Optional Alternatives: Feeding Frenzy, Ruthless, Fortify Note: Skellies are usually run as either a 5L or 6L in end game builds. There is no specific set of support gems everyone uses. Note: Brutality should be used in a pure physical build running Flesh Offering. If you are converting your damage or using Spirit Offering, use Withering Touch or Melee Physical Damage respectively. Auras
Most people are running 4-5 total auras/buffs, including the Aspect. Pick what suits your play-style and gear. Aura reservation is done on a per-aura bases, rounded down. This means that with 10% reduced mana reservation, two 25% auras will reserve 46% mana, but a 50% aura will only reserve 45%. Below is a chart indicating how much will be reserved per aura.
[Insert Aura Chart] Note: For Commander of Darkness to provide you with 20% all elemental resistances, you must have at least 1 beneficial aura you cast on you. Pride, Flesh and Stone, Skitterbots, and all gear-Auras do not count. The same holds true for buffs (Aspect, Fortify, etc). Note: Jewels can be corrupted for 1% reduced mana reserved. Note: A L5 Enlighten can be obtained from a L4 Enlighten in corrupted gloves/boots with “+1 Level to Socketed Gems.” 50% - Pride (physical only) - Vaal Haste - Hatred (cold only) 35% - Skitterbots - Discipline - Purity of Elements 25% - Flesh and Stone (use Stone Stance) - Aspect of the Avian - Aspect of the Spider (uncommon but plausible) 10% - War Banner (physical only) Golems
- Chaos Golem
- Stone Golem - Carrion Golem It is recommended to stick to 1-2 golems. With a crafted weapon Carrion Golem provides almost no benefit to zombie dps. If you want the 3rd golem, you need to socket The Anima Stone somewhere on your tree. Utility / CwC
- Desecrate
- Flesh Offering / Spirit Offering - Convocation Desecrate and your Offering can be cast individually or linked to Cyclone + Cast while Channeling. This can be further buffed by Infused Channeling or Fortify. Convocation can be used to keep minions near you and out of dangerous areas. Many people use the 6 link: Cyclone - Cast while Channeling - Desecrate - Spirit Offering - Fortify - Infused Channeling This generates a serious amount of ES recovery roughly every .7 seconds, especially when combined with Shaper’s Touch. Note: To receive any benefit from your Offering, you must have the Mistress of Sacrifice Ascendency. Mobility
- Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks
- Phase Run + Increased Duration + Flame Dash Both skills can be run with or without the full setup. Additional Mobility Gems - Withering Step - Frostblink Guard Skill
- Vaal Molten Shell
- Bone Armour (free from Ascendency) Vaal Molten Shell can be linked to Increased Duration or CWDT if desired. You may choose to only use it for the Vaal effect and Bone Armour as a regular guard. Bone Armour provides bleed immunity. Crafting
There are two methods here: Spamming or Slamming. Which route you take is dependent on market value, RGN, and personal preference.
Crafting Shenanigans can help make crafting cheaper. Note: If crafting anything other than a 2H mace, the steps will be the same, but the desired mods may change. 6 Link the Weapon (1) Purchase ilvl 75+ Shaper 2H Mace (2) Craft 28-30% quality either through a Perfect Fossil or T2+ Hillock in Transportation (optional) (3) Craft 15-18% quality (total max 48%) (optional) (4) Roll 6 sockets (5) Roll 6 links Option Spamming (1) Scour and Transmute (2) Spam Alterations until you hit “+1 to Level of Socketed Gems” and/or “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18+ Maim Support.” - If you get both, you have the option of creating an imprint of it via Craicic Chimeral beastcraft - If you get 32% reduced attribute requirements, take this time to color your sockets. (3) Regal - If you get the second desired mod, move to step (4) - If you don’t, move to step (1) (4) Annulment - If you removed the undesired mods or choose to keep all mods, move to Crafting. - If you removed a desired mod but do have an imprint, use it, regal, and repeat step (4). You may choose to make another imprint. - If you removed a desired mod and don’t have an imprint, move to step (1) (1) Scour and Transmute (2) Spam Alterations until you hit “Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18+ Maim Support” - If you get 32% reduced attribute requirements, take this time to color your sockets. (3) Regal (4) Annulment - If you removed all undesired mods, move to step (5) - If you removed Maim, move to step (1) (5) Craft “Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers” (6) Beastcraft Farric Wolf Alpha - If you get “+1 to Level of Socketed Gems,” move to Crafting - If you get Cast on Melee Kill, move to step (4) Note: The above is incorrect. Do not follow the Slamming portion until I can fully verify the correct method. Use Alterations or find another guide to follow. Crafting (1) Craft Multimod (2) Prefixes - Minions deal 39-45% increased damage / Minions have 39-45% increased maximum life - +2 to level of socketed support gems (3) Suffixes - Minions have 25-28% increased attack speed / Minions have 25-28% increased cast speed Note: Weapon can add white sockets without corrupting it with Vorici in Research. Note: Weapon can add an 8th link, L10 Fortify, with a corruption. Belt
(1) Purchase ilvl 75+ Elder Heavy Belt. ilvl 85+ is necessary for T1 strength roll.
(2) Spam Chaos Orbs until you get “10-12% to All Attributes” and other acceptable mods. Note: You will likely want to craft either life or strength, so make sure to have the necessary open prefix/suffix. (3) Prefixes - Life - #% Life - Energy Shield - Armour - Mana - Grants Level 22 Enduring Cry Skill (4) Suffixes - 10-12% Increased Attributes - Strength - Any resistance mod - Any flask mod Amulet/Talisman
(1)Purchase ilvl 85+ Elder or Shaper amulet. (2)Spam Chaos Orbs until you get “+1 to Maximum Number of Raised Zombie” in an Elder amulet or “10-12% Increased Attributes” in a Shaper amulet as well as other acceptable mods. (3) Prefixes - 10-12% Attributes (Shaper) - Life - Energy Shield - #% Energy Shield - #% Armour - Mana (4) Suffixes - +1 Zombie (Elder) - Strength - All Attributes - Any resistance - Dexterity or Intelligence - Cast Speed (4) Craft desired Anointment Talisman To get a Talisman corrupt any regular amulet that is not Shaper or Elder with a T1 or T3 Jorgin at Research. T1 has a 1/12 chance for +1 zombie, and T3 has 1/7 chance for 12-16% increased attributes. This will corrupt the amulet, changing the implicit. All explicits will remain unchanged. Note: Make sure to anoint the amulet first! Note: To get +1 zombie as an explicit, the amulet needs to naturally drop from Delve. (Someone please verify this) Anointments
The preferred anointment for most of us is Death Attunement. It saves 6 passive points (7 including the node itself), and the other nodes leading up to it aren’t that strong. Another option is Ravenous Horde. You will save an additional passive, but at the cost of valuable movement speed. Under no condition should you waste your anointment on any of the defensive nodes; none of them are worth it. I say again, do not pick Grave Intentions.
Timeless Jewel Get yourself a Lethal Pride. Keep in mind you may very well spend more rolling it than on the gem itself sinceeach Roll is 1 Divine. This jewel will add 2-4 strength to passives and a random mod to notable passives. All default stats remain unchanged. The recommended jewel slot is right above Devotion. You may also want to check values at the jewel above Juggernaut. It will take a rework of the tree, but could be worthwhile. Ideally you want 2 or more 5% strength and other useful mods on notables we already take. It’s up to you to decide if picking up additional notables is worth it. For example, my 3rd 5% is on Righteous Decree, and I took it. Other Jewels You might choose a Brawn if it grants you another strength threshold, but otherwise grab a Ghastly Eye Jewel. All # to # damage mods are worthless. Instead look for life, ES, chance to blind (highly recommended), chance to taunt, and any other defensive roll. You could easily pick up some additional resistance here if lacking elsewhere. Last edited by Aldonés#1294 on Oct 21, 2019, 9:24:51 AM
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Why not make it page 250 instead. Easier to remember.
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I really should have thought of socket colors...who wants 2B2R...
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" Those can be changed at the crafting bench... takes a few Vaal Orbs, but it's not normally horrible. |
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Anyone that is done this League wanna sell me a wep!?
I'm so tanky! getting 95 wasn't hard at all. Last edited by NLe#7248 on Oct 17, 2019, 3:49:17 AM
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First i want to thank jlh165 for the great support in this thread.
I'm playing realy "casual" this league. Got 38/40 last league so i am a bit tired of this game. Anyone can look at my decent gear. I play the zombie + cyclone / cwc build with a 6L Femurs (1.5 ex), a self-made lvl 21 zombie gem and a shitty leathal pride (only hit +20 str and 10% inc. of fortify). So you can say i'm playing on a low budget. And to be honest: i wonder if GGG care about balancing this game. My decent gear is enough to kill a +35% HP T16 Minotaur in about 3 seconds. Shaper died in the last phase of the fight so fast, that he could not even spawn a copy of himself. And the most stupid part of this build: i am playing with Geofri + Shapers Touch and took some ES nodes on the tree. With Cyclone + CWC + Desecrate + Spirit Offering + Fortify i have nearly 7k Life and 7k ES PLUS Zombie leech + 3-4k ES regenearation per second + 2.5k ES every 0.7 sec. from Spirit Offering. It feels like i activate god mode in this game. No need to dodge anything. My ES dont even loose 1 point from max ES. Shaper slam inc? No need to worry. I recently played a double damage minotaur map and whent there without my zombies to try out my tankiness. Even his cave dive didnt get me down. Dont get me wrong: this build got extrem high damage, fast clear speed and you are immortal. but i think this is putting the game in the wrong direction. |
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Agreed, this build is definitely too strong. Insane damage paired with raally strong defenses/massive EHP pool.
So it's a guaranteed nerf for next league I assume. |
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Just sit tight until 4.0. Hopefully among all the other changes there is a power creep reset. Still considering Shaper as an end game boss is kinda laughable. How much more hp do Blight bosses have? Every new league the creep gets higher, and “end game” becomes less “end.”
Zombies and Spectres will get nerfed. Why? Because that’s GGG’s MO. I doubt any tankiness will get touched, but they will hit Zombies in some way. I also expect Spirit Offering to take a hit. "What are you doing to get 3-4K ES regeneration? That’s ~40-60% of your ES pool per second. Last edited by Aldonés#1294 on Oct 17, 2019, 10:36:12 AM
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" It's "only" 2.670 ES regeneration per second :-) still more then enough xD |
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I am using Withering Step as movement skill, is very useful. It grants Elusive :20% chance to Dodge Attack Hits + 20% chance to Dodge Spell Hits + 40% increased Movement Speed more Phasing and some wither debuff on enemies. Alternating spirit offering (it cuts withering step), movement flask, renewing withering seems nice to run maps. |
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