[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Shuggananas wrote:
The biggest problem I'm encountering is getting enough ES for MOM.
Tbh if you want to go all the way with Occultist, I feel like it's more suited for lowlife or CI build, lowlife is more damage with pain attunement but getting enough ES when chest is locked to shavs is a bit harder than harvest crafting some OP vaal regalia. Biggest annoyance is you can't get fat ES on quiver so either you get Soul Strike or you get hunter quiver with damage...
Getting enough life for MOM is manageable but requires a few changes.

-15% radius to contagion. Such bullshit.
Effiacy Support now equippable at level 8 instead of 31 so we get some DoT early. -3 to base radius of contagion hurts ....
Last edited by Singulare on Jan 12, 2021, 4:30:41 PM
how about 3.13?
Singulare wrote:
Effiacy Support now equippable at level 8 instead of 31 so we get some DoT early.
If you get a correct colour 3-link, you get both void manipulation and efficacy at 8 now so that's a good boost.

To be honest, efficacy at 8 helps more the spellcasters who didn't use chaos skills and couldn't benefit from void manipulation. For example if you wanted to level with freezing pulse, orb of storms or anything like that, there was no useful support until lvl 18 when ele focus / conc effect / controlled destruction unlock.

I tried to level cold dot occultist recently only to find out I can get creeeping frost / wintertide at 12 but there's no useful supports for them.

P.S. No nerf to divergent berserk or legion jewels in the patch notes, so we good with that right?
Last edited by Viktranka on Jan 12, 2021, 7:33:06 PM
The OP now includes info on 3.13 and mentions "Slight nerfs overall, but nothing strong enough to offset the massive buffs this recieved in heist league."

Can someone more skilled at the game and crafting point out to me what those Heist buffs are (and what I might have missed out on in 3.12 :((( )?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Jadran wrote:
what those Heist buffs are (and what I might have missed out on in 3.12 :((( )?
Check title, divergent berserk is a really good spell power buff and also a defensive skill baked in 1 button.
R.I.P ED Trickster 2021
Xackis wrote:
R.I.P ED Trickster 2021
I heard they buffed Glacial Hammer, you can try that one. xD
Did they actually buffed anything? All i saw was nerfs on everything.

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