[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Jombagoda wrote:
How do you get your ballistas to do boss killing damage? I've just slotted my siege ballista in and they do almost no damage compared to me.

I'm also wondering how you were able to do the blood aquaduct with just ballistas and plague bearer. The ballistas won't ramp up plague bearer, right?

Admittedly I know about as much as Jon Snow about the intricacies of this game. Disclaimer: I don't have all the pieces of the build yet, namely the bow.

Can you link your build? It is probably either low levels or no added chaos damage
hi, i am stumped trying to get 5green and 1blue on the 6L covenant, any advise?
really enjoy your build over the last few leagues, can you help take a look at my pob where i am missing the dps, i am not using the covenant at moment.

thanks very much

Ok so the build is insanely giga buffed and poison is probably just straight up broken now with temp chains without curse reduction. And the new mini petrified blood flask is sick too. And onslaught now scales from flask effect. So yea, this league is going to be great.
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Voltaxic rift is now better than darkscorn isnt it?
Does this build get much from the Onslaught buff?
Strm88 wrote:
Voltaxic rift is now better than darkscorn isnt it?

Do not looks stronger to me at all. And you wont reach any reasonable amount of shock with 15k avg hit on SA.

Skip511 wrote:
Does this build get much from the Onslaught buff?

Most likely, now its rly nice flask for pathfinder
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You gonna make 3.20 update? Seems like i would love to play SA again.
M3zus wrote:
You gonna make 3.20 update? Seems like i would love to play SA again.

Yep, just gonna wait for PoB to update most likely. I wanted to plan around the new flask too but its apparently uber drop so for now I think I will leave current flask setup and then maybe later I will update guide for that as well.
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So so far this is new pob (also adjusted SA counter because of the shotgunning nerf/bug). Almost DPS capped on ubers :d

And its still pretty high even when not focused

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3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum League Update

- Removed Flesh and Stone and Supreme Ego to make space for Malevolence reserved on mana
- Replaced Divine Blessing Malevolence with Malevolence reserved on mana
- Added Despair and Temporal Chains triggered with Focus mod on helmet or Arcanist Brand on starter setup to freed up sockets from Divine Blessing removal
- Removed Covenant from starter setup as it is fairly rare
- Starter setup is now using Praxis to solve mana issues before Eldritch helmet and flask effect
- Added back Blood Rage again and removed Berserk (you can still swap those back if you prefer)
- Slightly adjusted trees to grab more Suppression from tree
- Added level 95 tree
- Switched pantheon gods to Brine King and Garukhan
- Removed unique jewels that are no longer in game
- Added second Circle of Nostalgia as curse on hit ring is no longer needed as it was nerfed and self cast is now much better
- TLDR: DPS is now basically doubled, slight loss in survivability, more qol as we dont need to cast Divine Blessing anymore
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