[3.9] Dual-wield Ahn's Might Cyclone Slayer | Off Meta | League Starter | Endgame | All Content |

n3crophagia wrote:
Utharam wrote:
PoB claims that on CWDT Setup Punishment 5 gives more DPS than Vulnerability 5 (81k vs 54k on my setup). Would be nice to test it out.
Also, -% Phys Dmg reduction seems to be a lot nicer bonus than Maim (already provided by Flesh and Stone) and Bleed (DPS too low to even consider)

Also, regarding gem slots to be filled - Cast on Death / Portal == nice QoL improvement :)

(EDIT: 81k vs 54k were numbers with Shaper set as an enemy. When facing normal enemy, numbers are 208k vs 144k + 5k bleed. Still in favor of Punishment)

When I read this I just realized how interesting seems Punishment gem for this build. Anyone who has more experience with this, can also say his statements?

Just tested it yesterday, and it's not as good as I originally thought.

It makes the mobs grant you the buff on their melee hit, not when you hit them, and that happens very rarely.

Vulnerability is more consistent for clearing. I don't know how that looks against bosses, though.
donaldtroll wrote:
zorrock wrote:
Ok, so I've changed some things around, in-game I'm res overcap. But 4.5k hp is a pain in the. . .

Is there a way to be tankier in any way ? I just fall on my face on T14 maps :(

most of your gear is pretty decent, but that helm is really really quite terrible

22 life and very low resists!! buy a better one for 2c or reroll the one you have if you want to keep the lab enchant

also, what level are you? I am at 5950 life at level 94

I'm 92 right now. My HP is dog-poop. I will be looking into the armour (elder sun) and helmet (heard Rat's Cage) upgrades this weekend.
hi, i'm just playing and i'm trying this build, i have to say it is very resistant
but what I don't understand is that they are at 82, 3 ascendency out of 4 made, anh's + 30% max dps 375/380 more than this they cost 4/5 exalt and I have just started, I can't buy them, and having almost the same items, maximum arrival 60 65k dps using the warbanner etc .. so I don't understand where I'm wrong, I still have to buy 2 3 jewel, so I would like to understand thanks for the answers
xalbion wrote:
hi, i'm just playing and i'm trying this build, i have to say it is very resistant
but what I don't understand is that they are at 82, 3 ascendency out of 4 made, anh's + 30% max dps 375/380 more than this they cost 4/5 exalt and I have just started, I can't buy them, and having almost the same items, maximum arrival 60 65k dps using the warbanner etc .. so I don't understand where I'm wrong, I still have to buy 2 3 jewel, so I would like to understand thanks for the answers

Dude, My Ahn's Mights have just 370+ PDPS and they cost 1 ex each. 375/380 are toppest of the top, and the price is not worth it I have to say

Finish the Uberlab and get Brutal Fervour ASAP. I hit a plateau at t11 maps before I finished the uberlab, and the difference before and after was huuuuuuge.

Get your 6L Armor (I wonder why u didn't get it yet), ideally with -15 to mana cost and some life so you can replace your Praxis. It will cost you 2ex but I say it's worth the price

Cap your Lightning res!!! Especially when you convert some of phys damage taken into lightning damage

Get better amulet and annoint it (look for + life, resists, + crit multi or + phys damage)

Edit: You are also missing the easily accessible jewel sockets (those with +10 STR next to them) and Dismembering wheel (allocating it will give u 20% more dps). Drop the Dazzling Strikes wheel and Forceful Skewering cluster (for the moment) to get those.

Also, why no vaal pact? If you are scared about your HP, just plop in a life flask in your setup (seething / bubbling / panicked)

Edit 2: Also, your crafts are awful
Last edited by Utharam on Jan 24, 2020, 9:47:58 AM
Do I still need - mana cost on rings if I have it on the body armour?
https://pastebin.com/R1srWu8Z if someone is interested in my twisted version
MateoWarrior wrote:
Do I still need - mana cost on rings if I have it on the body armour?

Leap slam isn't socketed in your chest. So you probably will need reduced mana cost on one ring.
leap is supposed to be linked with blood magic so it doesnt take mana in the first place
Brummel2010 wrote:
MateoWarrior wrote:
Do I still need - mana cost on rings if I have it on the body armour?

Leap slam isn't socketed in your chest. So you probably will need reduced mana cost on one ring.

But... My leap slam doesn't even cost mana...
MateoWarrior wrote:
Brummel2010 wrote:
MateoWarrior wrote:
Do I still need - mana cost on rings if I have it on the body armour?

Leap slam isn't socketed in your chest. So you probably will need reduced mana cost on one ring.

But... My leap slam doesn't even cost mana...

You only need Reduced Mana for the Cyclone.

Leap Slam uses Blood Magic.
Blood Rage (at least in my setup) uses Blood Magic.
Ancestral Warchief uses 10 mana (and is thus still castable with mana). Vaal Ancestral Warchief uses no mana.

So, if you have -15 to mana cost on your body armor, you can remove - mana cost from rings (or get rid of Praxis)
Last edited by Utharam on Jan 25, 2020, 1:42:24 AM

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