Temporal Chains is OP with Permanent Curses
" Hey no problem, it was my pleasure to have a one sided debate with you. :) |
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I didn't say I want it fixed. I myself played with more than 10 diferent characters. All of them were using temporar chains and stomping other temp. chains users. You obviously speak theoreticly only cause your example of 20 seconds imnunity with flasks shows it clearly. I don't even understandand why are you trying to say something without even trying it out? Do you think that most people are stupid and does not know all or at least many options how to deal with temporar chains, and starves for your starter explanations about getting enough atack speed / cast speed (by the way getting high cast speed just to counteract temp chains limits your build tremendeously)?
And I adapt to it very well, I don't have any problems, but there are builds that can not adapt to it very well. Don't take it as offense though, no negative feelings. Just a bit pissed of by people that say that everything is unbalanced or those who say everything is balanced - just find a way around it... Its not possible that something can be completely unbalanced or balanced. So, first we have to come to understanding if perma temp. chains is too much op or not compared to other things. General thoughts why it is not OP: 1) you can cast temp chains on oponent yourself, even though not permanent but still. 2) you can have some (generally limited) imunity from flasks. 3) you can emphasize speed on your build instead of damage 4) you can chill your enemy making him equally slow without curse even (in case he does not chill you back) General thoughts why it is OP: 1) It never expires unless you have decent flasks (though sacrificing other good mods on flasks for imunity to curses) 2) combined with chill, it slows you too much 3) chain freeze/stun builds completely destroys you with temp chains if you dont have immunity to freeze/stun 4) It's so easy to recast (very high cast speed) it after imunity to curse finishes. Or no cooldown preventing it from recasting just after imunity was used. 5) limits build variety forcing you to use temp chains yourself. And from these and some other pros and cons we should make some conclusions. In my eyes, in low level pvp, perma curse is quite fair in the sense that a witch/templar has to invest so many points to get perma curse that it has to be worth it. On merciless pvp it seems to be stronger, especially 3-5 perma curses. But since it's almost completely countarable with most builds I don't see much sense to change it in anyway just yet, especially when other more broken things has to be adressed: bear trap, multiple flickers, insane dps of certain bulds/chain freeze/stun. The only thing I don't like about it is - limiting build variety, generally forcing you to use temp. chains yourself + have loads of imunity flasks. If I would have to change it, I would simply divide it into two curses: one to slow movement speed, another to slow atack/cast speed. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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" Good Points. TY. IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
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I'm not a fan of temp chains being a 'required' skill to have on your hotbar, but permachains can be dealt with. It's all about timing: you need to get a chains on them and then find a good moment to pop your immunity flask (hopefully you have multiple of these), and finish them in that duration.
I may be biased because I play a high dps build though, and I can finish a fight in the 5s of curse immunity. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Mar 17, 2013, 7:32:05 PM
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