Temporal Chains is OP with Permanent Curses

Temporal Chains is OP with Hex Master (Permanent Curses) I think it should be reduced by 25% effectiveness in PvP. Its even more OP when paired with chill.

IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage#3413 on Mar 16, 2013, 10:24:55 PM
No, it isn't at all... Just get a flask with immunity to curses.
Current best dueler: SlowAndSteadyFisting
Suspended wrote:
No, it isn't at all... Just get a flask with immunity to curses.

Wrong even with flasks its still OP with Freeze + Temporal Chains.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Suspended wrote:
No, it isn't at all... Just get a flask with immunity to curses.


Ok, then il just recast it... Over and over.. YOu can't win and you won't catch me.

Wehn i see posts like this i can't help its just someplayer who enjoys using it and doesn't wnat it nerfed for pvp.
Ya I know I have 5 Flasks they last me the first 2 rounds because a player recasts it over and over and over. PLEASE FIX TEMPORAL CHAINS FOR PVP
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
My thoughts on Temp Chains

Very powerfull in pvp arena. Although there are ways around it.

1-Flasks granting immunity to curses, if you have 4-5 seconds for each flask. Assuming you have 5 flasks that gives you anywhere from 20-25 seconds of nonstop curse immunity. And assuming you have the quality at 20% on each flask to give you the full 25 seconds of curse free movement.

--timed correctly you have more than enough time to make your move while your flask is active.
And therefore your flasks will recharge with each kill.

2- Cast speed & Attack speed, knowing full well that temp chains is a problem planning a build that is built around cast speed & attack speed is probably a wise move if the flask immunity is not enough for you.

-- Lets assume that the enemy your going up against has a 20% quality temp chains, which combined with level 20 temp chains = 44% reduction in movment, attack, and cast. But the most important issue here in my opinion is probably the attack speed, or cast speed. Movement can be easily attained through gear. So getting as close to that 44% to cancelling the effect of temp chains would be the wisest option. Because at very least you want to PLAN AHEAD as if your anticipating to come across temporal chains.

In conclusion, if you plan a build without planning every step in advance including temp chains you will more than likely fail. This is probably the best advice or strategy that I myself used towards temp chains including my build. And I have come out on top almost every time. That being said I don't believe there is one ability "other than bear trap, but bear trap is beyond reasoning at this point" that can't be countered. Hopefully you take my advice and make the best build you can.

That being said, thank you for reading.

Last edited by BringYourFriends#3692 on Mar 16, 2013, 7:46:55 PM
Health pots only gives 1 second imunity generally not 4-5 cause it works only as long as you are healing, at full life imunity disapears. Only silver and granite flasks gives good time of imunity.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
Ramanuga wrote:
Health pots only gives 1 second imunity generally not 4-5 cause it works only as long as you are healing, at full life imunity disapears. Only silver and granite flasks gives good time of imunity.

Then you have to sacrifice health for control. Risk vs reward, take your pick.
That is really not possible cause archer gets 2 shoted by most builds, and the only thing that allows to take bit more hits is instaheal on low life potions. Giving up those would mean insta death. Things like Geofry, facebreaker, some dual striking crushes any archer so hard.
Melee vs melee is one thing but there are many other builds/styles. Not only melee is supposed to be able to pvp.
A melee can use remove curse and instantly flicker near oponent dealing damage, while archer even after getting imunity can't hit unless he switches to weapon and becomes a melee (to be able to flicker). and that is again melee vs melee, where it is gear check, and if gear is similar, then flask check, and if that is similar, then flask timing, which requeres some skill.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
Ramanuga wrote:
That is really not possible cause archer gets 2 shoted by most builds, and the only thing that allows to take bit more hits is instaheal on low life potions. Giving up those would mean insta death. Things like Geofry, facebreaker, some dual striking crushes any archer so hard.
Melee vs melee is one thing but there are many other builds/styles. Not only melee is supposed to be able to pvp.
A melee can use remove curse and instantly flicker near oponent dealing damage, while archer even after getting imunity can't hit unless he switches to weapon and becomes a melee (to be able to flicker). and that is again melee vs melee, where it is gear check, and if gear is similar, then flask check, and if that is similar, then flask timing, which requeres some skill.

There are other ways around this problem. But yet you choose not to take it. Therefore I don't have any sympathy or even positive feedback to you at this point because the reason you are unwilling to adapt to the current problem is because you are in short, stubborn.

You want it "fixed" but unwilling to change your build & you complain that you might have to rework your spec, your wasting your own time, and mine.

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