Failed to init FMOD system error code 51 (fixed it, audio config files was the issue)

PachiZ wrote:
Sorry guys, didn't realize this thread had more posters. I fixed the error by simply turning my audio receiver on. It seems that somehow before the patch, if you somehow start your game in any different way, you would get this error. I believe the FMOD error has something to do with audio (as my google search indicated). By turning on my audio receiver and enabling the audio that linked to my configuration files, it worked. The game will still not launch if I try to play without my audio receiver turned on. It is weird I know.

I believe a possible fix may be to erase the production_config file that stores all of your saved settings in the UI panel in game. You will then have to redo all your settings. I had to do this before when the game kept starting in windowed mode instead of full screen. I am using the standalone client as well.

Hope this helps, and sorry I didn't post earlier.

I am using the steam version here. The Error occured and I first thought it's PoE, but then I checked other sounds or started a Song from WMP. WMP said he is broken, equally to the song, youtube gave no sound and so I am not sure if it is a PoE issue or a general issue with win 7 again.

How I solve it. Restarting the Computer
I'm playing on PC on Philips TV, when I turn on Netflix app, tv is going into dolby audio mode and in this mode i get FMOD error. Terminating Netflix process and turning tv off/on fixed it for me.
no ggg response on why this keeps happening?
Hi guys,
The problem can still occur as of 29.07.2024

For me this is how it occured:
- for some reason my windows audio setup is broken and I cannot use the "normal audio" via audio kable.
- However, the usb headset works. So I was using that.
- Started the pc and game with the headset unplugged caused the error.
- Replugging in the headset solved the issue.

SO it seems that the games doesnt like when some setting in the game settings (audio in this case) are invalid because the audio device cannot be found.

Solutions are:
- Fix your audio
- alternatively delete all your saved settings as described in a previous post.
Disable audio device in Windows
Start POE
Can confirm ran into this several times with Poe where the game won’t start, launcher flat out crashes or crashes with this fmod error (first time I got the error), all of these can be due to some weirdness in sound settings, check your default communication device, make sure it’s the correct one, mine seem to switch around somehow every now and then and cause this to happen.
Once OP mentioned it was audio it was pretty easy for me to fix. I had just updated so windows of course changed my default sound devices because fkin windows. Anyway, I use Voicemeeter Potato so I'm assuming this is what caused the problem because as soon as I switched my default audio devices back to my VM input/output everything was fine.

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