🍪🍪 <CÒOKIE> Cookie Squad ● Settlers ● English ● Casual/Friendly ● Discord ● PC ● Guild Tabs 🍪🍪

IGN: DuelStormRider
Total playtime according to steam 596 hours, but still a noob tho. Finally got to tier 10 maps :P

I would be interested to be part of your guild!

I have been playing since Breach. Often play 2 months per league and generally get to T15 maps. Currently trying to get to kill uber elder by myself.

IGN: SublimesOscillations
I'm online now for a bit, feel free to pm me.
Sadly, we only got 1 slot left for whoever pm's me I don't know if we'll get more slots for a bit but if we do I will update the post.
Guild is now full!
We have 2 open slots!
Hit me up! LF bois to do diff rotas with.
IGN: PhysicalAndEmotional
How Long You've Been Playing PoE?: Since end of breach league
We have 2 slots open! I'll be online all day.
We now have 3 open slots!

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