Boem wrote:
^The fallacy in your argument is that she would be responsible for somebody else breaking the law.

Or "instigated" the assault by proxy behavior.

Neither is the case, it's aking to the argument that women wearing frivolous clothes are responsible when they are sexually assaulted.

Also my point to Charan was exactly what you said, his breach of the CoC had nothing to do with morals or where his personal moral axis is.

So putting that forward as an argument is redundant.
Me too. And people who sell used bathwater for fetish purposes. And people who buy it. And people who consume it.

Funny how we don't need to discount one for the other also to be true! It's almost like you couldn't actually disagree so you just raised the bar for what 'human trash' is when I have absolutely no obligation to clear that bar when my bar is perfectly fine for me. ^_^

As if people not living up to your personal morals allows you to call them trash in a public environment.

Disonant reasoning and an infraction on the CoC guidelines.



That's not what I'm saying at all.

Increasing your risk doesnt have anything to do with deserving what could happen. Its would be like putting your personal information online, then your identity was stolen, and then claim victim shaming when asked why you put your information online.

Or another example would be posting on Facebook you are going on vacation and then your home gets robbed because people knew you were gone.

You certainly didnt deserve for crimes to be committed against you, but you were less than diligent in preventing them from occurring, or even increasing the likelihood.

I hope nothing happens to this young lady. I hope she is successful in her influencer efforts. I just wish she was smarter about the risks she was taking (or understood them better)

I suppose if she fully understands the risks and just wants to take them for financial gain, then fine. However, as one famous person said. Hope isnt a strategy.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
How do you people manage to turn every funny thread into a serious conversation? What happened was gross, it should just stay at that and be joked about. These discussions you guys have would be way better to be had in real life, instead of a game forum.

The lack of entertainment is probably why GGG doesn't like it here.

To be fair, since nothing contentious or potentially harmfull to "anybody" else can be said on these boards, humor becomes impractical since it usually abuses the stress around taboo topics for laughter or discomfort.

The budha walks around in new-york and runs around in central park, he comes across a hotdog stand and asks for one.
The guy making the hotdog looks at him and asks "what would you like on it, onions, salad, sauce?"
The budha calmly replies "Make me one with everything"

feel better sir?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I do, that was pretty great.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
A teacher stands in front of a classroom and says "for a point on your finals answer me this, which was the greatest man of all?"

- the budhist replies, budha of course
- the muslim replies, it was mohamed
- the hindu replies, it was jesus

The teachers gives the hindu an extra point on his finals at which point the hindu says "it was krisha of course, but business is business".

I was talking to a friend of mine after taking a swim, all of a sudden one of our mates entered the room with his hands held up into the air shouting "I HAVE THE BODY OF A GREEK GOD!".
I made a hand signal to my mate, took him into a corner of the room and had to explain to him that the buddha is not from greece.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
DarthSki44 wrote:
Of course nothing in life is risk free, and Male predators can go after anyone, regardless of level of fame. That goes without saying.

The risks just goes up the more you make yourself available.

She could have easily shut this down, and made light of it if she wanted. Saying "no you freaks cant buy my bath water, wtf!" in a humourous way probably would have been the better course to at least set some boundaries for the chat/subscribers.

Every stream should be somewhat controlled by the streamer, who is responsible for the content and environment they are presenting. (Take Quin and Mathil chat for example if you follow PoE streaming) Night and Day.

Again I just think this is a dangerous precedent to set for her "fans", and if she truly does understand what she is doing, then its grossly irresponsible. I actually hope it's more being naive, than dangerously greedy.

Lucky for her, there are far better targets for predators. No danger present.
Ah yes, "it could never happen to me" syndrome.

The invincibility of youth.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ah yes, "it could never happen to me" syndrome.

The invincibility of youth.

I've got "it's all gonna happen to me, but I'ma fucking tank it." syndrome.

The invincibility of me.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ah yes, "it could never happen to me" syndrome.

The invincibility of youth.

Explain how selling bathwater puts her to more of a risk than all the literal Twitch thots. Better have a good reasoning too.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Ah yes, "it could never happen to me" syndrome.

The invincibility of youth.

Explain how selling bathwater puts her to more of a risk than all the literal Twitch thots. Better have a good reasoning too.

Both of your claims are true/false at the same time.

Predators come in all forms and sizes and find different kinds of weakness attractive.

But i tend to agree that she already stepped into the "extra exposure" frame the moment she decided to become a twitch celeb etc.
I don't think this feet sort of heightens that exposure threat.

Her audience will become larger and with that the fringe of weirdo's in it. But anything increasing her audience size would have that effect.

I mean a bunch of people in here seem to act like this is a first time thing and compretely reprehensible.

I think they never heard about relics.

Go do a quick search about the amount of pieces of hair or skin from celebs is going around on the web currently.(current age relics)

Simply relics of the new secular religion of me myself and i and these bottles filled with bathwater will just be another.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
"better things".
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
Last edited by ghamadvar on Jul 10, 2019, 2:05:50 PM

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