0.10.3b Patch Notes

Fluttershypony wrote:
rampagingrabbit wrote:
Fluttershypony wrote:
Great, now remove the death penalty or drop it to 2-3% and endgame should be set.

Then we can focus on the "only 3 builds are good" problem.

Comeon, you just need to read the forums to see there are heaps of good builds!

90% of the guides were made by people who aren't even 80 and ended up quitting cause they sucked ass.

EK/pulse/summoner = good.

nerfed LA/"viable" builds = below average

Everything else = enjoy the -15% exp

Cleave based builds? Fire Witches? Lightning Witches/Templars? Lightning Strike Templar/Shadows? Crit/Dagger Shadows? Elehit/SplitArrow Rangers? Dualwield Rapier Duelist/Ranger/Shadows?

Come on, there's loads of fun and differing builds that work really well. As for the most efficient builds, well, they will have their time, and then eventually their time will be over and we'll move to the next "Best builds."
At least DESYNC is the real matter now a day's
Listen to my Music !
Fluttershypony wrote:
rampagingrabbit wrote:
Fluttershypony wrote:
Great, now remove the death penalty or drop it to 2-3% and endgame should be set.

Then we can focus on the "only 3 builds are good" problem.

Comeon, you just need to read the forums to see there are heaps of good builds!

90% of the guides were made by people who aren't even 80 and ended up quitting cause they sucked ass.

EK/pulse/summoner = good.

nerfed LA/"viable" builds = below average

Everything else = enjoy the -15% exp

Think you're confusing guides with theory crafting you dummy.

Yes there's many threads of theoretical builds that get posted but I tend to agree that it's to consider it a guide until it's been proven workable in practice...and lvl80 is a fair enough number for evidence of success of otherwise.
OB: BazzVone - 83 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI and minions
CB: BazzVfourteen - 80 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI
CB: BazzVtwo - 73 Dual Spork Totem/LS Templar
CB: BazzVseven - 76 Lightning Strike Mara
CB: BazzVfive - 78 Lightning Strike Mara
Ran maps for about 2 hours after this patch went live, these were Alchemy'd maps with 60%+ quantity, felt exactly the same and nothing noticeable with regards to better drop rates for higher level maps. I know 2 hours is nothing really, but it was about 7 or 8 maps in that time period and I expected to notice something in even a few.

When the patch says higher level maps, does it mean the 74+ ones, so meaning 69-73's still have crappy drop rates? Or does higher level just mean higher level than the map you're running? So if you're running 69's, 70's should have a slightly better drop rate?
Last edited by xAjido#2413 on Mar 14, 2013, 2:54:21 AM


Love this game. It turned me into a fan of ARPG's. Thx GGG. You're GGGrrreeeaaaat!
darkmark009 wrote:
Could you guys look into fixing the minion targeting glitch? Ever since the patch that disabled targeting minions, it sometimes affects other things too, like npcs, chests, doors, everything. Both minions and totems cause it to happen.

Would this be...when the object/NPC doesn't highlight but you can still interact by clicking the name tag only?

If so, this started only with 0.10.3, for me, and is really common.
Casually casual.

IceLancerSR wrote:
*Increased the drop rate of Maps in non-Map areas.

yeah..i can say i am not feeling this
5th run on docks with lvl79 and 222 iir and no maps

13th run on Lunaris Temple and Piety only got 1 lv 66 map lol. I think they did Increased 0.0001% drop rate. atleast they have do something for us lol. Good job GGG
I had 2 maps drop tonight in under an hour. Compared to before when maps never dropped. RNG is RNG though, after those 2 maps I got nothing for the rest of the night.

So much for removing the giant dick from Cyclone's mouth.
Can't say I've noticed any difference in map drops in or out of maps.

But, that was refreshing. No doubt there has been a tweak, just not the type of 'tweak with two sledge hammers' that is the sad trend in game development these days where nerfs and buffs are seldom any less than doubled/halved.
Casually casual.

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