Justified Hatred... Please read.

Boem wrote:
massive snip

Admittedly I could have been more nuanced in my post, but in the interest of relative brevity I tried to make a point without expanding on context.

With regards to technology and communication, I was more referring to the associated isolation technology affords while at the same time connects us more than ever.

You can see this simply as young people spending a tremendous amount of screen time, to adults bring glued to their devices during social engagements. If you would have told people 100 years ago that we would have handheld devices that gave you access to information nearly instantly, or could provide instantaneous communication across vast distances, but we used it for candy crush and sexting, they wouldn't have believed you.

As far as our interactions with each other, I realize my supposition was jarring, but the reality is less though after examination.

For example if a woman trips and falls in front of me, my initial reaction, without much consideration, is to offer immediate assistance, and ask if she is alright. However if I got onto a train, I wouldnt start asking how everyone was, saying hello, ect.., and my guess is the vast majority of others wouldnt either or want me to initiate that interaction. They would be content reading on their phones, listening to music, and so on. So while we are social, empathic creatures by nature, this is tempered by the fact we are more concerned with ourselves.

Finally I think the awareness and media portion of society is playing a key role in how we react to things. In the pas Ltd we wouldnt have even known about an atrocity in Africa, or the plight of Women in the Middle East (to the extent we know now). How the media covers this information wants us to feel a certain way, or evoke emotion to a desired effect. Unfortunately much of this has monetization in mind. Media needs clicks/readers/viewers, in order to profit, and they capitalize on our emotions.

So it's not to say that these events are not real, they are, but how/when, they are covered, and in the frequency they are covered, with he profit intent, is inherently problematic. It is becoming more manipulative by the day.

I know my posts have been somewhat long, and probably edge close to the limits of the CoC, but I've tried to stay directly on the nose here. Society may change, and technology may change, and how we view each other may change, but in the end, our genetic makeup wont change our basic nature (eugenics/cybernetics aside, because fuck I dont want to think about that lol)

There isn't more hate, we are not more divided, we are not more cruel. In fact we are more aware of our differences than ever. Dont confuse the two is what I'm saying.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Have the rules been reversed?
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Boem wrote:
Disrupted wrote:
I really fucking hate when people I dont know say hello to me

Did you perhaps forget that the people you know said hello to you in the past?

hello :p



nah, I forgot I hate those people as well.

Last edited by Disrupted on Aug 13, 2019, 2:03:12 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Have the rules been reversed?

Which ones?

Edit: No, most likely due to early AM thier time, and nothing too crazy in the thread.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Aug 13, 2019, 2:13:30 PM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Embrace the dark side! It make u stronk.

Stop giving a damn about humanity, and life becomes way simpler when you only truly give a damn about yourself and your personal interests. It's quite liberating.

What kind of zombie do you want to be

[ ]Fast (Danny Boyle, Zac Snyder, Mike Booth)

[ ]Slow (George Romero, Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright)

Submit your preferences before 03 Nov 2020 so the rest of us know where to strike first.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
DarthSki44 wrote:

..., but in the end, our genetic makeup wont change our basic nature (eugenics/cybernetics aside, because fuck I dont want to think about that lol)

You know, these are the bad guy´s,
and the people with child´s cartoon level of thinking are the good guy´s.

Usuall rhetorik, people naturally love what has good impact on themself´s and hate what has a negative impact. Nobody loves cancer.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Boem wrote:
massive snip

Admittedly I could have been more nuanced in my post, but in the interest of relative brevity I tried to make a point without expanding on context.

With regards to technology and communication, I was more referring to the associated isolation technology affords while at the same time connects us more than ever.

You can see this simply as young people spending a tremendous amount of screen time, to adults bring glued to their devices during social engagements. If you would have told people 100 years ago that we would have handheld devices that gave you access to information nearly instantly, or could provide instantaneous communication across vast distances, but we used it for candy crush and sexting, they wouldn't have believed you.

As far as our interactions with each other, I realize my supposition was jarring, but the reality is less though after examination.

For example if a woman trips and falls in front of me, my initial reaction, without much consideration, is to offer immediate assistance, and ask if she is alright. However if I got onto a train, I wouldnt start asking how everyone was, saying hello, ect.., and my guess is the vast majority of others wouldnt either or want me to initiate that interaction. They would be content reading on their phones, listening to music, and so on. So while we are social, empathic creatures by nature, this is tempered by the fact we are more concerned with ourselves.

Finally I think the awareness and media portion of society is playing a key role in how we react to things. In the pas Ltd we wouldnt have even known about an atrocity in Africa, or the plight of Women in the Middle East (to the extent we know now). How the media covers this information wants us to feel a certain way, or evoke emotion to a desired effect. Unfortunately much of this has monetization in mind. Media needs clicks/readers/viewers, in order to profit, and they capitalize on our emotions.

So it's not to say that these events are not real, they are, but how/when, they are covered, and in the frequency they are covered, with he profit intent, is inherently problematic. It is becoming more manipulative by the day.

I know my posts have been somewhat long, and probably edge close to the limits of the CoC, but I've tried to stay directly on the nose here. Society may change, and technology may change, and how we view each other may change, but in the end, our genetic makeup wont change our basic nature (eugenics/cybernetics aside, because fuck I dont want to think about that lol)

There isn't more hate, we are not more divided, we are not more cruel. In fact we are more aware of our differences than ever. Dont confuse the two is what I'm saying.

People make their own realities... If you feel you live in a world where negative thoughts/actions seem to outweigh the good, perhaps you may have an internal struggle that needs to be personally rectified. The world is not full of hatred, chaos, bigotry... etc.
There is something called, "perceived environment." If you live in a town all your life and your town is drug infested, crime infested etc... Your mind will automatically think the rest of the world is of that nature. It’s an automatic response, because obviously you may have seen something dramatic therefore it is stored there in your brain for the rest of your life.

*People who are generally withdrawn have had something of a dramatic episode in their life. I digress...

For those of us whom been lucky to have not had a dramatic event occur, be kind... Help others. I’m not saying while you take public transportation to greet everyone lol... But when theres that rare chance you are in an elevator with others, a good morning or good evening goes a long way.

People blame the media, leaders, their parents, their environment... But I ask the blamers and pointers, "what have you done?”
Maybe it’s me, but I love meeting people, whilst in Hawaii I’ve met people from all over the world. And when a conversation strikes up and I know something about their particular culture, they feel amazing, appreciated.

"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
The_Impeacher wrote:
Have the rules been reversed?

They're just handpicking posts they feel like removing. Half the posts here are way more political than mine was, yet they removed mine for being "too political".
The water cooler is leaking, floor may be slippery, try not to get your ass wet. I was mid reply to the reply to my reply to you when it was removed -.-‘ Pretty sure you meant like meteors or aliens or something, right?
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Boem wrote:
Also on the point of overpopulation(a point also raised by a previous poster with a more "let's get all genocidal" tendency in it) i see no real argumentation for this.

A feeling and a personal sense, perhaps, but nothing that really backs it up.

For example, overpopulated by what measure? And by whose models? Which person is the arbiter on this conclusion and for what reason.

I would argue that if we went back 150 years people probably also felt "overpopulated", yet we trippled the population in that time-frame with little problems along the way.(in the more general broad sense, wealth went up, poverty went down, criminality plummeted etc)

So i would have to see some models that suggest we couldn't double our current population without issue aswell.
And the problem with models is that they project into the future based on current parameters.

I hear you, and please don't take my following rant in offensive way, even if I might sound a bit grumpy here.

I'v never bought the way some people go 'into genocidal mode' so lightly. I feel it's seriously naive position, cause, you know, your fellow specimen might actually have their say about it. So instead of fixing a population problem we'd just end up ruining any attempt to find a reasonable solution by ruining any recognizable organized civilization. In fact, I'm inclined to believe it would exacerbate population growth.

In the meanwhile, I also find it naive to ask for models on overpopulation. Sure, maybe theoretically Earth could provide for gazillion human beings, but we aren't living in a theoretical world. It's well-documented that our current way we have set up production is quickly ruining environment for other species, let alone if people are to copy the same production chain in developing countries. The most serious risk is endangering systemic balance. Such threat is existential to all known life in the universe, no hyperbole attached. This is why the argument is not neutral -there are severe differences of outcomes between scenarios under information uncertainty. See:


Maybe I'm missing something. It really escapes me how people see weight of testimony put upon doomsayers, given how the argument goes and what is at stake. For all we know, Earth might be the only source of biological life in our universe (some might say that is improbable, yet again -where is the evidence?). Considering this, general attitudes to environmental questions seems absurd to me.

I'd happily be wrong. Downside to it seems negligible to me.
Last edited by vmt80 on Aug 15, 2019, 2:38:03 PM

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