[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Shuggananas wrote:
Finally hit the godly triple T1. What a beast.

Just have to hilllock 28% now.

That's surely making me damp.
You think there's a way to get 10% dodge on top of this? Missing the 10/10 is a bit harsh imo. Spell dodge is craftable, but not attack, it's only essence.
Still, this completely solves the life/es unbalance we now have with high life values (I'm aiming at 6.5k+ life). Gratz!


Completely unrelated, I redid the first flowchart, can anyone review it quickly, just to make sure I didn't do anything stupid in there?

I could hit 6% dodge which isn't too bad. Weights are very low and no tags though.
I think I'll reroll suffixes now. I have 2 "reroll mods, keep prefixes" stored, with some luck I'll hit 6% dodge, but the plan right now is double or triple resistance suffixes. Fire/Cold/Chaos would be cool. Doesn't sound too hard too.

Hitting attributes on a suffix is 30% apparently, that would suck. Stun/block recovery is also kinda high odds.
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 6, 2020, 10:20:37 AM
Darkxellmc wrote:
krut0n wrote:
I am having a really hard time with single target with this build so far. I know my gear has allot to go for improvements but was wondering should single target just not be great overall regardless of how many exalts you throw at it? I also take quite a bit of damage and can't really sit and tank like some of the video's show. Here is my gear so far any suggestion on improving to have better single target

Not really. You're starting to have nice gear (well, good bow at least), but this is only the begining of your damage scaling. The content, however, doesn't scale much past t16. So you more you invest, the more you will improve your singletarget, to the point where shaper dies in seconds.

Of course, with the same level of investment on anything else than ed, you'd reach much higher numbers, and faster. But is there really a point? My goal this league is 3Million ED dps. With blight, we're looking at a solid 5-6Mil combined dps. This clears a sirus 8 phase in 3 seconds, and the last phase in 12-13, since he'll reset the dot with an everlasting fire once. Do we REALLY need more than this?

I think the endgame ED character is extremely well rounded, and this is why I love this build so much. The end result is incredibly tanky, is absurdly fast while still having enough damage to not be lacking and clear everything. It gives an endgame goal to strive for, and this is what POE is all about to me.
But the jorney to get here is, of course, non trivial and lenghty.

Thank you for the reply. So are you saying that with my current gear I should be having a hard time with single target until I start upgrading much more? I just havn't played ED/Contagion so maybe im expecting more from single target. Should I just follow the upgrade flow chart and then will continually increase my damage and survivability?
krut0n wrote:
Darkxellmc wrote:
krut0n wrote:
I am having a really hard time with single target with this build so far. I know my gear has allot to go for improvements but was wondering should single target just not be great overall regardless of how many exalts you throw at it? I also take quite a bit of damage and can't really sit and tank like some of the video's show. Here is my gear so far any suggestion on improving to have better single target

Not really. You're starting to have nice gear (well, good bow at least), but this is only the begining of your damage scaling. The content, however, doesn't scale much past t16. So you more you invest, the more you will improve your singletarget, to the point where shaper dies in seconds.

Of course, with the same level of investment on anything else than ed, you'd reach much higher numbers, and faster. But is there really a point? My goal this league is 3Million ED dps. With blight, we're looking at a solid 5-6Mil combined dps. This clears a sirus 8 phase in 3 seconds, and the last phase in 12-13, since he'll reset the dot with an everlasting fire once. Do we REALLY need more than this?

I think the endgame ED character is extremely well rounded, and this is why I love this build so much. The end result is incredibly tanky, is absurdly fast while still having enough damage to not be lacking and clear everything. It gives an endgame goal to strive for, and this is what POE is all about to me.
But the jorney to get here is, of course, non trivial and lenghty.

Thank you for the reply. So are you saying that with my current gear I should be having a hard time with single target until I start upgrading much more? I just havn't played ED/Contagion so maybe im expecting more from single target. Should I just follow the upgrade flow chart and then will continually increase my damage and survivability?

My gear is about the same as yours. Just getting 21% chaos damage over time multiplier on quiver raised my Tooltip ED damage from 195K to 219K. You have like 3-5 games not level 20. Also your ED could be level 21. I don't know if you have Cluster jewels yet but what I did was bought the Dot multiplier jewel for 1 chaos and used harvest to craft Exposure therapy + jewel socket + Student Decay or any other for cheap. I am working on Trancendent mind Jewel next.
Hey guys: My gear is as follows:

Question I bought the bow for 5 ex exactly. Can I augment a Life or something onto the bow in harvest to make it better?

Your bow has full prefixes. You can aug a resistance with fire/cold/lightning/chaos augment at best.

edit: tried to reroll suffixes twice. Both times I hit shit you can't remove lol, dex then recovery:

third time's the charm:

left to do:
remove life
add chaos until T2+ chaos resistance
fix the last resistance

If I want to get frisky later on, slam warlord influence for 18% all elemental res with annul/aug influence mod
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 6, 2020, 1:49:38 PM
Fairly new so question regarding the 10ex bow crafting and adjustments now that harvest is available.

11) Use annulment orbs until the only modifier left is "of liquefaction"(chaos multiplier). If you remove the chaos multiplier, go back to 8.

Assuming I have extra mods that are life and attack I should just be able to harvest remove them instead of having to deal with annul gambles (leaving only the damage over time multi)?

12) On your crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have 3 crafted modifiers
Cannot roll attack mods

The only reason that "can have 3 crafted mods" is used here is to ensure we get a prefix, right?

Per above if I have a suffix that is life can I go ahead and skip the "can have 3 crafted mods" since I can just later remove the life via harvest "remove life" effectively saving 2 ex?

I.E. I have merk bow right now with

- Damage over Time Multiplier (of liquification) [suffix]
- Life gained on kill (Life tag) [suffix]

If I go ahead and just add "Cannot roll attack mods" (i'll have 3 suffix's) and then hit it with the exalt I should end up with

- +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (paragons) [prefix]
- Damage over Time Multiplier (of liquification) [suffix]
- Life gained on kill (Life tag) [suffix]
- Cannot roll attack mods

Remove Life gained on kill via "Harvest remove life"
Remove crafted mods

Proceed with rest of craft from there.

Is this feasible? Does this effectively make the 10ex bow really a 8ex bow or am I missing something?
Last edited by Slevithy#5515 on Jul 6, 2020, 1:59:45 PM
stormsurfer36 wrote:
Fairly new so question regarding the 10ex bow crafting and adjustments now that harvest is available.

11) Use annulment orbs until the only modifier left is "of liquefaction"(chaos multiplier). If you remove the chaos multiplier, go back to 8.

Assuming I have extra mods that are life and attack I should just be able to harvest remove them instead of having to deal with annul gambles (leaving only the damage over time multi)?

12) On your crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have 3 crafted modifiers
Cannot roll attack mods

The only reason that "can have 3 crafted mods" is used here is to ensure we get a prefix, right?

Per above if I have a suffix that is life can I go ahead and skip the "can have 3 crafted mods" since I can just later remove the life via harvest "remove life" effectively saving 2 ex?

I.E. I have merk bow right now with

- Damage over Time Multiplier (of liquification) [suffix]
- Life gained on kill (Life tag) [suffix]

If I go ahead and just add "Cannot roll attack mods" (i'll have 3 suffix's) and then hit it with the exalt I should end up with

- +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (paragons) [prefix]
- Damage over Time Multiplier (of liquification) [suffix]
- Life gained on kill (Life tag) [suffix]
- Cannot roll attack mods

Remove Life gained on kill via "Harvest remove life"
Remove crafted mods

Proceed with rest of craft from there.

Is this feasible? Does this effectively make the 10ex bow really a 8ex bow or am I missing something?

Yes you can cheat like this. Just make sure to triple check that the affixes are removable (the tags shouldn't be blue only on poedb if that makes any sense)

You can also save an ex with leo ;)
edit: life on kill can be removed with harvest you're good to go
Last edited by Shuggananas#4641 on Jul 6, 2020, 2:08:13 PM
Guys, is Lioneye's Fall Jewel can be used in this build or it's waste of slot? Just got it and thinking now wether to keep it for future or sell

Edit: well, i posted it without thinking. We don't do damage with bow directly...
Last edited by AethGorr#2170 on Jul 6, 2020, 4:20:51 PM
Great build!

It's becoming better (and easier) than my old necro (before the nerfs).

Just as you said, there is a tough spot when you're just entering endgame, but after that its smooth sailing!

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