[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

sad to hear there wont be an update to a tankier version of ed contagion.. i had a blast w this build.. but i understand where your coming from. hope you enjoy whatever you play this league :)
Darkxellmc wrote:
Jadran wrote:
Darkxellmc wrote:
Yeah, I thought of that instantly, it's a significant buff for bow dot casters. Ultimatum nerfs didn't go through well it seems :o


On the other hand, forbidden rites looks busted mechanicly. Guess we'll see if it can boss.

Welcome back Dark! Will you be playing / updating this build for 3.15?

I thought about it, before reading the patch notes...

Sounds pretty familiar to me

Darkxellmc wrote:

If I don't play ED, don't expect me to update the guide, no. If I do, I'll do it as I progress myself, so I really wouldn't recommend following it unless oyu know what you're doing.
Also, crafting changed, and I'm not up to date with every way to make items nowourdays... Still thinking the harvest way.

That is understandable. But even if it's a sad thing for me because I will not be able to adjust on my own I will not complain about it. After testing a dozen other builds in the past leagues this here was the best for me by far so I am still very grateful for all the hours of fun that this build gave me.

I skipped Ultimatium and I missed some of the changes too. Combined with the new stuff coming with the patch: has anyone an idea of what might be an interesting build to play now that might have similar playstyle? Because now I am more confused than ever tbh and any suggestions would be nice.

And no worries...I will not blame anyone if I don't like it after trying:).
PoB Update is out, my Ultimatum ED went from 1.3m to 900k with decent gear (30-50ex i think)

So yeah, the nerf hits but that's still good enough for easy mapping, Sirius and co will suck tho xD

On a second note i think he forgot to remove the dot dmg on Witchfire Brew, didn't that one get removed? If yes i am down to 740k -.- with infusion and 7 withere stacks plus frenzy charges.
Chumber wrote:
PoB Update is out, my Ultimatum ED went from 1.3m to 900k with decent gear (30-50ex i think)

So yeah, the nerf hits but that's still good enough for easy mapping, Sirius and co will suck tho xD

On a second note i think he forgot to remove the dot dmg on Witchfire Brew, didn't that one get removed? If yes i am down to 740k -.- with infusion and 7 withere stacks plus frenzy charges.

Yes, dot was removed on witchfire, traded for slightly better flask uptime on bosses.
Not sure how you're loosing 25% damage to removing witchfire tho.
Darkxellmc wrote:
Not sure how you're loosing 25% damage to removing witchfire tho.
Lack of another way to apply despair maybe?
If anyone wanted an update: I will not be playing ED this league, as I finally found something that fits my build style.
This means I will NOT be updating the original post. I may be here to answer a few questions if needed, but I also know a few players already do this just fine (thanks Viktranka!).
Good luck in Expedition league!

I'll be playing reap, as I overlooked the base damage of the skill. Reap dot also looks interesting tho, and could probbaly be played in a similar fashion as good ol' ED trickster.
But I'll be going crit hits, because why not.
Last edited by Darkxellmc on Jul 22, 2021, 12:56:32 PM
RajivAiyar wrote:
Zizaren in his recent video mentioned about simply using delirium gloves for his ED build but don't really know what the point of that would be here.

But these were made much harder to make with the nerfs to aisling and veiled chaos orbs

The point is to be able to run +1/+1 wands (super expensive to roll too) and a 6L blight in chest
I started turning my trickster into CI ED last league but gave up at the wand because I needed a chaos augment or 2 for that and the amulet which were impossible to find (especially on a private league). Shame, I managed to hit some really sweet shit :

Skipping this league, all the nerfs are nonsense and the mechanic doesn't seem exciting.
Last edited by Shuggananas on Jul 24, 2021, 3:25:24 PM
Shuggananas wrote:

Skipping this league, all the nerfs are nonsense and the mechanic doesn't seem exciting.

Most likely skipping this league too, unless some drastic changes to ailments happen.

Game is literally unplayable without ailment immunity right now, highly favoring builds that natively get it.
And even if it was, there's no new content sonce ritual, and in ritual our characters were significantly stronger. I'm not spending 500+ hours without deterministic crafting to make a character that'sll be much weaker than something I've already highly invested into in the past, to do the same content.
Viktranka wrote:
Darkxellmc wrote:
Not sure how you're loosing 25% damage to removing witchfire tho.
Lack of another way to apply despair maybe?

Yep, why bother with despair if you can just pop witchfire :D
Yep, PoE is easy, no matter what they try to do. When starting a new character, the best mechanic to exploit is minions. Because they provide cannon fodder defense and damage. With a trickster, just get a Raise Zombie Gem (either from someone else or from making a witch character and running the intro yourself), then get Animate Weapon and Summon Phantasm.

It doesn't matter if the minions are doing good damage numbers or not, they are the perfect subterfuge and will take focus away from your character. They will intercept projectile damage and engage melee enemies, making you much less the main target.

Use minions and cast whatever chaos spells/curses are available to you. Hard numbers are better than percentages at the beginning of the game, so don't worry about spending points in the skill tree for attack purposes, just get raw stats, evasion, resistances, health and mana.

Here is where I am at with a level 35 - PoB(community fork): https://pastebin.com/7yKm2QXH

Still face-rolling through content without investment in gear. What I have is what I have found.

The game is easily exploited with kiting.
Last edited by EvilBob2U on Jul 27, 2021, 2:49:16 AM

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