[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy
I'm quite in impasse.
" " Should I change to Slayer, when I even get 1shot by anything on Champion? I don't feel that tankiness at all :/ |
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" I would stay with linked Main(better % than lvl1 on armor). |
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" This guy has all the crafts unlocked : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 I am also surprised that so many people are not using healing flasks in the build. Even with overleech you need a healing flask in well rolled high tiered maps at least. |
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That's the plan :) Guildie with the unlock wasnt on when I was. Will have it sorted soon. Need to fix the implicit and then divine as well.
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" so hey.. whatya want for that ring :)))) Silsamazing - lvl 100 Witch
SilAndTheVortex - lvl 100 Occultist |
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lovin this build !
this dps is insane like holding 2sec cyclone shaper and everything gets one shotted (atlas 155/159 without problems) Uber Elder was ez too Goal now Headhunter :D and having some fun clearing legions switching sometimes to for ultimate wide screen clear :D |
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what are your thoughts about Molten Shell as our guard skill and not using Immoral Call while playing the tanky (Iron Reflexes) version? |
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Just wanted to post the results of my first ever proper crafting experience in POE.
For first time, i think iam happy with the result, if POB shows correct DPS for it, its 416 DPS. Now just back to farming so i can make another one like this, hehe. p.s. Thats was about 400~ alts + 2 anulls + costs of crafts (had all the crafts unlocked my self). |
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Thank you very much Szynima for this guide. My Slayer is doing great, but I have a question. I kind of converted another build which was similar to this to yours, respecced most of the tree to get close to your Slayer build. BUT, on the Slayer ascendancy, I have Overwhelm instead of Endless Hunger. My question is, is Endless Hunger essential to the build or can I get by by not respeccing? If it's really important I will go ahead and respec, but if it's not a huge deal I may just stay put.
Thanks again for the guide! |
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" Correct. I haven't been finding Bronn's is that essential. This builds DPS is crazy, and basically insta phases Uber Elder/Shaper. The only reason to want MORE dps is to try and up boss kills in timeless encounters. But Belly gives us a SUBSTANTIAL amount more HP " Temple mod is better late game, at high level when we've taken a lot of %max hp nodes. Early on in this build, it is sort of more glass cannony, so I like belly to pad the gap until I get to lvl 95 or so. Also, Temple mod is substantially worse than delve. You want a level 1 maim + -15 mana cost with +max life and %max life fossil crafted plate. Temple mod would be for 2H builds that can use their 6L wep for their cyclone setup. " Well put it this way, you need to be comparing Brutal Fervour AND Endless Hunger to Bane of Legends AND Overwhelm. Even if you just compare Brutal Fervour to Bane of Legends, Bane of Legends gives us vastly better clear speed. The 20% culling strike on Bane functions just like a 25% MORE damage multiplier would (1 / 1.25 = 0.8). And the 20% attack speed is better than the 15% in maps. Vs bosses, we don't get the attack speed, but 15% attack speed and 50% increased damage is still worse than 25 % MORE damage. Not to mention the 20% move speed makes us zoom zoom better :) So I'd argue Bane is just outright better than Brutal Fervour. Then when you additionally consider that we get to take Overwhelm instead of useless Endless Hunger as well, which Overwhelm (depending on crit rolls) can be anywhere from like a 5 to 50% MORE crit chance. Which is nuts. So I don't think it is particularly close. If you think Brutal Fervour is really good, read up on more vs increased in PoE. Bane is a more multiplier. Brutal is an increased. The former will be a lot bigger DPS boost. Brutal has lots of big numbers on it, but they are all "increased" numbers. Which given that this build already has a substantial amount of increased damage, adding even 50 additional increased multiplier isn't a huge impact on our dps. The main reason Brutal Fervour is good is because the life leech would carry on between mobs, allowing you to constantly offset degen and the like. So it is arguably the most important part of the node. You are correct that we lose the 6% reduced damage taken though. But arguably the higher DPS and -% to enemy crit multiplier should function in a defensive way for us, since we are killing bosses faster and taking less crit damage. " All crit nodes on the tree are still very useful! And stuff like Assassin's Mark, +%crit on shaper armor, etc. is all still good! The only spot where it matters is on the weapon itself, you would no longer want %increased crit chance, as that influences the base crit and would get overwritten. So with Overwhelm, the ideal multi-crafted mods would be added phys, increased phys, hybrid, attack speed, crit multiplier, multiple crafter mods. No need for crit chance anymore which lets us get attack speed :) Btw, made this fun bad boy last night! With Soul Tether, it is effectively a +110 HP ring and free cyclone, plus of course OP assassin's mark Last edited by Linkinator#7126 on Jun 18, 2019, 1:46:46 PM
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